MAKING SOCIAL MEDIA PRODUCTIVE Guest Blog Post By Kara Vaina     We’ve all done it….. browsing Facebook for hours on end, get stuck on twitter scrolling the feed as it continually updates, commenting on posts that aren’t productive, sharing information that isn’t necessarily helpful. So how do you really maximize social media to market your brand successfully, be productive and add value to others?    Sharing - Retweeting - Commenting - Reposting   The best form of branding and marketing on social media is from “sharing, retweeting, commenting, reposting” so the ultimate goal is to produce content that attracts attention for comment. Not everyone is going to agree, like or dislike your content but remember that’s exactly how you engage your listeners, followers and/or subscribers.   Adding value to others is the best way to gain traction on your posts, get people thinking, questioning, engaging and sharing so think of content that is of interest, or you may have experience in that you can share. We all have experience, knowledge and expertise in something so use them to your benefit by sharing your knowledge to give you credibility.    The most effective times to post (….. and the winners are!!)    The most effective times to post are 830am, 1130am and approximately 5pm. Reason being that professionals are starting work, about to take a lunch break and just finishing work, mums have done school drops etc so these are the times to maximize your exposure. Aim to post around these times but in between don’t spend your day scrolling for notifications, browsing your twitter feed etc as this...
TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((The Bacon Podcast)) @BBasilico Interview With Brian Basilico

TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((The Bacon Podcast)) @BBasilico Interview With Brian Basilico

TWITTER MAGIC 123 An Interview With Brian Basilico In Chicago Brian Basilico from The Bacon Podcast in Chicago interviews Twitter specialist Keith Keller in Melbourne about his “TWITTER MAGIC 123” formula for getting more followers & more engagement with your Twitter marketing strategy.  To hear more about Keith’s “TWITTER 123” formula listen to the podcast below: “TWITTER MAGIC 123” 1. FOLLOW FIRST 2. FOLLOW BACK 3. FOLLOW UP To find out more about Brian’s podcasts click on the link below: SOCIAL MEDIA DEMYSTIFIED - GRAB THE FREE eBOOK Check out Brian’s podcast on iTunes and give him a review if you have time (Over 100 Cool Shows Now)   ...


CRACK THE TWITTER CODE - WHY TWITTER?  Part 1 of a series of interviews with Annemarie Cross Annemarie Cross (AMC) Now for a really special series, so exciting and we are going to be running this over the next 10 episodes. This special series is for all of you, coaches and consultants, out there listening to the show! Let’s focus on how you can promote yourself and your products using Twitter. With one of our global business partners Keith Keller. Welcome to the show Keith!! Keith Keller (KK) Hi! What a great intro! Thank you very much and how groovy is that music? AMC: I know, I love that! Selected one with a little bit of guitar because I know you actually love that!! KK: I can feel my 80’s “MOJO” coming back!! AMC: So Twitter. When you explain to people that I have got a lovely relationship with that, so what are you going to be talking about in today’s show? KK: Well today, I want to set the all 10 parts up with the idea of “Why Twitter?” because there are 7 social medias sites compelling for your time and 3 blogs platform as well. So if you gonna engage in Twitter I want you to really get it, I really want to you to love it and when you do that you commit you know half an hour day or every few days. It’s quite possible that you might not like it but that’s okay coz there is 6 others choices. But if you want to include Twitter in your Marketing-Mix, these series of episodes is...
How To Repurpose Your Content (The 3 Rs) Guest Blog Featuring Karen Repoli

How To Repurpose Your Content (The 3 Rs) Guest Blog Featuring Karen Repoli

How To Repurpose Your Content (The 3 Rs) Rewriting - Recombining - Reformatting Rewriting Rewriting means taking a piece of content you created and simply rewording it so that it’s original. This was a common method used in the days when massive article publishing led to good traffic from search engines, but simply rewriting content line-for-line is not so effective these days and doesn’t add new value. The search engines have become more sophisticated and they can tell when a new article is just a rewritten old one. So how do you repurpose your article? Add new information and do some editing as you rewrite.  Now you produced something that’s truly original. You can update your old articles by adding new, more recent information. Also, instead of rewriting a piece line-by-line, you can reorganize it to make it more original. Recombining Recombining means taking two or more different pieces of content and putting them together into one. You can do this and still produce a piece of content that’s focused and simple. For example, if you have three articles on work/life balance, you can create one article that’s something like, “3 Ways to Achieve Work/Life Balance Now.” Along with recombining, you can also take an article apart and create multiple articles from its sections. If you have an article that teaches 10 tips for doing something, you can turn each of those tips into standalone articles. It’s all a matter of adding or removing details. Reformatting Finally, there’s reformatting. Reformatting means to take a piece of content that’s in one format and turn it into a piece of content...
“P.R.I.S.M” Monetising Your Marketing

“P.R.I.S.M” Monetising Your Marketing

“P.R.I.S.M”  Monetising Your Marketing Guest Blog Post By Ian Cleary PEOPLE     You will hear a lot of people saying that the number of fans/followers doesn’t really matter but it actually does!  It matters if you are building a relevant audience. If you’ve got a relevant, growing audience of fans/followers it makes sense that you will get more eyeballs on your content which will result in more clicks and more website visits. Our traffic from Twitter increased by over 100% when we implemented tactics for growing our following.  The revenue on social comes mainly comes from sales on your website and relationships that turn into sales.  You can’t do either without building a relevant audience. If you want to do an analysis of your followers go to analytics. and you’ll see a breakdown similar to the following: To build a good audience you need to be attracting the right type of people with the right type of content.  If you have a good profile audience but poor engagement you are providing the wrong type of content.  If you get great engagement but you’re attracting the wrong audience you won’t be able to mobilize this audience into action.   RELATIONSHIPS     Yes, on social you need to be social!   You need to share your content and also other people’s content.  As you share more of other people’s content they will start sharing yours.  As you engage with more people they will engage more with you.  This leads to more engagement with your content which leads to more traffic.  They are all linked! One good way of building...
Sales Funnels Can Really Bring Your Twitter Marketing Strategy To Life!!

