Getting Your Twitter Marketing Right From The Start!!
So, we’re up to part three of Crack the Twitter Code and we’ve covered the bare basics, so now let’s delve more into getting your marketing mix right.
Be The Resource - Not The Salesperson
This is Twitter 101 but you’d be surprised as to how many people immediately try to sell you something after connecting with them. Don’t become another number! You wouldn’t walk up to someone on the street and ask them to buy a product or service of yours straight up. So why do people do it on social media? Whenever I’m mentoring someone, I ask them to think of their page as a content rich source for others to land on. Whatever industry you’re involved in, fill up your Twitter feed with content that’s engaging, share worthy and informative. Not sales pitch after sales pitch!!
Get Your Bio Right & Add An Image
How many times have you been interested in a Tweet, only to go fishing for more information and land on a profile that’s completely empty? People are busy. If you don’t have the information they’re seeking at the touch of their fingertips, they’re not going to Google you. They’ll lose interest very quickly. Any good bio clearly establishes what you do and includes a link to your website or a page people can learn about you, and a good profile image. Not comfortable with having a photo of yourself online? That’s all well and good but remember, Twitter isn’t Facebook. If you’re a life coach with a profile picture of you and your dog sharing ice cream on a sunny Sunday afternoon… see where I’m going with this? Whatever image you use, make sure it represents you and your brand. Statistics prove those with a professional image on their profile, generate more followers and increased engagement compared to those who drive people to a blank page.
Share - Share - Share - Then Ask
Twitter is the information network… it’s all about building your community of people, connections and sharing useful content. Chances are, regardless of the industry you work in, you’ve got a lot of friends on Twitter. Share their content… share content you really like. The 80/20 rule really works… this means that 80 per cent of the time, you’re sharing other people’s Tweets. That remaining 20 per cent is there for you to post a sales-related Tweet. Personally, I like the 10 to 1 ratio… This means that I’ll re-tweet 10 times and share something of my own once. Here’s an example: if you’re a writer, you’d re-tweet 10 pieces of content and then you might promote your upcoming eBook. When you are sharing content, have a good think about what your tribe is interested in. Chances are, that’ll lead you down the right path. For example, I’m renowned by my friends as the Twitter dude but when it comes to videos, I haven’t got a clue. But I do have some good friends who are very good at driving YouTube so when they share posts about making videos, I’m more than happy to re-tweet them. Trust me, this method really works. If you give more than you receive, you’ll eventually see all of the return for your hard work. Want to know how I reached 3 million accounts on one day alone? Get in touch and let’s have a chat.
In the next podcast, we talk a little more about Tweet Reach and how this is ultimately more important than your follower count.
“TWEETING YOUR WAY TO SUCCESS” Crack The Twitter Code!! ((Part 4)) http://t.co/Df1sSLYiWA #CrackTheTwitterCode pic.twitter.com/mh9Qa8crW9
— Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) July 20, 2015
(Free Twitter Marketing eBook)
(Twitter Strategy Sessions – via SKYPE)
The complete 10 part podcast series
Strategy sessions can be created around any of these topics
Crack The Twitter Code
(Download The Transcript Here)
Annemarie Cross: Now back to our special series where every week we are sharing a way that you can promote yourself and your products on Twitter and of course, we’ve got Keith Keller who is one of our global business partner, and he’s also known as the Global Twitter Marketing Specialist.
Keith Keller: This is so great what we are doing here, I’m so proud we’re mixing up all our experiences. We’ve been working to get it a long long time and we gonna have a really brilliant product here, a really brilliant idea that are these 10 parts, haven’t we?
AMC: We have. They really do build. One builds on another. And so people really need to go and listen to the first two episodes of this special series because that’s going to give you an overview of Twitter and of course the Keith’s things that they need to have in place. And today, what are you talking about?
KK: I want to hit the ground running and give you some staff. We are gonna talk about 5 tips for marketing, some basics I worked through them and then I come back.
Be a resource, not a salesperson. That is the lesson in itself. So many people do what they want. The idea of riding a strong bio, the idea of adding a nice photo, the idea of the 80-20 rule: “it’s not all about you”. Twitter really is the Information Network and people love getting information about what’s going on. Some of them can be yours of course but that’s also really great to build community around the idea of we are all sharing each other goodies as well. We all are awesome people, especially people in the coaching sphere and in the speaking sphere. We often do these multi speaker events and on each other radio shows or even writing forward and sharing the load with books. We all know lots and lots of great people.
