by Keith Keller | Aug 15, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
SUCCESSFUL CONTENT MARKETING Guest Post by Ms. Candy Blog I have always worn my heart on my sleeve, but when I decided to create a brand, I took steps to ensure that my heart and self would be safe. Ironically, doing so has exposed the very essence of who I am. Back in 2014, after being out of work for almost a year, I longed to have something which would make me happy which, in turn, would bring others happiness. Ms. Candy Blog, “where candy is always in vogue”, was born, a candy vlog and persona. The first creation ever published under the Ms. Candy Blog brand was a YouTube video candy review of the RuPaul candy bar. I love RuPaul and the fact that he came out with a candy bar when I decided to start a candy vlog was far too coincidental. That said, I found it very hard to contain myself when shooting the video which warranted several takes. Between my energy level and tears, it was very hard to give the kind of performance I thought an audience wanted. After all, I was a new person on YouTube who would be judged and torn apart by the masses in a million different ways and I was very conscious of the perception I wanted to earn. If perception is reality, then the performance becomes the reality which lives on in perpetuity or until you or YouTube take down your video. And because I had seen so many other YouTubers’ reception (I used to work for YouTube), I created...