IS PERISCOPE GOOD FOR BUSINESS? 5 Top Tips To Get The Best From Periscope     Guest Blog Post By Amazon Best Selling Author Victoria Rose   As a Leadership Trainer with over three decades of experience in talking to people for days on end, surely live broadcasting should be relatively easy? Having faced both large and small audiences, some hostile, some friendly, one would think I was well prepared for Periscope. Not so. Even the learning curve of producing my own videos for the last three years does not compare to a Periscope live broadcast (called a Scope). Whilst I finally got the cringe factor down from a 10 to a four when editing my videos, live broadcasting takes the cringe-factor to a whole new level of cringe.   It’s all because of that four letter word … “LIVE”    Why? No chance to edit out the bad bits like you can with a video. No slide-show to keep you on track and no ability to control the questions like you can with a face-to-face workshop. Those constant, often irrelevant, questions and comments moving up the screen as you enthusiastically speak your words of wisdom can really throw you off track. For instance, when explaining a key concept to surviving the minefield of life then to be asked if I did my own makeup makes one doubt the worth of those words. Trolls populate every platform and that’s certainly true for Periscope. One such troll asked if I sucked d#@k. Thankfully, I knew how to block offenders. That’s why the comments are seen by the broadcaster before becoming...