AMC: Yeah, absolutely. The tip N°1 that you’re been sharing “Be a resource, not a salesperson” I think this is so important because how many people do you think are really tarnishing their brand and annoying their followers because all they are doing all day when they are on Twitter is “Buy my book, buy my product, buy this, buy that”. Share a little bit more about why this is just an absolute “NO-NO”.
KK: it’s absolutely Twitter wanna want. We’re all sharing things. We’re consultants, we’re coaches, we’re speakers and we’ve got lots and lots to share. Think about the consumer. The consumer doesn’t want to commit and buy your stuff straight away, they want to know if you’re really good. And they want to know you’re a nice person. We’re like to do business with people that we like. So, by being a resource and not a salesperson, you give the client a chance to get to know you. “Oh he really does know his stuff, and he also share stuff of the Annemarie’s show, he’s got a friend in Boston, he’s got a book, he’s speaking next week, he’s on the radio (etc.). So he’s a really happening dude. I get that, let’s get his book! Well and if you did the reverse “Hello Bill, I know you don’t know me but here is a link to my book!”, why would you do buy it? you sound like a used car salesman.
AMC: you certainly do and of course in an episode, one of this special series, you shared with us Keith that Twitter is the Information Network so it’s a great way to take it cheap, you know snap it. And your book is something you want to promote. But yeah you want to promote but of course you’re not promoting, you’re sharing something that’s helpful, it’s information, it’s useful, and of course if people are really resonated with that and they’re going to want to know more about you.
The next point we’re going to talk about, the tip is about writing a strong bio. I cannot stress how many times I have read someone’s tweets and I’ve thought “Oh that’s might be a really good person to come as a guest on “the ambitious entrepreneur show”” which is another podcast I do. I clicked on their bio and what’s that?
Absolutely nothing. So talk more about why it’s so important.
KK: There are 9000 tweets a second, and 115 million active accounts. If someone does come across your page, because they’ve got a radio show, they’ve got an event, or they think about they might buy your book, and you know you don’t give many things to work with. They are just like with a click straight out because this is plenty of choices. So you wanna say “Okay, I know what I’m talking about and this is what I do.” Please be humble enough to accept that there are people in the world that haven’t heard about you yet. So when some people come to my page I give them a very clear example of what I do and if I interest them, then we start to chat on a conversation, they follow me, I follow come back and we start the process. They’re so many people say “Google me, I can’t be bothered writing a bio” and I’m just thinking “why would I?”. I’m interesting enough to click on your page and maybe I’ve got another 10 or 15 seconds before I’ll go to my others 50 followers that have followed me today, it’s not laziness it’s busyness. We’re all super busy. And eventually we have 10 behind us but I’m on my own person, I do my own twitting, when I offer to help you with your tweets it’s because I want to. And there’s only one and me and I only can do it so many times. The idea of the bio gives me the chance, if you think me as a client, to understand who you are. And most importantly, you’ve got to have a link. You’ve got to have an active working link that allows them to go to your website and say “Ah, that’s what she does!”.
AMC: Yeah. The next point, adding a photo, this is so very important too because if you have a really great bio and a great image there as “Wow” it’s really going to announce you brand. But how many people do you see with the, you know, the existing Twitter bubblehead or egghead ?
KK: There‘re a couple of variances. If you don’t feel comfortable with your head shot, that’s okay, it’s your choice, but I’m guessing if you’re in a public area you gonna have some good quality photos.
There’re a lot of stats around this, a lot of states around the idea that if you have a good quality photo, this is very welcoming, you will get more followers, you will get more engagement. 100% times more than an egg or just a generic photo of you and your dog. That’s okay you can have a photo of you and your dog, if that’s your brand, you in to dogs, I don’t have dogs, but if you’re in to dogs and you want to attract people who really like dogs, that’s okay, that’s your brand. But if you are a speaker, who is just written a book about business acumen, I’m guessing not many people care that you’ve got a dog. They wanna know what they can learn from you and what your book is about. So, the idea of a professional image goes a million miles towards getting more followers. And remember, Twitter is not Facebook, it’s not a place where you share cats and pictures of cakes that you have made in the week-end.
AMC: Tell us a bit more about the idea 80-20 rule okay?
