GROWTH HACKING YOUR BRAND USING TWITTER  3 Easy Steps To Maximise Your Marketing     In this episode Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) & Tracey Gayner (@AskGadgetGirl) talk about about  GROWTH HACKING YOUR BRAND USING TWITTER MARKETING. Keith & Tracey talk at length about “TWITTER MAGIC 123”  (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up   Keith Keller: Hi there, this is Keith Keller, Melbourne, Australia and this is Twitter Tips for Tourism Part 4. This is a podcast on how to use Twitter to promote your tourism brand wherever you are in the world. New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Sweden, anywhere! Twitter is something at the moment with 300 million users. Last week we talked about that, we talked about where they are in the world, and whether those people from those countries are coming to your country, and whether they need a holiday, and whether you should be chatting to them on Twitter. Today we’re going to talk about the idea of, how do you get more followers? How do you get more engagement? What’s the magic? Am I actually, have a coined to phrase:   “Twitter Magic 123” (Follow first - Follow up - Follow Back)   Now, we’re going to talk about that at length today with my very, very good friend Tracey Gayner, (@AskGadgetGirl) in Auckland. How are you doing Tracey, and tell me about your stories since we chatted last. Lots of new things I hear.   Tracey Gayner: Hi Keith. Yes, very, very interesting stats so far. I think since then, on average I get around 200 odd followers a week. So, using the Twitter magic 1,...


WHAT IS  GROWTH HACKING? 3 Key Points To Consider From Guest Blogger Chae O’Brien     Growth Hacking is essentially doing whatever it takes to get your product in the mind of the consumer (by positive association) and have it stay there for a lifetime. It is as much marketing as it is product development. It can be an individualistic function as it can be a team ethic.  What most fail to realise, is that stimulating rapid growth can mean so many things in so many ways to different business formats. Growth for an e-commerce site can be as simple as skyrocketing top line revenue or experiencing a 489% jump in newsletter subscriptions for a budding NGO. More accurately, relative growth depends on which core data signals you’re looking to be your primary metric of success. The three points below address critical aspects of any GH strategy in the event you’re looking to find the right mix between product development considerations, marketing strategies and and analytic measurement to kick start an intense product experience campaign.   (1) Your Product Should Be A Hack By Usability     Coming back to what Beth said about relevance, your product (whether it be a baby bottle prototype or a Saas), should resonate with your intended target audiences by means of an immediate personal connection. To put it in context, if I created a drink which cured the common cold for a lifetime with one dosage, Marketing wouldn’t be remotely necessary. Its effectiveness and massive relevance to the world population would be enough to spin a demand so out of control it would take an...


5 WAYS TO GROW YOUR FOLLOWING A guest blog by the team at Virtual Professionnelle (Part 1 - Instagram)      (1) #Hashtags   We all know that using Trending Hashtags will increase your exposure in the Instagram world. But then again makes sure that you do not over use it –  because chances are, other people might think that you are a bot or a spammer specially when you begin to flood their timeline. In using #hashtags always make sure that you use specific hashtags based on what your target audience or market. You can instantly gain visibility and reach if the the hashtags that you use are one of those trending topics that people are actively and currently talk about. You can create your own #hashtag but don’t make it too lengthy.  The limit for Hashtags on Instagram is 30 per post but please don’t do that many, excessive hashtags are a definite no-no  Let common sense prevail here!!  This video by Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake clearly demonstrates just how silly some people can be with hashtags “#Hashtag” with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake   (2) Awesome Photos and/or Videos   Instagram is made for posting photos isn’t it. For any individual account as well as for small or large businesses make sure that you post  photos or videos that are appealing, unique, trendy and relatable. Our followers sometimes do follow us because of the photos, quotes, and videos that we create so we make sure that we keep our followers updated with interesting posts based on their liking.   (3)  Follow - Like - Comment...
TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((#TwitterWrite)) Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!!

TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((#TwitterWrite)) Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!!

TWITTER MAGIC 123 Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!! Recently, I have been playing around with a new growth hacking formula I call:  “TWITTER MAGIC 123”   (1) Follow First   (2) Follow Back   (3) Follow Up   Here is an interview I did with Melbourne writer Sarah Cannata about how this simple formula sky rocketed her on-line success in less than 4 weeks. AMAZING STUFF!! TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((Downloadable PDF)) This podcast is part of a 4 part series I recorded with Sarah recently. Sarah Cannata (@CannataAU)   Hey, this is professional writer, Sarah Cannata, and welcome to the Twitter Write podcast. Before I go any further, let me introduce you to global Twitter marketing specialist, Keith Keller. Keith, welcome. Keith Keller (@KeithKeller)         “TWITTER MAGIC 123” ((The Full Interview))   Hey! Look, it’s been almost a month, you know, since we had our last podcast. And I don’t believe how much you’ve achieved in 4 weeks. It’s less than 4 weeks. And I think you had at that time 265 followers. You hadn’t done that already awesome article with Kaz, which went viral. You’re up to 900 followers now. You’re gonna crack a thousand in less than 6 weeks. And this stuff is working. It’s so exciting. Sarah:                          I mean, it definitely is. The kind of numbers that I’m reaching 6 weeks after we first started chatting, I mean, a month— it’s only been a month since you’ve been away and some of the stats and the numbers that we’ve got pretty much proves that what we’re doing here is working. So, I mean, I’ll run...