by Keith Keller | Mar 13, 2018 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
20 WAYS THAT TWITTER ANALYTICS CAN IMPROVE YOUR MARKETING A Guest Blog Post By Pankaj Narang Twitter is now one of the biggest social media platforms and it can help your business in so many ways. With the help of Twitter Analytics, you can certainly improve your strategies too. There are already different ways to use Twitter for business. With the assistance of Twitter Analytics, you can come up with better marketing campaigns. To make things easier for you, I have listed different ways of using Twitter Analytics right here. (1) Performance Overview After launching the Twitter Analytics page, you can see various sections. Right on the homepage, you can view the overall performance review of your profile. By default, this will provide these parameters over the course of the last 28 days: Top tweet, mention, follower, and media tweet Tweet impressions Profile visits Mentions, and more (2) Measure Twitter Activity If you want to get into details, then you can simply click on the “Tweet” tab. This will provide a graph related to your Twitter activity. By default, it would be for the last 28 days. This can help you analyze the respective dates when your account had the maximum engagement. You can simply learn from your past activities and repeat your success in the coming days. (3) Statistics about engagements On the same page, you can get in-depth insights regarding various parameters associated with social engagement. There would be a quick listing of statistics related to engagement rate, link clicks, retweets, likes, and more. It will help you extract...
by Keith Keller | Apr 28, 2017 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO, Twitter Podcasts
LIVING LIFE IN THE MOMENTS A Guest Blog Post By Pankaj Narang Finally, Twitter has announced a way to share quick and interactive content on its platform with its latest update. With the rapid growth of Snapchat and Instagram, Twitter is gradually losing its title of being the “fastest social media platform”. According to the latest survey conducted by Piper Jaffray, Snapchat has become the most essential app used by teens (28%), closely followed by Instagram (27%). Twitter was at the third place with 18% of the total market share. Needless to say, with the growing popularity of Snapchat and Instagram stories, Twitter was expected to come with something new and exciting for its users. Now, you can do so much more with this remarkable medium rather than just getting to know about the trending topics nearby. With the introduction of Twitter Moments, one can narrate a story of their own using different types of content (similar to a slideshow-representation). For everyone who wants to make a Moment – starting today you can! Creators everywhere can now tell stories with Tweets. — Twitter (@Twitter) September 28, 2016 For everyone who wants to make a Moment – starting today you can! Creators everywhere can now tell stories with Tweets. — Twitter (@Twitter) September 28, 2016 Twitter made it official with this tweet, narrating the use of Moments and how one can easily give their profile a breath of fresh air with this revolutionary feature. Moments was actually released back in August 2016 for a selective media and entertainment channels but it was officially launched for...