“ENTREE - MAIN COURSE - DESSERT” “Sales Funnels” can bring your Twitter marketing strategy campaign to life. Here’s a quick & handy “HOW TO” guide!! These days, having a strategy behind your every move is...

“ENTREE - MAIN COURSE - DESSERT” “Sales Funnels” can bring your Twitter marketing strategy campaign to life. Here’s a quick & handy “HOW TO” guide!! These days, having a strategy behind your every move is...
“TWEET IN TWENTY MINUTE CHUNKS” MAKING TWITTER DOABLE!! Twitter really is as an AMAZING marketing tool and it doesn’t have to suck up huge amounts of your time. I advise people to “TWEET IN TWENTY MINUTE CHUNKS”. If you can’t...
MEASURE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE My biggest Twitter tip for newbies is this: Don’t get obsessed with how many followers you have - Focus on connections. So, how can you measure whether someone’s social media influence is legitimate and not...
TWITTER CHATS - A FANTASTIC TIME SAVER If I mentioned chatting on Twitter, you might just find yourself scratching your head. We all know how fast-paced Twitter can be (remember, 9k tweets are made every second). As business owners, we can’t be online all the time...
HASHTAGS (#) The Magical Ingredient On Twitter When celebrities such as Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon start talking about something, you know it’s big. The duo made a very cool video about Twitter hashtags that was so successful they decided to make a sequel. So...
SAVE TIME BY SCHEDULING YOUR TWEETS Tweeting live is always better if you can manage it, but we’re also real human beings and we need to eat, sleep and enjoy downtime with our loved ones because that’s what life is really all about! One of the...
HOW TO TWEET YOUR WAY TO GLOBAL SUCCESS How Far Did Your Tweets Travel? The most common question I get these days is: How do I get more followers? Don’t get me wrong, it’s important to generate followers but is not everything. Followers are one thing but solid, good...
HIT THE GROUND RUNNING WITH TWITTER Getting Your Twitter Marketing Right From The Start!! So, we’re up to part three of Crack the Twitter Code and we’ve covered the bare basics, so now let’s delve more into getting your marketing mix right. Be The Resource - Not The...
BUILD YOUR STRONG ONLINE FOUNDATIONS FIRST Before You Start Your Twitter Marketing!! (1) Your Website (This is “Home Base”) (2) Your Blog (A Place To Tell Your Story) (3) Your Free “Teaser” (Builds Trust & Momentum) ...
GETTING STARTED ON TWITTER A while back now, I developed a series of podcasts with Annemarie Cross all based around “CRACKING” the Twitter code. Part 1 is all about this idea: Do you need to promote yourself and your products? Well Twitter may just be...