Anyone who knows me knows that I’m always on the go, running full steam ahead with various projects.
It has been a real struggle to sit down and write anything for this blog (you’ll notice that I use a lot of pictures and podcasts on my previous ones).
Until that little lightbulb went off in my head and I realised just how important this message is:
Okay, so I’m not the world’s most eager writer but I LOVE podcasting. And thankfully, more and more people are listening to podcasts these days.
I mentioned how I’m always on the go, working on multiple things at once.
People are extremely time poor – Today’s world is go-go-go! Not to mention, a lot of people are feeling the pinch which means people are commuting more and for longer periods of time.
So, if you’re stuck on a train, bus, tram or even riding a book, would you rather:
A: Listen to the same old music you’ve been listening to for years.
B: Stare aimlessly at your surroundings
C: Learn something new
I’m not sure about you, but I’d choose C: Learn something new any day.
Time is a precious commodity these days… If you haven’t already discovered podcasts, give them a shot.
Here’s one that I did a few years ago now - Hope that it provides some inspiration
You never know, you might be so inspired by what you hear that you start your own.