by Keith Keller | Jul 21, 2016 | Social Media Audios
THE JOURNEY SO FAR An interview With Jane Jackson Recently I was featured on Jane Jackson’s “AMAZING PODCAST” and it really gave me a great chance to reflect on the career changes that I have made over the years. I also got a chance to really appreciate those changes that were thrust upon me along the way. I have also spent some time this week segmenting the interview into smaller themes and getting them transcribed to make it easier to listen to as your time allows. If you prefer you can follow along by reading the questions and answers. WHERE IT ALL BEGAN (2REM FM) Podcasting really is my thing and the whole idea came about out of my love of radio. Here’s me doing my very first radio show in March 1982 at 2REM FM in Albury. I still have a recording of that first show (on cassette - lol) Jane Jackson: Welcome to my careers podcast, where I interview fascinating professionals who have made amazing career changes. Now, I am very fortunate to have, on the show, a twitter guru. This twitter guru is Keith Keller, who is now well known internationally as the Global Twitter Marketing Specialist. He is a popular speaker on the subject too. He’s appeared on numerous radio shows, teleseminars and webinars across the United States and Canada, UK and Europe as well as Australasia. His regular tweets, @KeithKeller, are testament to his passion for sharing the latest information about Twitter, as well as other social media platforms. He certainly has an ever growing list...
by Keith Keller | Jul 18, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
GROWTH HACKING YOUR BRAND USING TWITTER 3 Easy Steps To Maximise Your Marketing In this episode Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) & Tracey Gayner (@AskGadgetGirl) talk about about GROWTH HACKING YOUR BRAND USING TWITTER MARKETING. Keith & Tracey talk at length about “TWITTER MAGIC 123” (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up Keith Keller: Hi there, this is Keith Keller, Melbourne, Australia and this is Twitter Tips for Tourism Part 4. This is a podcast on how to use Twitter to promote your tourism brand wherever you are in the world. New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Sweden, anywhere! Twitter is something at the moment with 300 million users. Last week we talked about that, we talked about where they are in the world, and whether those people from those countries are coming to your country, and whether they need a holiday, and whether you should be chatting to them on Twitter. Today we’re going to talk about the idea of, how do you get more followers? How do you get more engagement? What’s the magic? Am I actually, have a coined to phrase: “Twitter Magic 123” (Follow first - Follow up - Follow Back) Now, we’re going to talk about that at length today with my very, very good friend Tracey Gayner, (@AskGadgetGirl) in Auckland. How are you doing Tracey, and tell me about your stories since we chatted last. Lots of new things I hear. Tracey Gayner: Hi Keith. Yes, very, very interesting stats so far. I think since then, on average I get around 200 odd followers a week. So, using the Twitter magic 1,...
by Keith Keller | Jul 5, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
TWITTER ABSOLUTELY IS A GLOBAL ONLINE VILLAGE NOW A Podcast About How To Use Twitter To Market Your Tourism Brand. Top 10 Countries With Most Twitter Users (Read The Full Article) TWITTER ABSOLUTELY IS A GLOBAL ONLINE VILLAGE NOW Keith Keller: Hey guys, it’s Keith Keller here, Melbourne, Australia. This is part three of Twitter Tips for Tourism. Today we’re talking about Twitter being the global village. Now, this is a very, very important concept. Twitter is awesome, it’s really awesome. Three hundred people worldwide. But, I want to tell you where they are. I want to tell you the top ten countries using Twitter. The reason why I want to do that is, I want you to focus on whether those people are at your marketplace, because I don’t want you to waste time on Twitter if you live in a place where people are not using Twitter. So, this is a very, very important point. “TWITTER REALLY IS A GLOBAL VILLAGE” I’m going to talk about this in detail. I’m going to talk about the top ten countries using Twitter, where they are, the numbers, and whether or not that cross references with the people coming to your town, or cross references where you are in the world. Tracey, how are you today and tell me your Twitter story since we chatted last. Tracey Gayner: Oh, kia ora Keith. My Twitter story since we last chatted has been absolutely phenomenal. I’ve had people who have a bit of a background. I’ve had two Twitter handles. One has, as you pointed out just before…...
