HOW TO USE STUMBLEUPON  Get More Traffic To Your Blog With Social Bookmarking   Guest Blog Post By Karen Repoli   Where does your website traffic come from? Does it come from a specific social media platform more often than others? If you’re an online entrepreneur it’s extremely important you know the answer to these questions. When you know where your traffic comes from you learn where your target audience is and can adjust your marketing efforts accordingly. I was recently talking to Keith Keller regarding which social media platform works best in terms of traffic to our sites. I took a quick look at my statistics using Google Analytics and found that 70% of my website visitors came from StumpleUpon. That is significant so Keith asked if I could write a blog post about StumbleUpon and how it works. (Of course, the answer was YES!!)   What Is StumbleUpon?   StumbleUpon is a social bookmarking site. Like Delicious, Instapaper, and Google Bookmarks, it allows you to save links to articles for later reference and share them. The “Stumble!” toolbar also allows you to randomly discover new articles, based on your interests. It is also a social voting site similar to Digg and Reddit, it allows you to vote for videos, blog posts, images, and articles you find on the Internet. Finally, StumbleUpon is a discovery engine that recommends online content about most anything you can think of. Do you need information about blogging? Just type it in the search box and you will discover all the content you can read on the topic! StumbleUpon is one of the best traffic generators among the top social...