by Keith Keller | May 24, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
FREE GIVEAWAYS MAKE GOOD SENSE Guest blog post by Gennavieve Lyons Many people and businesses all over the world, myself included, have discovered the ways social media can contribute to success and growth in all areas of their companies, with one of those options being free content. From a business standpoint, “free” can be a daunting word; after all the goal of every business is to make money. However when done correctly, it is easy to see the benefits that free samples and giveaways offer. If you are still new to the idea, here are several ways freebies strengthen your social media presence and overall results. (1) Increase Website Traffic One of the best benefits of social media for businesses is using it to increase your website traffic. Not only can social media help you direct people to your website, but the more social media shares you receive, the higher your search ranking will be. One of the primary benefits of offering something of value for free is that it increases that flow of traffic by attracting customers that otherwise might have passed right by the social media page and therefore never make it to your official website. (2) Generate Leads For Less Social media is an easy way to generate leads. There are two main ways of doing this with free content: ungated content (requires no email address) and gated content (requires an email for access). Sharing gated content is a fruitful way for any company to generate leads and build a database. Free giveaways are therefore used to generate buzz around...
by Keith Keller | Apr 4, 2014 | Twitter Podcasts TWITTER TIPS ON THE MEDIA MADAMS (MP3s) @DebCarrNetwork @EagleWaves @VIVO_Cafe #TheMediaMadams #RadioEW — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) May 4, 2014 FOLLOW THE CONVERSATION (#TheMediaMadams) Tweets about “#TheMediaMadams “ PREVIOUS SHOWS TWEET REACH & SOCIAL INFLUENCE 1. Measuring Your Tweet Reach 2. Measuring Your Social Media Influence TWEET REACH & SOCIAL INFLUENCE (MP3) @DebCarrNetwork @TheMediaMadams #TheMediaMadams @EagleWaves #RadioEW — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) April 17, 2014 HASHTAGS: Twitter’s Magical Ingredient POWER WORDS CREATE YOUR OWN HASHTAG TRENDING TOPICS HASHTAGS (Twitter’s Magical Ingredient) #Powertweet @DebCarrNetwork #TheMediaMadams #SociallySavvy2014 — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) May 13, 2014 Laying The Foundations In Three Easy Steps 1. The importance of a “HOME BASE” 2. The Importance of a “BLOG” 3. The Importance of “THE FREE TEASER” Laying The Foundations In Three Easy Steps (MP3) Social Media Marketing 101 @DebCarrNetwork #TheMediaMadams — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) April 16, 2014 Try Tweeting In 20 Minute Chunks 1. Check who has followed and/or retweeted you!! Thank them and follow them back (20 Minutes) 2. Take the time to follow some cool people (20 Minutes) 3. Spend some time sending out tweets “LIVE” Also schedule some tweets using Buffer (20 Minutes) Try Tweeting In 20 Minutes Chunks (MP3) @DebCarrNetwork @TheMediaMadams #TheMediaMadams @EagleWaves #RadioEW — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) April 16, 2014 WHAT’S NEXT? Keith is constantly creating new programs Here are just a few of his latest projects ( Free eBook ) ( Twitter 4 Performers – MP3 series ) ( Crack The Twitter Code – One On One Coaching ) ( Get Found TV – Online Video...