WHY TWITTER IS FANTASTIC FOR MUSICIANS   Angela Sargeant explains Twitter can be an amazing tool to promote your music & build your fan base globally.     If you’ve been on Twitter for any length of time, you might think it’s a platform more suited to businesses, while musicians just post their daily musings and links to other social platforms. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. If you’re a musician, Twitter isn’t just a place to announce you’ve dropped a new single. …. and it’s so much more than a place to simply push your Instagram posts to. Whether you’re a solo artist or part of a band, Twitter is actually an extremely powerful social platform for you to build your fan base, create new opportunities for more work, and gain extra exposure. Sound good? Then read on, because here’s everything musicians need to know about Twitter, to help support a music career. Twitter is unique in that everyone is welcome to join in the conversation, and everyone has the opportunity to grow their community. Twitter, in my opinion, is the most genuinely social of all platforms. It’s an amazing place to make connections that you wouldn’t be able to make anywhere else online. Of course there’s no use in posting on Twitter every day unless it’s going to help your music career right? Otherwise you’re better off spending that time writing new music and/or performing. You’ve put all that blood, sweat and tears into creating your music, now you need to get it out to the people. … and we all know getting...


HOW TO PROMOTE YOUR MUSIC ON TWITTER   Angela Sargeant gives some great advice about why Twitter is such a great place to promote your music. Amazing suggestions here about what to post & when, including using hashtags & short videos.     For many musicians, Twitter is one of those social platforms that can be a bit confusing. It seems easy enough to use, but how the heck do you use it effectively to promote your music, and further your career? How do you get people to click on your link to watch your videos on YouTube? How do you get your Twitter followers to also follow you on Spotify or Soundcloud? And how do you get them to keep coming back for more? The answer always starts with having a strategy. Because random posts gives random results. There are so many highly effective ways to promote your music on Twitter, there’s no way all that information can go into a blog post. But there’s some essentials you want to know, to get you started on promoting your music on Twitter.     How Do You Promote Your Music Using Twitter?     Let’s start with the basics and look at your actual Twitter feed, because you want your foundations right first, for maximum impact. Twitter is like real life socializing and networking. You share something that interests your audience, and you join in conversations with others. And just like in real life, if all we do is talk about ourselves, people are going to eventually tune out. If someone looks at your Twitter profile and all they...