by Keith Keller | Jun 22, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM - SETTING THE SCENE A Podcast About How To Use Twitter To Market Your Tourism Brand. In this episode Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) & Tracey Gayner (@AskGadgetGirl) start by “SETTING THE SCENE” for their upcoming podcast series “TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM” Keith Keller: Hey guys, it’s Keith Keller here in Melbourne, Australia and we’re starting a brand new podcast today Twitter Tips 4 Tourism - it’s a new 10 part series, there may be more, but at this stage it’s going to be ten part. We’re talking about the idea of using Twitter to build your tourism brand, whether you live in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Cuba, the Philippines, wherever you are in the world. Twitter is thumping it at the moment, 310 million people on Twitter using it regularly. I’m here with my very, very, very good friend Ask Gadget Girl in Auckland, New Zealand. How you doing Tracey? Tracey Gayner: Kia ora Keith, how are you? Keith: Very good, I’m look I’m really excited about this, I’m really excited about the fact that we’re doing some videos down the track, we’ve got an ebook coming out. I’m doing gigs in New Zealand next week, we got all these new adventures coming around the world and a lot of people have been asking me this question: How do I use Twitter to promote my tourism brand? I’m going to talk a little bit about this today. Do you want to tell me what you’re doing with your Twitter account and how you’re using it? and then we’ll throw it...
by Keith Keller | Jun 20, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM A Podcast About How To Use Twitter To Market Your Tourism Brand. I have just started an exciting new project called TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM which starts here as a podcast but will eventually be an eBook & video series. I’d loooove to hear your thoughts on what you would like to hear (and see) in this series It’s a work in progress so keep an eye out for some new episodes soon. TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM (The Story So Far) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES YOU MAY ENJOY Twitter Is The Information Network (Video) “TWITTER MAGIC 123” Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!! (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up OVER 30 MORE FREE PODCASTS HERE!! ...
by Keith Keller | Jun 15, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO, Twitter Podcasts
SOCIAL MEDIA SHOWCASE Some Highlights By Guest Blogger Courtney Crawford PERCEPTIONS BEFORE THE CONFERENCE Growing up in the 21st Century, I never really gave much thought to the sudden adaptation to new technology as it went from brick phone used solely for ringing landlines and any other “mobile” phones… at best, texting and the snake game became available. To the modern day technology like the go-pro, the Samsung S7, the I-phone 5S and software apps that can be used on computers and mobile phones. Technology constantly seems to change from a monthly to a yearly basis on a variety forms of hardware and software. The onslaught of what is available can almost seem to be overwhelming. And because of this, it has become the social norm to take each change in stride as it occurs and adopt it to how we use the technology without giving much thought in how we can strategically use social media for the sake of innovation and reaching out to other communities or organisations. There seems to be a broad general understanding of the purpose behind Facebook, Instagram, twitter, YouTube, and snapchat as we have been left to figure out how the technology and social media operates on our own. Even with the curiosity of learning how to use all of the new technology and social media platforms; they have been designed to allow users to embrace it to meet the user’s needs and interests. As a result of this, users such as myself, have ended up using Facebook, twitter and Instagram as a form of personal gallery to share our...
