by Keith Keller | Oct 5, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
Keith Keller & Tracey Gayner talk about how to: CURATE GREAT CONTENT ON YOUR SMARTPHONE OR TABLET Another great podcast from the Twitter Tips 4 Tourism series. In this episode Keith & Tracey talk about two great apps for content curation. NUZZEL FLIPBOARD Keith Keller: We’ve talked about Buffer, we’ve talked about Dashbird, we’ve talked about Evernote. Let me just briefly explain how I used my Samsung S4. I personally use the desktop PC, most of the time. That’s my model of the world. I love the… I love the functionality of the keyboard, with a big screen and a hard drive. That’s the way I process the world eventually, I’ll put everything in the cloud with Evernote and things like this. That’s the way I work. I have an office in Melbourne, Australia, and I spend a lot of time in that office if I’m not out seeing clients or skyping with clients. So, that means that the way I use an app is totally different. I use it as a bit of a catch up a bit of an “ON THE GO” moment. I don’t do very much work on it. The reason I do apps is to catch up. I check my messages. The Twitter app is actually pretty cool. You can do most things on the… just a very simple twitter app, it’s extraordinary. The apps that I use on that model…so I worked all day and I’m sitting at the beach and I’m having a latte, and I’m thinking, “ok, what articles are thumping it today?...