JOIN THE VIDEO MARKETING REVOLUTION Guest Blog Post & Blab By Preston Odenbrett What Is Your Favourite Travel Destination? (Blab Video Replay) Video marketing has definitely arrived in a big way!! YouTube statistics indicate that it has more views and more uploads per minute than many other major channels and both individuals and businesses alike are consuming video at an ever increasing rate.  Why would that be surprising? Look at how long it took TV to take over households back in the 1950’s when radio was the major medium for most households. I believe TV gained 50% adoption five years less time than radio did. Video today is getting  a massive lift due in part that Social Media is allowing video to be part of postings. Many who are in the video business have been watching this bubble grow larger each and every year and some people say that video will take over the internet in the next five years or less. It helps that bandwidth speeds have gone up and providers are allowing the bandwidth to go through cable but also through the air using many mobile devices that are in the market today.   Virtual Reality (VR)   The future is here - users can now be in a room at their home or office and be able to place an object lets say a motorcycle and be able to rotate and actually manipulate the object in anyway the user decides. If you remember Star Trek and some other TV shows in which you can change the environment that they are in and be able to share that with others to...


VISUAL MARKETING 101 Guest Blog Post By Preston Odenbrett Many marketing people have heard the term “Visual Marketing” - but what does that really mean? I believe being in the Travel & Tourism industry that it means a great way to communicate the value of travel destinations to a global on-line audience and this could well be the “Hot Button” for tourism growth. Images have always been a great way to evoke emotion, here’s a brief history.   The Camera: A Great Way To Tell Your Travel Stories!!     By the 1800’s the camera was well and truly in the public consciousness and it was such a fantastic way to capture images that people could share with friends & family.  Colour photography was introduced much later, we had quite sophisticated cameras by the 1970’s that would allow the user to take a picture and it would actually create the picture for you instantly. Remember the Polaroid camera?   This was the rage for quite some time and travel and tourism operators took advantage of this technology to be able to share photos of their locations. I remember seeing this a lot back in the 70’s and 80’s when we went on a family vacation to a resort in Northern Minnesota. Many people would capture the fish they caught and post at the resort where we stayed in the lobby or fish house, along with of course the size, date of when the got caught along with the owners face as well. This I believe was the step in the right direction especially for fisherman as it created a dream scenario for the...