by Keith Keller | Oct 8, 2015 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO, MP3s
THE POWER OF GUEST BLOGGING Guest post creation for blogging means that a writer submits an article to someone else’s blog. So essentially you are a “guest” of the blog you are sending your article to. The key points to remember for guest blogging is to look for a blog that matches your article and your website’s topic. Getting Clear In Guest Blogging So for instance if you write about niche markets anything from finding them to monetizing them one you’ll have a variety of blogs to ask if they would like to post your article on their blog. By posting your blog on another person’s website you are now exposing your writing to a new audience. That is achieved because you will have at least one link back to your website in your signature. Those new readers have a choice to go over to your blog and check that out. Who knows you may even gain a few new readers in the process. Using another analogy; if you have a finance website then obviously you would look to send your article to another finance type blog. That would include blogs on saving money, blogs on investing money, blogs with advice geared to the Millennials etc. What if you have a topic for your blog that doesn’t seem to match any other blog? The best advice is to see how your article can best match the blog you are submitting to by using a different point of view or perspective. I think the best way to demonstrate this would be if you have an energy blog you can write an article about energy saving tips that help you save money on your bill. Thus allowing you to put such an article on a finance related blog. If you...