Sales Funnels Can Really Bring Your Twitter Marketing Strategy To Life!!

“ENTREE - MAIN COURSE - DESSERT” “Sales Funnels” can bring your Twitter marketing strategy campaign to life.  Here’s a quick & handy “HOW TO” guide!!   These days, having a strategy behind your every move is absolutely necessary and when it comes to using Twitter as a marketing tool, we’re going to talk about 3 main ideas:  Entrée - Something Free    Here, you offer your fanbase something that’s completely free as a teaser and a way to build trust. For example, I often use an eBook to do this or a podcast series (much like this one). As for Annemarie, she calls this her irresistible giveaway that helps you to become part of someone else’s world. She uses this freebie to build her email database so that she can communicate with people to alert them to anything else she has to offer. Main Course - Something Small   So, your target market has expressed interest in your freebie. It’s time to up the ante slightly with something small and affordable. This product is designed not to be big but to act as a taste test of what’s to come.  I’ve used numerous methods to do this over the years including my Get Found TV series where I partnered up with someone else to help people to navigate their way through the online world.  Here, Annemarie goes with a three-part webinar training series she knows provides her target market with value. Dessert - Something Fancy   Now it’s time for your top-notch offering. Think of flying first class or going to Gold Class at the cinemas. By this point, your...


“TWEET IN TWENTY MINUTE CHUNKS” MAKING TWITTER DOABLE!!     Twitter really is as an AMAZING marketing tool and it doesn’t have to suck up huge amounts of your time. I advise people to “TWEET IN TWENTY MINUTE CHUNKS”. If you can’t squeeze those chunks into one day (ideally, you should be spending an hour each day on Twitter), break them up over the coarse of one day or three days. Adapt the following solution to whatever suits you and you won’t look back. It’s all very VERY easy.   (1) Thank people who have followed and/or retweeted you    This falls into my social media 101 guide. Check who’s taken the time to follow and retweet you since the last time you jumped on. From there, thank them with a direct message or however you’d like to and follow them back. I tend to cherry pick from the list so I’ll focus on the people related to what I do. Think of a networking event: what’s more useful? Running around a room and handing 1000 business cards quickly to everyone within your reach. Or, making the time to make a few solid connections and working on the relationships with the most potential? Remember, Twitter is all about engagement. If your mobile or home phone rang, what would you do? You’d pick it up… social media is no different. Ignoring people isn’t likely to get you any brownie points.   (2) Actively follow cool people   Now when I say this, I mean actively follow people who haven’t yet followed you back. While you might think you’re the star...


MEASURE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE   My biggest Twitter tip for newbies is this: Don’t get obsessed with how many followers you have - Focus on connections. So, how can you measure whether someone’s social media influence is legitimate and not bought? I simply look at people’s Kred score and it gives me an idea, at a quick glance, whether their social media influence is real thanks to its scoring system.   Using Kred to do this is an advanced concept and you may feel as though you have no need for this. ….. and that is completely fine. But if you are interested, you’ve got the tools you need at your fingertips. Let’s face it, these days, people are talking more and more about people being real and authentic. Especially in the online space where it’s so easy to be something you’re not. For those actively seeking out joint ventures, Kred is a new twist on the idea of Googling someone to find out more about them (come on, we all do it!). Another important discussion point is Twitter lists. They allow you to manage your followers and segment them into towns, cities, countries and so on. You can have 1,000k lists with up to 5,0000 people in each: most of us will never max these out so it’s virtually an unlimited resource at your disposal. Before we go, I want to give you an example of how I use lists. I know that 55 per cent of my followers are based in the US. So, I segment these followers into separate cities (Montreal, Boston, Los...


TWITTER CHATS - A FANTASTIC TIME SAVER If I mentioned chatting on Twitter, you might just find yourself scratching your head. We all know how fast-paced Twitter can be (remember, 9k tweets are made every second).  As business owners, we can’t be online all the time and now, a clever trend has emerged where people are putting together a certain amount of time each week or month to host “Twitter Chats”  This is a great way to condense the amount of time spent online. Remember, just because jumping onto Twitter or any other social media platform is free, we’re still talking about your time here. Since time is money, Twitter chats have become a great Twitter strategy in recent times.  It’s all pretty simple: people dedicate an hour of their time per week or month where they jump online to engage with their audience. Doing this is time efficient, it helps to build leads and sees you communicating easily with your tribe.  Given the rising popularity of this trend, companies are now starting to develop platforms that make the Twitter chat experience all that more engaging.   Here are a few options that I’ve experimented.  (Branded Twitter Chats)  Real Time Twitter Chats (Tweet Chats)  (Super Fast Real Time Chatting)   There you have it: Twitter chats are super valuable. All you need to make sure you do is to notify your tribe of your plans.  You’ll notice that Twitter is very much a blink and you’ll miss it platform. Use this Twitter tactic and you’ll see its value immediately.  Next time, we talk...