by Keith Keller | Aug 22, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
HOW TO GET YOUR BUSINESS BOOMING Guest Blog Post By Zdenka Sciacca Stories are captivating, and most people are usually interested in the characters for different reasons. While others easily relate with the protagonist, others are rooting for the antagonist. Regardless of the side of the fence you are sitting on, an interesting story usually catches the interest of people and retains their attention until the end. The brief illustration above shows how powerful storytelling can be particularly when done the right way. Storytelling is not only synonymous with novels and memoirs as businesses are beginning to realize the great potential inherent in this form of art. The art of storytelling is particularly helpful in content marketing campaigns and at Boomshare, we have realized this fact and put together ways of getting your business booming with storytelling. We look at the storytelling art as it relates to businesses and how it can be used by businesses to promote their brand. What Makes Your Story Great? A good story should be able to take the reader through the different stages, allowing the reader to relate easily with the events and characters of the story. A great story also has a main character with the major happenings revolving around him or her. The main character endures the most throughout the story and can be said to be the hero of the tale. Another feature of a great story is the background. The background here has to do particularly with your business. It also has to do with the setting in which the business exists or existed. In more technical...