by Keith Keller | Nov 9, 2015 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
“INBOUND VERSUS OUTBOUND MARKETING” Powerful Reasons To Start Creating Content Guest Blog Post By Aroa Vargas Inbound marketing is a strategy that is designed to attract potential customers to your company by “CREATING COMPELLING CONTENT” Sending potential customers to invasive advertising stopped working long time ago. Inbound marketing is based more on creating a strategy that makes content the star of the show!! It comminicates through social networks and generates traffic that allows users to interact with the brand. Moreover, same users fall in love with the brand. You can imagine what companies realized when Inbound marketing arrived to stay. Actually Inbound marketing has been doing before.; It was just called content marketing strategy. The content must be relevant to the target audience. The content should get the engagement that makes a potential customer be interested in the brand. Conventional advertising was OUT when customers began having a more active role. The brand no longer who seeks the customer, the customer seeks the brand. The new marketing generates content using any type of media (and if is neccessary invent them) in order to reach the consumer. Especially, the new advertising is different from conventional advertising because, after any other reason, advertising market has become into entertainment. Outbound marketing is the traditional (and arguably outdated) marketing style. This is the view of marketing where communication is unidirectional and the brand seeks clients through advertising and speaking “AT” them, rather than “WITH” them. INBOUND MARKETING VERSUS OUTBOUND MARKETING A QUICK COMPARISION!! How Aroa Vargas Describes Herself!! (English) (Spanish) When I started the university I already knew how much I loved Marketing, for this reason,...
by Keith Keller | Nov 4, 2015 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
HOW DO YOU STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD? Thinking “OUTSIDE THE BOX” About Marketing Guest Blog Post By Aroa Vargas (@AtreveteconelMK) When we are talking about thinking out of the box, we are talking about a metaphor that means to think differently. It means approaching problems in new, innovative ways; conceptualizing problems differently; and understanding your position in a way you’d never thought of before. The easiest way to understand what means think outside the box is think different. If we continue doing the same that we always do, we are not thinking outside the box, if not inside. How to do it? As somebody says, “you think outside the box when you’re removing yourself from any and all preconceived notions or ideas about how it has been done before” Brainstorm, re-conceptualize the problem, daydream, pay attention to other’s people ideas or even give yourself some basic parameters may help you to think outside the box. Something that also inspires me to talk to you about this was the talk by Giovanni Corazza at TedxRoma: How to get out of the box and generate ideas. In this talk, Giovanni Corazza tells us why we need to go out of the box, how do we get out of the box, when is a good idea to think out of the box and much much more. “Going out of the box is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity for us & our dignity as human beings” How Aroa Vargas Describes Herself!! (English) (Spanish) When I started the university I already knew how much I loved Marketing, for this reason, I decided to study...