Guest Blog Post By Zdenka Sciacca
Stories are captivating, and most people are usually interested in the characters for different reasons.
While others easily relate with the protagonist, others are rooting for the antagonist.
Regardless of the side of the fence you are sitting on, an interesting story usually catches the interest of people and retains their attention until the end.
The brief illustration above shows how powerful storytelling can be particularly when done the right way.
Storytelling is not only synonymous with novels and memoirs as businesses are beginning to realize the great potential inherent in this form of art.
The art of storytelling is particularly helpful in content marketing campaigns and at Boomshare, we have realized this fact and put together ways of getting your business booming with storytelling.
We look at the storytelling art as it relates to businesses and how it can be used by businesses to promote their brand.
What Makes Your Story Great?
A good story should be able to take the reader through the different stages, allowing the reader to relate easily with the events and characters of the story.
A great story also has a main character with the major happenings revolving around him or her.
The main character endures the most throughout the story and can be said to be the hero of the tale.
Another feature of a great story is the background.
The background here has to do particularly with your business.
It also has to do with the setting in which the business exists or existed. In more technical terms, this is called “exposition.”
Rising action is another feature of a great story that should not be missing if you are to provoke action and grasp the attention of readers and in this case, potential customers.
The different happenings and events that push the story towards its climax are what this part of the story contains.
The climax of the story is where the ultimate benefits are reaped or where the big decisions are made, and your business starts to receive the benefits of your hard work.
A good story has a falling action which are the happenings or events the business go through that has gotten it to where it currently is.
The events could have turned out poorly well and even in some cases, the outcomes of the events are not known.
The concluding part of every great story is the resolution.
The hero or protagonist of the story as the case may be, must resolve whatever issues or conflict she is passing through.
Ways To Use Storytelling To Boost Your Business
It is not enough to know the content that makes a story great, as you need to know the different ways of using storytelling telling to promote your business and grow it.
Talk about conflicts you have received in the Past
You want to remember that we aim to promote your business and to do that with storytelling, you need to connect with your readers.
Narrate a story about how your business through the product or service rendered helped you in resolving a conflict in your life.
As they say, charity begins at home, and it is only when you can convince your customers that your business works for you that they can have that trust to spend their money on your brand.
An example for a software selling company will be to narrate how your software helped you to solve your tax season worries.
It is important to tell the story from where you had issues locating receipts and required gathering documents, until when you came across a solution to your problem in the form of your software, and this serves as an introduction to your product.
Tell Your Brand’s Story
This is another great way of getting your business booming with storytelling.
(1) What inspired you to start the business?
(2) How did you the principles of the business and the philosophies come about?
(3) What does the brand represent?
These are some of the questions to be answered using this storytelling strategy.
You might want to include a bit of your personal history in the story, a charitable work you once performed, or even your childhood trait.
It is important to note at this point that the protagonist or main character of your story should be your customer.
The reader should be able to relate to your story and more importantly, see him as the character you are trying to help with your product or service.
The methods briefly discussed above, and the features of a good story will help in getting your business booming with storytelling. Below are additional ideas that could be used in storytelling to help promote your brand.
Talk about your workforce by sharing their stories to trigger a personal connection with them.
Engage your audience by asking questions about their life, and what they expect from your business.
Tell a story of your customers, their interaction with your business, with you, and the community.
Storytelling has become an effective tool for business promotion and businesses looking to grow and stay ahead of the competition continuously harnessed this strategy to boost their business.
Boom Your Business With Storytelling!!— Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) August 25, 2016
THE STORY SO FAR (An Interview With Jane Jackson)