Part 1 of a series of interviews with Annemarie Cross
Annemarie Cross (AMC) Now for a really special series, so exciting and we are going to be running this over the next 10 episodes. This special series is for all of you, coaches and consultants, out there listening to the show! Let’s focus on how you can promote yourself and your products using Twitter. With one of our global business partners Keith Keller.
Welcome to the show Keith!!
Keith Keller (KK) Hi! What a great intro! Thank you very much and how groovy is that music?
AMC: I know, I love that! Selected one with a little bit of guitar because I know you actually love that!!
KK: I can feel my 80’s “MOJO” coming back!!
AMC: So Twitter. When you explain to people that I have got a lovely relationship with that, so what are you going to be talking about in today’s show?
KK: Well today, I want to set the all 10 parts up with the idea of “Why Twitter?” because there are 7 social medias sites compelling for your time and 3 blogs platform as well. So if you gonna engage in Twitter I want you to really get it, I really want to you to love it and when you do that you commit you know half an hour day or every few days. It’s quite possible that you might not like it but that’s okay coz there is 6 others choices. But if you want to include Twitter in your Marketing-Mix, these series of episodes is actually going to shank it down and make it doable. And that’s really the big chance that everyone has, isn’t it?
AMC: Oh certainly it is! And I love the way you’ve said you want to chunk it down and really help people to understand how they are using twitter because one of the things that I have identified, and this is something that might be very apparent when you will work with clients, the reason people don’t really like Twitter very much is that they don’t get it, they haven’t taking the time to really learn how it can be benefit for the business. Suddenly we realise the beauty of the relationships that have been built and the connections that have been built out there and when you found it you say okay, I can see how so many people write about this incredible resource.
KK: We all have this experience in life when the light goes on and you go “I just don’t know why I haven’t done this before”. It’s so simple!
But look, let me start with the numbers!!
AMC: Absolutely!!
KK: That’s a very very good reason to start twitter. 645 million accounts, lots and lots of people have multiple accounts, that’s particular number is not that useful but 115 million active accounts. So, 115 million people around the world are using Twitter regularly. So that’s a reason to jump on! So that’s a reason to at least take notice. 2.5 million australians now have a Twitter account. It’s about 12% if your business is centered around Australia, so there are about 2.5 millions of Aussies using Twitter for news, I will talk about that in a minute. But the big step that we really need to talk about, if your market is North America, specifically the US, then 20% of the US Twitter’s users use Twitter “EVERY DAY”.
They just don’t use it occasionally for updates, they’re using it for “NEWS”. And the big story where a lot of people don’t get Twitter and why it’s very important to realize the difference: Twitter is not Facebook! Twitter is not updates with your family and friends and cat videos. Twitter is The Information Network. And once you get that, once you know that they are people around the world who log in to twitter, check Twitter on their phone every day to get the news often hours, but hours before the tele. And somehow you are not gonna sit at 10 am or 6pm at night, you can find it on Twitter straight away within 10 seconds sometimes or at least within half an hour. People love that immediacy, that instantness of Twitter. Once you get used it, thinking of ways you can become the go to resource. If you are a life coach or a coach in a specific genre and you have a book about this particular subject, you want to become the go to resource for that and you probably already have.
Twitter is a great way of getting the message out because people are hungry, people want the go, don’t they?
AMC: They do, they do. And I think it’s good that people spend a little bit of time in learning the differences between each of the social medias platforms because as you’ve just said with “Twitter Is The Information Network” and people are there scanning Twitter for infos so if you want to become known as an expert in your field by sharing quality content you’ll become known as someone who is reliable, who is trustful and who has obviously something good to say. Then you realize that, okay so the content that I gonna sharing on there needs to be very focus on sharing a quality content. And as I said not like on Facebook where we are sharing photos of any of things that you have for breakfast and things like that. Do you find that there are still people who get confused and who are doing things on Twitter that is unfortunately tarnishing their brands?
KK: Well I actually think the biggest stories that people have a “one-stop shop” mentality and use Twitter in the same way that they use Instagram, that they use Google + and in the exact same way that they use Facebook. Each of them is different! Twitter is a very specific animal. It’s very cool for life coachers, speakers, writters, people in the public area. And usually the reason that you use it, it’s because you’ve got a message, you’ve got your mojo, you know exactly what you stand for and you just want to tell as many people as possible because you are so proud that you’ve written a book, you were on the TV, you’ve been interviewed on the radio, you’ve got a speaking guide next week, sometimes all four at once. As we get better and better at what we do, we get those TV interviews, we start our own TV shows, we write a book (etc – etc).
Twitter is just purpose built for that! And a lot of people still using it to share photos of ice creams at the beach… And no one cares about chicken sandwiches and ice creams at the beach! They don’t! I’m afraid they just go. But they do care about your knowledge and if you got a specific subject you are very good at then people will follow you to source that information as a great teaser for book launches, for radio show, for podcasts, it’s also fantastic for sharing You Tube videos.
AMC: Yeah exactly. And one thing coz for those people who are absolutely new to Twitter, Twitter is a microblog so you really only have a limited amount of spaces to be able to share some that contents, some that information. So it’s 140 characters so as you were saying that you can pick a snippet or something that is valuable and share that on Twitter. Then that is going to showcase your knowledge and of course build interests and your reputation in someone who knows what you are talking about in that topic.
KK: I think that is actually the biggest challenge that most people told me.“Keith, 10 words? What am I going to say in 10 words? I’ve just got started.” But, if you think that Twitter is the front page of a newspaper, and you think about headline, or as I like to say the chorus of a song, and you have a 10 words hook which is your headline for your article, how to become the go to leader in your field, it’s a hook that “Oh I want to read that article” and a mark link which take them to your website, and even the website has got a lovely article with 5000 words and Youtube videos and interviews with you on the radio, but you’ve only got 10 words hook to makes it work.
This actually is a “SCIENCE” and that is why I love it.
AMC: Oh yeah wonderful and I know that in the upcoming episode in the special series you are going to be sharing others tips and tools and others strategies to really up leverage so we can really bring a message outband and continue to promote our sales and products.
So Keith, what will you be talking about in the next special series episodes?
KK: Next episode, I want to talk about “laying the foundations”. It’s very very important that you have your mojo before you start on Twitter. Like you’ve got a blog, you’ve got a website, you’ve got an understanding of what you’re standing for. Most importantly if you get on Twitter and you don’t, it’s just a waste of time. I don’t think anything tragic is going to happen, it’s just a waste of time but once you have your mojo – you’ve got a blog, a website, a homebase maybe free teaser like an ebook or videos – you can create miracles really quickly! Because Twitter is just a rocket! So I’m going to talk about laying the foundations in the next episode which is the Part 2!!
AMC: Fantastic! Cannot wait to find out more about how we can lay the foundations and really up leverage of all the promotions that you are doing on Twitter back to our website.
Thanks Keith and we catch up again next week!!
KK: See you next week!!
Annemarie Cross is a Money, Marketing and Mindset Business Coach who supports ambitious women coaches in unearthing and communication their inner brilliance (their brand) so they can boost their credibility, visibility, celebrity and profitability. She guides her clients through Branding, 6-Figure and Money Mindset Breakthrough Secrets programs – helping them stand out from their competitors, build solid business foundations and implement key marketing strategies. She also helps them transform their hours-for-dollars services into lucrative information products and programs so they can get paid what they’re worth, doing what they love. Annemarie has been dubbed: “The Podcasting Queen” by her followers for her weekly, International award-winning podcast – The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show and regularly shares business and marketing tips.