CAN YOUR POTENTIAL CLIENTS FIND YOU? Another Fantastic Guest Blog Post About SEO From Karen Repoli    What a great question to ask yourself!! “Can your potential clients find you?” During a recent client discussion regarding website performance I asked this question and also; “Have you checked the analytics on your site?” The answer was no, so I suggested a quick review of the website statistics to see how this year old site was doing, and how we could increase the conversion rate.  After finding out that the bounce rate (people viewing only one page then leaving) was about 80%, and that the audience demographics were totally out of kilter with the business goals, the investigation continued as to “WHY”. The next step was to check out some basics on the site itself. What I found completed the darkening picture. No Meta Descriptions on any page No keywords on any page Not mobile optimized Primary landing page of visitors were on the blog. However, blog posting was inconsistent and sporadic. Branding that was not consistent with what the business actually did. This resulted in the demographics of visitors being totally off. Obviously the site owner needed some work done. Most of these items could be taken care of pretty quickly because he already had his researched keywords (they just had not been entered by the website designer) while the blog and branding would take more time.  However, if you are at the starting line and haven’t even made your list of keywords, here are three free tools that can get you started.   Google AdWords   Google Adwords may...