by Keith Keller | Feb 19, 2018 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS FOR AUGMENTED REALITY Guest Blog Post By Sylest Christopher So What Is Augmented Reality Anyway? Augmented reality (AR) can be loosely defined as the use of technology to enhance the physical world environment with the assistance of computer generated images. Augmented reality creates an enhanced environment that does not really exist. The purpose of this technology is to overlay an environment over the top of the real world to achieve a deeper experience. Just like virtual reality, augmented reality enhances the perception of the user about reality. The only difference is that it happens in a physical world and the user can experience it through an AR enabled device. What makes augmented reality different from virtual reality is the element of the physical world as it superimposes the real world with the enhanced environment. The History of Augmented Reality Augmented reality can be traced back to 1968 when Ivan Sutherland launched “The Sword Of Damocles”. It was a head mounted display that showed overlaid images a in real time environment. Though it showed the basic graphics, it was the first example of the augmented reality that made it possible for the people to use a screen to see the superimposed visuals in a physical word. In today’s world, AR is a reality that exists in many areas of life. The smart glasses by Vuzix is a recent example of how augmented reality is playing its role in retail, manufacturing, and supply chain industries to assist professionals. But there is a wider use of this technology in the world. Whether it is healthcare, real...