KK: When we talk about Twitter not being about chicken sandwiches and photos at the beach, and especially being about writers and speakers. Most of the people that I know, know other awesome people. Birds of a feather flock together. If you’re a speaker, you know more speakers; if you’re a writer, you know more writers and if you’re a singer you know others singers. I really like you to get into a habbit of tweeting for some of your awesome friends as well, four to one. If you got a book coming out, that’s great. Four to one you’re tweeting about your friend’s book, your friend’s video, your friend’s band or your friend’s TV show and mix it up a bit. There is an alternative which is actually what I personally do which is, if you want to go deep and down the rabbit hole I personally tweet ten to one. This is absolutely maps perfectly over a number of areas.: 10 parts content, one part sales. Those 10 parts could be yours if you are a prolific writer and you blog every day, and I do know people who do this who write a blog every day. Then this is completely acceptable to have 10 parts contents, articles you’ve written, and then once in every 10 posts you can promote your book “hey, I’m giving away my free e-book today or I’m speaking tomorrow so why don’t you come along”.
You’re not bombarding with “buy my book, here is me, I’m speaking tomorrow wouldn’t you come?”. Coz we’re getting sick of that, spam me stuff: But most of people say: have a look Keith and Annemarie sharing good stuff and there is Annemarie’s book, why don’t we get that or Annemarie is speaking tomorrow, why don’t we go.
AMC: Yeah, and I love the way that you’ve said how better are the articles and things like that because as people are reading those tweets you’re showcasing your knowledge, and they’re more likely then to wanna know more because these tweets that you’re sending out and that you’re sharing are just so incredibly weight that they want to know more.
KK: The time that the 10/1 rule works really well when you are very prolific, if you do love writing articles, and you know you’re quite capable of running one a day or in a week, then borrow means using the ten to one articles writing scenario for yourself. But for people like me who hate writing, and you know I don’t get interview on the radio every day, so I like to share other people’s stuff because I like to full my field with useful information even if it didn’t come from me. For example, I love Twitter but I’m not very good at Google +, I don’t know anything about YouTube and I’ve got really good friends in Florida who are actually excellent at making YouTube videos so I share hers stuff all the time. Because my tribe is interested in that.
AMC: And that really fits in the “Share, Share, Share”. That’s the fifth point, isn’t it?
KK: Gary Vaynerchuk says it very very well:
“Give, Give, Give, Then Ask”.
That is my mind trap, that’s the reason for being for me you know. I just hate, in big capital letters, when people spam me. I’m very happy to help, but don’ hit me too hard too early.
AMC: Yeah like “Hi Keith, great to connect. Can you share this for me?” It’s like “hum yeah whatever”.
KK: So I camp for the promise that everyone is awesome and we all want to help each other but give everyone a bit of slack. It’s share share share, then ask. I want to give you a really cool example I’m gonna talk in the next episode about Tweet Reach, this idea that it’s so much about how many followers you have, it’s how many followers you have who is sharing your stuff and what’s the collective reach of all your followers. And one particular that there’re 3 million people who saw my tweet, I have 31 000 followers. So 100 times more people saw my tweets because I’ve been over a really long time sharing lots and lots of stuff. An one particular guy who has 692 000 followers and another guy who has 332 000 followers and this really cool radioman answer who has 2 million followers ; just decide “let’s get Keith a hand today, you’re speaking tomorrow, let’s give him a bit of a leg up.” And we’re all got together. And one particular day, just the stars aligned and 3 million people saw my tweets… because, I help them first. I love that, it’s a real vindication of my position.
AMC: Yes, certainly it is. So it’s really important : be a resource, not a sales person ; have a strong bio and a good photo ; remember the idea 80-20 rule and of course “share share share”. Incredible!
Can’t wait to learn more about Twitter Reach in next week show Thanks once again for sharing your brilliance with us Keith.
KK: No worries, so see you next week.
Sylvia is Keith’s French translator. She’s from Toulouse, in the south of France, but currently living “somewhere in New Zealand” for 10 months. After a Master in Communication & Marketing, she realized that you don’t need to be brave or lucky to travel on your own; but just taking the decision and doing it. So she decided to live her dream: discover a new country, a new language and meet people from around the world.
Fascinated by the power of Social Media throughout her studies, she recognizes that she’s drawn her inspiration for her travels from experiences of others travelers shared online by blogs or Facebook / Twitter accounts, and this is the reason why she’s sharing her experience online as well.
Meeting Keith thanks to others connections and working with him was an amazing opportunity for her to learn more about the REAL Twitter, improve her skills in Social Media and also share about her vision of using Twitter during her travel.
LinkedIn: https://fr.linkedin.com/pub/sylvia-landez/8a/16/870
Twitter: @slandez @KiaOraKaikoura
Blog: www.KaikouraNewZealand.Blogspot.com
(Download The French Translation Here)