10 WAYS YOU CAN MAKE YOUR BUSINESS MORE SUSTAINABLE IN 2020  Based on an original article & video by Michelle Harris  Ways your #business can be #environmentallyfriendly #Recycle#Reduce printing #Upcycle furniture Allow #remoteworking Use LED bulbs Use local businesses Walk or cycle to work Reduce water usage Use #green cleaning products Replace old appliances with #energyefficient ones pic.twitter.com/43WuR9S8Ir — Michelle D Harris - Social Media (@michelledh) January 30, 2020   There are significant benefits for your business and the environment if you run your business based on sustainable principles. It’s much easier than you think so with that in mind, we have created this simple checklist for you.   1. Recycle   Business recycling will reduce your carbon footprint and will not only have a positive impact on the environment but also your business finances. Paper: – coloured, paper, documents, newspapers. Electronics, ink cartridges, Glass, Tins, Food waste, and old furniture   2. Reduce   We can reduce our printing costs by: Doing a test page weekly so the ink doesn’t try up and then we are wasting that ink. Preview your print before you print it out, there is are a selection to tick on the Print page. Reduce printing by using smaller margins, or font size. Or switch to using digital resources   3. Upcycle   Before you throw out that old office furniture try to think how you might be able to upcycle it, or maybe some else can so donate it to a charity shop or someone you know that might like it.   4. Consider Remote Working & Online Meetings   I love remote...


SOCIAL MEDIA COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE Guest Blog Post By Alex Villalba     In the recent wake of the traumatic Hurricane Harvey, many people and businesses are still trying to recover what they lost and salvage their former lives. But amidst this climatic chaos ordinary heroes and brave Samaritans from all around have arisen, risking their very lives and sacrificing days and weeks of their own time to help the many victims in need. Why? Why, in a nation so divided by iniquity, social strife, and political turmoil did so many people rise up to lend a hand? Because in that time of crisis we were all connected. Nature favors no religion and no economic status when it rears its ugly head. …. and so, for once in a long time, the world put aside its petty problems to see the big picture. The entire nation, perhaps even the entire world, was watching, listening and talking about the immense crisis on the Texas coast.  But there was no turning the other way or changing the channel to avoid this disaster.  Instead, individuals, businesses and organizations from Texas and beyond gathered all their resources and opened their doors to anyone affected by Hurricane Harvey. People from across the nation rallied together to help Texas recover from the decimating storm, including churches, charities, stores, restaurants and even celebrities. Where did these businesses and organizations go to promote their cause? To the newspapers?  Probably not!!  U.S. Adults Are Getting Their News Through Social Media!!    “Two Thirds Of U.S. Adults Are Getting Their News Through Social Media” https://t.co/FujJz2TKA3 @WeRSM#SocialMedia 4 #News pic.twitter.com/PnOkpYIDEc — Keith...
Using Twitter To Share Your Message (Highlights)

Using Twitter To Share Your Message (Highlights)

#Twitter 4 #SocialGood bit.ly/wOndGV #MotivationMarathon (MP3) “USING TWITTER TO SHARE YOUR MESSAGE” (Highlights) — Keith Keller(@KeithKeller) February 13, 2012    Here are some highlights from the “Motivation Marathon” event in January with Deb Scott & Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino.  Find out more about “MOTIVATION MARATHON”  http://bit.ly/Motivation2012  Using Twitter To Share Your Message (Part 1)  On this call I shared lots of great ways to use Twitter to share your message with the world - here are a few of my favourites.  Be a resource not a salesperson  Twitter is about sharing information and resources NOT selling ‘stuff’. This may sound counter-intuitive but it is the essence of Social Media marketing. Write a strong bio that will inspire potential clients and joint venture partners to follow you  Add a photo or company graphic There is significant evidence to prove that people who do this get more followers and retweets  Remember the 80/20 Rule – It’s not all about you  4 out of 5 tweets should be of value to your followers and not sales related. Only 1 out of every 5 tweets (minimum) should be a sales related message. 1 out of 10 however is a far better ratio if you can manage it.  SHARE - SHARE –SHARE (This is Twitter101)  Share great articles and interact with your followers…this is the essence of how Twitter works.   TWITTER IS THE INFORMATION NETWORK (2 minutes) [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhS00kRFQWs[/youtube]...