by Keith Keller | May 2, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
MAKING SENSE OF BIG DATA Guest Blog Post By Mike Segveld Data is something that we simply can’t afford to ignore!! This blog post will show you the value of data, some of the future trends as well as showing you how to use your data to create a meaningful marketing plan for your business. Can It Be Automated? There is much automated nowadays, but can you automate the entire process of data (collection, reporting and concluding) or is there always a need for human skill? There is a trend that more things are being automated. This is because there are more opportunities to automate things. For example, behavioural targeting, finding certain behaviours on your site and respond with specific content, is also more and more automated. Just as the predictive side of analytics (the understanding of datasets and predict the value there from. This is because there are more opportunities to automate things. Data-driven is a very important component in everything you do, but it will be never the only component. The data can tell you what happens, but eventually you have to decide how you are going to anticipate. This is where creativity needed. It is important that you are going to formulate some hypotheses, test it and validate it with the data. Automating won’t let the human aspect disappear, but it move the human work. For example; The algorithms (that collect and make conclusions based on the data) have to be written. This is what the humans will do in future. The mainstream things will be automated faster, but the human...
by Keith Keller | Nov 9, 2015 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
“INBOUND VERSUS OUTBOUND MARKETING” Powerful Reasons To Start Creating Content Guest Blog Post By Aroa Vargas Inbound marketing is a strategy that is designed to attract potential customers to your company by “CREATING COMPELLING CONTENT” Sending potential customers to invasive advertising stopped working long time ago. Inbound marketing is based more on creating a strategy that makes content the star of the show!! It comminicates through social networks and generates traffic that allows users to interact with the brand. Moreover, same users fall in love with the brand. You can imagine what companies realized when Inbound marketing arrived to stay. Actually Inbound marketing has been doing before.; It was just called content marketing strategy. The content must be relevant to the target audience. The content should get the engagement that makes a potential customer be interested in the brand. Conventional advertising was OUT when customers began having a more active role. The brand no longer who seeks the customer, the customer seeks the brand. The new marketing generates content using any type of media (and if is neccessary invent them) in order to reach the consumer. Especially, the new advertising is different from conventional advertising because, after any other reason, advertising market has become into entertainment. Outbound marketing is the traditional (and arguably outdated) marketing style. This is the view of marketing where communication is unidirectional and the brand seeks clients through advertising and speaking “AT” them, rather than “WITH” them. INBOUND MARKETING VERSUS OUTBOUND MARKETING A QUICK COMPARISION!! How Aroa Vargas Describes Herself!! (English) (Spanish) When I started the university I already knew how much I loved Marketing, for this reason,...
by Keith Keller | Oct 12, 2015 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO, MP3s
SOCIAL MEDIA AUTOMATION MADE EASY In this episode Keith Keller interviews Adel de Meyer, Hootsuite trainer & Social Media automation specialist, about how to make your marketing easier. Download Adel’s free eBook here: Tools Discussed In The Podcast: Buffer Hootsuite Zapier IFTTT Twitonomy Contact Adel @ The Following Sites: LINKEDIN TWITTER GOOGLE PLUS FACEBOOK More Great Podcasts Available Here: SOCIAL MEDIA AUTOMATION MADE EASY Automation Should Not Replace Humans In Social Media Automation is something of a divisive issue in social media marketing circles. While some see automation as a helpful - even necessary - element of their overall social presence, others see it as counter intuitive, going against the very foundations on which social media is built. It is, after all, “social” media, there’s a distinct emphasis on interaction, but as with everything social, it’s all about balance. There are ways to utilise the benefits of automation without turning your profiles over to the robots. And here’s the thing – in a world of ever-multiplying social media platforms and content options, putting in the hours required to build and maintain a productive social media presence can pose a major challenge. A recent survey by Social Media Examiner found that 41% of marketers are spending 11 hours or more weekly on social media, time that many business owners simply don’t have. And even more relevant - what if you’re simply not able to be online at the peak times at which your audience is? You have to run your business, there are hundreds of other tasks demanding your...
by Keith Keller | Jun 4, 2015 | Coaching, MP3s, Twitter Podcasts
“TWITTER WRITE” (Twitter Tips 4 Writers) IS TWITTER A POWERFUL MARKETING TOOL FOR WRITERS? ABSOLUTELY!! I am sooooo excited to announce that Twitter Write is up & running!! I’m passionate about showing people, and in particular writers, how they can use Twitter to stand out from the crowd. Sarah Cannata and I connected in April and immediately saw a real synergy in what each us are doing. As for Sarah, she’s like many writers out there. She’s awesome but she’s competing in a world full of awesome people. It’s not easy to stand out from the crowd and to this day, I’m still gobsmacked as to how many people aren’t aware and taking full advantage of the power of Twitter – The Information Network. Take Sarah – After speaking with her, here’s what I gathered: She knows a little about Twitter marketing and has used it as part of her corporate career, but I quickly caught on she wasn’t aware of how it could see her raising her profile and exposing her writing to the world on another level. I’ve been there, done that and it occurred to me while speaking with Sarah that I’ve never really talked about my story. Sarah has shared it via her latest Huffington Post article but it’s never been something I’ve ‘put out there for the world to see’. I love hearing and sharing other people’s stories, but what about my own? Once upon a time, I had a 9am to 5pm job that helped to pay off the mortgage and put food on the table. But I was miserable. So on my 40th...