TEN MOST COMMON TRAFFIC MISTAKES Guest Blog Post By Karen Repoli    If you have a website or blog then you already know the importance of traffic. Traffic is to internet marketing what “location - location - location” is to real estate. It is one of the major ingredients of online marketing. If you can’t generate targeted visitors to your site, you simply won’t make any sales. Usually the owner or designer of a new website is the person designated to drive traffic to the site. The chief ingredient in generating traffic is the search engine. Of course, you can use advertising, but it’s going to cost you. Using the search engines to generate targeted (interested in your product) traffic is the least expensive method known. Unfortunately, many website owners do not understand the importance of search engine visibility, which leads to traffic. They place more importance on producing a “pretty” website. Not that this is bad, but it is really secondary to search engine placement. Hopefully, the following list of common mistakes, made by many website owners, will help you generate more targeted traffic to your site…after all, isn’t that what you want.   (1) Not Using Keywords Effectively   This is probably one of the most critical areas of site design. Choose the right keywords and potential customers will find your site. Use the wrong ones and your site will see little, if any, traffic.   (2) Repeating The Same Keywords   When you use the same keywords over and over again (called keyword stacking) the search engines may downgrade (or skip) the page or site  ...


GET MORE VISITORS WITH BLOGGING Fantastic Insights From Guest Blogger Karen Repoli    When you decide to start a website, you not only have to think about how you want to design it, but also how are you going to market it.  Marketing is the key in all business, online or offline, and will be a foundation to your success.  Taking the necessary steps to get your website noticed on the search engines is not a complex process, but it does take some time and effort. Blogging is an excellent way to start bringing traffic into your website.  Let people know why you started a site, and what you intend to do with it.  How are you going to help people and be any different than the next guy?  Blog posts that contain keyword-rich content will help your site rank higher in the search engines, although it may take some time for this to happen.  Get your voice out there and be consistent. (1) Write with your audience in mind – What is it that your target market wants to read about?  How are you able to solve their problems with your site or product (2) Engage your reader by asking them questions – The simple way to know what your readers want is to ask them.  Make them want to leave comments and suggestions regarding your content.  Once your audience feels like they can engage with you, trust begins to form and a solid relationship can be created (3) Clear, concise headlines – Make sure your readers know what your content is all about.  Having a headline that...
BLOGGING FOR BUSINESS @KarenRepoli  Five (5) Ways To Attract Your Ideal Client With Blogging

BLOGGING FOR BUSINESS @KarenRepoli Five (5) Ways To Attract Your Ideal Client With Blogging

BLOGGING FOR BUSINESS Five Ways To Attract Your Ideal Client With Blogging The Anatomy of a Blog Post Sharing your blog posts and links across social media is a stellar strategy to establish your social media rock star status.  This doesn’t mean endlessly posting blog titles with links. It means creating and maintaining active social media business pages then and including your blog link and other social network URLs. Make sure your blog post lives up to your readers expectations and matches the “voice” and persona you’re presenting on the social platforms are on. How do you get your target audience to notice you? What will bring Jane Ideal Client to your social media profile and, ultimately, your website so she can see how valuable it would be to work with you or buy your product?  One of the best ways to accomplish this is to start blogging. Don’t know the first thing about blogging? No worries, I’m here to help. Here are the basics of formatting a blog post: Remember to keep it simple, include plenty of white space. You may have to break up paragraphs in places that you don’t feel comfortable doing so, but it’s all about readability and not correct format like in a college or school paper. Include pictures that are relevant to the blog post, and always fill in the “alt” information for the picture. The best thing to enter in the “alt” field is the title of the post or your business/website name. For example, I include HIT Virtual in my pictures. Use plenty of bullet points, headlines, h1 and h2 headers....