BE YOURSELF ALWAYS!! YOUR TRIBE WILL LOVE YOU FOR IT!!   When you are an entrepreneur, you need to have an online presence whether you have a brick and mortar storefront or a primary online business. As much as some people may not want to accept it, social media is here to stay. With that said, how is an entrepreneur to approach social media? What guidelines is an entrepreneur to follow? If you are an entrepreneur who spends any amount of time on social media, I’ve got two simple rules for you to follow so that your followers and clients will find you and stick with you.   Be Yourself   Once you find your specific niche of the service or product that you offer, and you know who your ideal customer is, then what? Well, the key is pretty simple. Just be you. Be true to who you are, whether that’s in your branding, marketing, your videos, interacting with current clients, speaking with potential clients, creating your offerings, writing your posts, blogging or posting on your website. I mean every.single.thing. Be yourself in everything you do. You are still saying, “What does that mean to just be me?” The easiest way to explain is to give you examples. Serena Williams. Johnny Depp. Carrot Top. Kim Kardashian. Sean Penn. Beyonce. What do they have in common? They all are just being themselves. They dress how they want, look how they want, express their opinion whether you like it or not. They basically are just who they are and could care less what you think. Sure, they are smart with...


RECYCLE YOUR CONTENT A Guest Blog Post By Stephanie Ward!! As a business owner you’ve worked hard to create fabulous content that rocks & you will continue to do so going forward. That doesn’t mean however that all of your previous work can’t continue to be utilized and shared with your community.  Don’t ignore your previous content, it’s extremely valuable. Just make sure it’s the best it can be and that it is organized. Let’s see how the three R’s of sustainability can be applied to your marketing. Reduce   Eliminating content that is not relevant and reorganizing what remains will improve your visitors’ experience when they visit your website. Here are some suggestions to get you started. Get rid of outdated information on your website. Do you still have information on your website about an event that has already happened? Remove it. What about posts that are no longer relevant? Get rid of them. Is your website’s sidebar too cluttered? Take a hard look and make sure that all of the elements are valuable. Delete anything that is not compelling for your visitors. While you’re reviewing your sidebar this is a great time to make sure the elements are in the most effective order. It could be time to rearrange them. The most important element should be at the top of your sidebar. I hope that this is where you have your offer for your valuable free giveaway and ezine. The search box should always be the last element in your sidebar. Reuse   Think about how you can take content on your website and convert it into additional...