by Keith Keller | Jun 15, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO, Twitter Podcasts
SOCIAL MEDIA SHOWCASE Some Highlights By Guest Blogger Courtney Crawford PERCEPTIONS BEFORE THE CONFERENCE Growing up in the 21st Century, I never really gave much thought to the sudden adaptation to new technology as it went from brick phone used solely for ringing landlines and any other “mobile” phones… at best, texting and the snake game became available. To the modern day technology like the go-pro, the Samsung S7, the I-phone 5S and software apps that can be used on computers and mobile phones. Technology constantly seems to change from a monthly to a yearly basis on a variety forms of hardware and software. The onslaught of what is available can almost seem to be overwhelming. And because of this, it has become the social norm to take each change in stride as it occurs and adopt it to how we use the technology without giving much thought in how we can strategically use social media for the sake of innovation and reaching out to other communities or organisations. There seems to be a broad general understanding of the purpose behind Facebook, Instagram, twitter, YouTube, and snapchat as we have been left to figure out how the technology and social media operates on our own. Even with the curiosity of learning how to use all of the new technology and social media platforms; they have been designed to allow users to embrace it to meet the user’s needs and interests. As a result of this, users such as myself, have ended up using Facebook, twitter and Instagram as a form of personal gallery to share our...