by Keith Keller | Apr 29, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
TWITTER MAGIC 4 BLOGGERS Recently I was interviewed on The Aussie Bloggers Podcast We had a great chat about why I looooove Twitter and how it can help bloggers Here are some of the highlights we talked about in the podcast How to break the Twitter barrier Reach millions of people in Twitter in one day The difference between reach and followers How to apply the 80/20 rule to your social media How to build up cyberkarma Learn the 4:1 rule or Keith’s own 10:1 version Hear the amazing ‘IKEA’ box story How to use Twitter as a JV tool Learn about Twitter 30/30 Find out about Keith’s “Twitter Magic 123” system How many times a day you should check your Twitter feed SOME ADDITIONAL INSPIRATION “TWITTER WRITE” (Twitter Tips 4 Writers) MORE FREE PODCASTS HERE!! TWITTER MAGIC 4 BLOGGERS ((Full Transcript Available Below)) Tanja Turner: Hi, I’m Tan from Write your Cancer. Amanda Hoffmann: Hi, I’m Amanda from My Office Books. T/A: …. and we’re from “Aussie Bloggers Podcast” Tan: Today we have a really special guest, an absolute, total expert on Twitter. We’re talking to Keith Keller. How are you Keith? Keith Keller: Hey, How’re you doing? A few Aussie’s on the same team. Isn’t that brilliant? T/A: (both laugh) Tan: That’s awesome. Amanda: Well Keith, one thing I’ve noticed with bloggers, is, they all had a huge pain point. You know what it is? Twitter. None of them, all very rarely..there are some very clever bloggers out there that can use it, but the majority of bloggers really have no idea...
by Keith Keller | Jan 12, 2016 | Coaching, Twitter Podcasts
“TWITTER TIPS 4 NEWBIES” Are You Struggling To Understand Twitter? Would You Like Your Questions Answered? Here’s a great 8 part series to get you started on your Twitter journey Keep the conversation going and ask any questions with this hashtag #TwitterTips4Newbies (Blab Replays) Follow Keith on Blab for updates & replays Twitter Tips 4 Newbies ((Blab Highlights)) Short Podcasts On Sound Cloud Full Transcripts Available Here!! ...
by Keith Keller | Jan 7, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
TWITTER MAGIC 123 Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!! Recently, I have been playing around with a new growth hacking formula I call: “TWITTER MAGIC 123” (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up Here is an interview I did with Melbourne writer Sarah Cannata about how this simple formula sky rocketed her on-line success in less than 4 weeks. AMAZING STUFF!! TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((Downloadable PDF)) This podcast is part of a 4 part series I recorded with Sarah recently. Sarah Cannata (@CannataAU) Hey, this is professional writer, Sarah Cannata, and welcome to the Twitter Write podcast. Before I go any further, let me introduce you to global Twitter marketing specialist, Keith Keller. Keith, welcome. Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) “TWITTER MAGIC 123” ((The Full Interview)) Hey! Look, it’s been almost a month, you know, since we had our last podcast. And I don’t believe how much you’ve achieved in 4 weeks. It’s less than 4 weeks. And I think you had at that time 265 followers. You hadn’t done that already awesome article with Kaz, which went viral. You’re up to 900 followers now. You’re gonna crack a thousand in less than 6 weeks. And this stuff is working. It’s so exciting. Sarah: I mean, it definitely is. The kind of numbers that I’m reaching 6 weeks after we first started chatting, I mean, a month— it’s only been a month since you’ve been away and some of the stats and the numbers that we’ve got pretty much proves that what we’re doing here is working. So, I mean, I’ll run...
by Keith Keller | Oct 26, 2015 | MP3s, Twitter Podcasts
TWITTER MAGIC 123 An Interview With Brian Basilico In Chicago Brian Basilico from The Bacon Podcast in Chicago interviews Twitter specialist Keith Keller in Melbourne about his “TWITTER MAGIC 123” formula for getting more followers & more engagement with your Twitter marketing strategy. To hear more about Keith’s “TWITTER 123” formula listen to the podcast below: “TWITTER MAGIC 123” 1. FOLLOW FIRST 2. FOLLOW BACK 3. FOLLOW UP To find out more about Brian’s podcasts click on the link below: SOCIAL MEDIA DEMYSTIFIED - GRAB THE FREE eBOOK Check out Brian’s podcast on iTunes and give him a review if you have time (Over 100 Cool Shows Now) ...