How To Become The Social Media Rockstar (Part 1) Making The Commitment!!

How To Become The Social Media Rockstar (Part 1) Making The Commitment!!

How To Become The Social Media Rockstar Making The Commitment By Karen Repoli You need to know why you want to be a social media rock star.  Then you need to make the commitment to put that at the center core of all your marketing and entrepreneurial efforts.  Making the commitment involves: Keeping up with the latest news, trends and fads Creating a viable plan to increase your reach and popularity Maintaining a consistent presence within your target audience’s view To see if you are ready to rock the social media stage, answer the following questions: (1) I want to be a social media rock star because: (a) I live and breathe social networking. (b) I love everything about it! (c) I want to sell my book or product and I think being a social media rock star is an essential part of my strategy (d) It seems easy. Everything else is just too much hard work. (e) I like to help people make the most of opportunities, and everyone can do so with social media (2) How interactive will my sales model be? (a) The social networking part will be the full extent of my customer/client interaction: It is aimed towards getting them to buy my product (b) Highly interactive. I want to become a social networking or marketing coach. (c) I plan to JV with people and become involved in client startups There is no right or wrong answer to these questions… with one exception.  If you answered “c” to Question # 1, you may want to rethink your motives and strategy.  Becoming a social media rock star...
10 Compelling Reasons To Start Blogging: Karen Repoli Social Media Rock Star Tip

10 Compelling Reasons To Start Blogging: Karen Repoli Social Media Rock Star Tip

10 Compelling Reasons To Start Blogging Another Social Media Rock Star Tip From Karen Repoli One strategy that can be essential in setting you apart from other “interesting people” on social networks is creating and maintaining your own blog. You don’t have to, of course:  You can channel and pour all your energy into working from within a particular social media platform – but maintaining your own blog does confer specific advantages. Maintaining your own blog helps you… 1. Cement your identity 2. Speak with authority 3. Build a following 4. Acquire subscribers 5. Constantly present your unique slant or focus 6. Become known for specific skills 7. Attract top guest authors 8. Get great guest spots yourself on other top influencers’ blogs 9. Let people hear your “voice” 10. Brand yourself with strong graphic elements or colours Your best bet is to purchase a domain in your own name but if your name is a more common one and therefore already “taken”, you can brand a blog name or add what you do to your name. Then start sharing your blog across your social platforms and get it out there!! Check out Karen’s “NUTS & BOLTS” book series Meet Karen Repoli Karen Repoli, is a successful entrepreneur who has realized her dream of owning a successful business and having the freedom to live the lifestyle she desires. A seasoned business professional with 30 years of experience in office management, internet marketing and bookkeeping, she holds a Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of NC, Greensboro and is VACertified. Karen’s practical, proven systems help entrepreneurs accomplish their...
7 Fantastic Tips To Build Your Blog Audience: Presentation & Guest Blog Post By Karen Repoli

7 Fantastic Tips To Build Your Blog Audience: Presentation & Guest Blog Post By Karen Repoli

7 Fantastic Tips To Build Your Blog Audience Attracting traffic to a blog or a web site is challenging enough. So from the very beginning, when visitors coming to read your blog, give them a reason to stick around. Here are seven vital ingredients for building a successful blog with a loyal following. 1. Publish Regularly.   As your readers become familiar with the frequency of your posts, it will influence their visiting behavior. If your readers know that you post fresh content every day, they will probably come every day to read it. If they know you post on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, that’s when they will come. 2. Stay on Topic.   Stick to your niche. If your blog doesn’t have a niche, give it one. Readers like blog’s that are focused on a particular theme or topic. If you have no theme and just post about anything, then readers are less likely to become passionate about your blog and will probably move on. 3. Use Meaningful Titles in Posts.   This not only announces clearly what the post is about, but it will help people navigate your blog and also influence your ranking with search engines.  4. Interact With Your Readers.    Think of your blog like a conversation. You post. Readers comment. Be active and be positive as you interact and converse with your readers. 5. Highlight Your Best Posts.   Don’t let your best posts get lost in your archives. It’s always a good idea to link to your best posts from a ‘best posts’ category on the main page. 6. Provide Good Navigation....