A BRIEF HISTORY OF MODERN MARKETING A guest blog post by Jon Wesselink       Marketing is everywhere these days but that wasn’t always the case. Let’s take a trip down memory lane by looking at a brief history of modern marketing.   (1) The Production Era (Late 1910s)     This was the era of mass production and these new efficiencies enabled goods to be created much faster. Modern marketing emerged during this period to sell these goods more rapidly. The basic idea here was that the reduced production costs would lead to reduced selling prices and this would appeal to vast numbers of customers overall.   (2) The Sales Era (20s)        ‘Salesmen’ become more prominent during this period and the ‘pitch’ was created. Sales agents encouraged potential ‘consumers’ to purchase products using a variety of promotional techniques. These were designed to inform & persuade potential customers. This strategy moved away from simply selling products and instead emphasized the benefits of buying these new items.   (3) The Marketing Era (50s)      This era marks the beginning of “market research”. This allowed companies to sell the consumer exactly what they wanted and, most importantly, needed. This was far more effective than trying to talk them into buying meaningless products. This is also the era of “planned obsolescence” and thus represents the start of what many have called “lifestyle marketing”.   (4) The Ethical Marketing Era (70s)     During this era market research began to create customer-focused strategies promoting socially responsible, moral, and ethical marketing principles. These were designed to counter some of the...


  Guest Blog Post By Christina Garnett     2019 is right around the corner and you are no doubt working on next year’s strategy. So… where should you put your energy? What trends should you focus on to effectively reach your goals? Here are my top 5!!     (1) Digital Ad Overload     As more people spend time on social media and online, they are leaving data breadcrumbs for advertisers. You can target demographics, buying preferences, interests, etc. You can highly target the audience you want to hit, but so is everyone else. Just like the decline in organic, there is a lot of noise out there so the quality of content/ads is priceless now. It isn’t enough to just create a target audience, add an image, and press submit. Your audience is being inundated with static ads, search ads, videos ads, banner ads, Gmail ads, etc.  Real question: where is the TIVO for social media ads? Eyeballs aren’t enough and it’s easy to have your ad grouped into the overall disdain of an audience who sees an ad after each scroll.   Fight through the noise by being attuned to your audience and their needs. What do they want to see? What are their pain points? What kind of ad and message would make them want to respond?     (2) Focus On ROI     From the small business owner down the street to Fortune 500 companies, seeing ROI for your marketing and advertising efforts is wanted and valued. Digital advertising isn’t seen as a new medium anymore so it longer gets the “let’s just...