5 WAYS TO GROW YOUR FOLLOWING A guest blog by the team at Virtual Professionnelle (Part 1 - Instagram)      (1) #Hashtags   We all know that using Trending Hashtags will increase your exposure in the Instagram world. But then again makes sure that you do not over use it –  because chances are, other people might think that you are a bot or a spammer specially when you begin to flood their timeline. In using #hashtags always make sure that you use specific hashtags based on what your target audience or market. You can instantly gain visibility and reach if the the hashtags that you use are one of those trending topics that people are actively and currently talk about. You can create your own #hashtag but don’t make it too lengthy.  The limit for Hashtags on Instagram is 30 per post but please don’t do that many, excessive hashtags are a definite no-no  Let common sense prevail here!!  This video by Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake clearly demonstrates just how silly some people can be with hashtags “#Hashtag” with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake   (2) Awesome Photos and/or Videos   Instagram is made for posting photos isn’t it. For any individual account as well as for small or large businesses make sure that you post  photos or videos that are appealing, unique, trendy and relatable. Our followers sometimes do follow us because of the photos, quotes, and videos that we create so we make sure that we keep our followers updated with interesting posts based on their liking.   (3)  Follow - Like - Comment...


PERSONAL BRANDING MADE EASY The 7 Core Strategies Revealed Keli Lenfield has taken the typical notion of personal branding and made it well, more personalised. We live in an extraordinary time when information is instant and celebrity influences our choices. Fashion and celebrity are partners for life and are a business whether it’s product endorsements, causes, selling magazines or providing a reference. Who they (the celebrities) are and what they represent is always available for the highest bidder and therefore under consumer scrutiny. So how do you transfer this type of exposure and branding onto you, what you believe, what you represent, what you have to offer? In her highly acclaimed hit book, “Everyone is a Supermodel. Secrets for any career based on my modelling experiences.”, Keli identifies and shares the “7 core skills” that will help you differentiate yourself both online and in person on a global scale. The best part is that amongst all of this comparison which is not going to end anytime soon, you learn how to take what is unique about you and use it to be noticed, create opportunities and succeed. “Imagine being in a room with 100 other women (or men) who look similar to you. Now imagine that your qualifications and experience don’t matter and that you probably won’t have an opportunity to talk. How do you compete? How do you get the opportunity to ask for the business?” she states. In each instalment, Keli will unveil one of these 7 core skills in her own personalised fashion and guarantees that these skills can be immediately transferred and adapted to your...


TWITTER 4 FASHIONISTAS Featuring Theresa Longo “TWITTER 4 FASHIONISTAS” will be following the adventures of glamour model Theresa Longo and how she is using Twitter to build her brand.  www.TheresaLongo.com www.Twitter.com/TheresaLongo EPISODE ONE - SETTING “S.M.A.R.T” GOALS FOR 2016    S.M.A.R.T GOALS!! (S) Specific (M) Measureable (A) Attainable (R) Relevent (T) Timebound   Here are just some of the ideas that are going after this year.    (1) Television Show Appearance On Major Network (2) Finish An Album Of Original Songs (3) Increase Blog Traffic By 50% (4) Lead Role In Feature Film   Some Highlights On Sound Cloud ((Podcasts))   On The Road To Being The Fashion Hero (Featuring Theresa...