GROWTH HACKING YOUR BRAND USING TWITTER  3 Easy Steps To Maximise Your Marketing     In this episode Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) & Tracey Gayner (@AskGadgetGirl) talk about about  GROWTH HACKING YOUR BRAND USING TWITTER MARKETING. Keith & Tracey talk at length about “TWITTER MAGIC 123”  (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up   Keith Keller: Hi there, this is Keith Keller, Melbourne, Australia and this is Twitter Tips for Tourism Part 4. This is a podcast on how to use Twitter to promote your tourism brand wherever you are in the world. New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Sweden, anywhere! Twitter is something at the moment with 300 million users. Last week we talked about that, we talked about where they are in the world, and whether those people from those countries are coming to your country, and whether they need a holiday, and whether you should be chatting to them on Twitter. Today we’re going to talk about the idea of, how do you get more followers? How do you get more engagement? What’s the magic? Am I actually, have a coined to phrase:   “Twitter Magic 123” (Follow first - Follow up - Follow Back)   Now, we’re going to talk about that at length today with my very, very good friend Tracey Gayner, (@AskGadgetGirl) in Auckland. How are you doing Tracey, and tell me about your stories since we chatted last. Lots of new things I hear.   Tracey Gayner: Hi Keith. Yes, very, very interesting stats so far. I think since then, on average I get around 200 odd followers a week. So, using the Twitter magic 1,...


HOW TO HIT THE GROUND RUNNING  A Podcast About How To Use Twitter To Market Your Tourism Brand.       In this episode Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) & Tracey Gayner (@AskGadgetGirl) teach you HOW TO HIT THE GROUND RUNNING with your Twitter marketing. Keith discusses 5 key elements here:   (1) Be The Resource Not The Salesperson (2) Write A Strong Bio  (3) Add A Photo Or Company Graphic  (4) Remember The 80/20 Rule – It’s Not All About You  (5) SHARE, SHARE, SHARE – Then Ask.   HOW TO HIT THE GROUND RUNNING    Keith Keller: Hey it’s Keith Keller, Melbourne Australia and this is part 2 of Twitter Tips 4 Tourism - a podcast about how to use Twitter to market your tourism brand.  The first episode was called “Setting the Scene”, which seems like weeks ago now, but now I’, back with part 2 about how to “Hit the Ground Running”.  I want to give you some really powerful strategies today that you can use almost immediately.  But before I do that, I want to introduce my friend Gadget Girl, Ask Gadget Girl Tracey in Auckland because she’s got a fantastic story.  We’ve only known each other less than 60 days, she’s using these techniques, she’s got 2000 more followers, she’s got all these contacts in Montreal, in London and New York and all these groovy people all around the world.  So Tracey, welcome to the podcast and tell me how you’re using Twitter and how it’s really changing your business model. Tracey Gayner: Hi Keith and thank you very much firstly for even inviting me here today. How...