TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM  A Podcast About How To Use Twitter To Market Your Tourism Brand.     I have just started an exciting new project called TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM which starts here as a podcast but will eventually be an eBook & video series. I’d loooove to hear your thoughts on what you would like to hear (and see) in this series It’s a work in progress so keep an eye out for some new episodes soon.   TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM (The Story So Far)    ADDITIONAL RESOURCES YOU MAY ENJOY     Twitter Is The Information Network (Video)   “TWITTER MAGIC 123” Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!! (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up     OVER 30 MORE FREE PODCASTS HERE!! ...
THE IMPORTANCE OF BLOGGING FOR SEO ((Podcast)) With Guest Blogger Malka Maxwell

THE IMPORTANCE OF BLOGGING FOR SEO ((Podcast)) With Guest Blogger Malka Maxwell

THE IMPORTANCE OF BLOGGING FOR SEO What does blogging have to do with SEO? Blogging is a wonderful tool to create new or fresh content for your website. Thus giving it an updated feel. After most websites are created especially if you are a service you don’t update very often because there is really nothing new to update. So faced with a challenge of keeping your service in front of customers you have to do other things. Enter the concept of blogging. Originally blogging was a web-log. Reminiscent of the Sci-Fi show “Star Trek”.  Entries were created daily, many were technically journals. The blogger would talk about their product launch,opinions and sometimes challenges with coming up with content. Blogs were also used a method for customers to understand what a company was doing, and to virtually meet the key players within a company. Clearer Thinking On Blogging Then blogs evolved into a collection of articles. Again, that format is varied now because bloggers are taking on a more conversation type tone and their topics are just as exciting. To make a blog post effective, use the same steps to create a web page, make sure that the title of your blog post has all or some of your keywords.  Just like on your web pages you want to make sure that your keyword is used at least 3 times throughout the post. You can also use variations of the keyword another 2 times as well. You can bold,italicize or underscore your keywords as well just for the extra emphasis that those are keywords. Since photos are the “rage” and...
Sales Funnels Can Really Bring Your Twitter Marketing Strategy To Life!!

Sales Funnels Can Really Bring Your Twitter Marketing Strategy To Life!!

“ENTREE - MAIN COURSE - DESSERT” “Sales Funnels” can bring your Twitter marketing strategy campaign to life.  Here’s a quick & handy “HOW TO” guide!!   These days, having a strategy behind your every move is absolutely necessary and when it comes to using Twitter as a marketing tool, we’re going to talk about 3 main ideas:  Entrée - Something Free    Here, you offer your fanbase something that’s completely free as a teaser and a way to build trust. For example, I often use an eBook to do this or a podcast series (much like this one). As for Annemarie, she calls this her irresistible giveaway that helps you to become part of someone else’s world. She uses this freebie to build her email database so that she can communicate with people to alert them to anything else she has to offer. Main Course - Something Small   So, your target market has expressed interest in your freebie. It’s time to up the ante slightly with something small and affordable. This product is designed not to be big but to act as a taste test of what’s to come.  I’ve used numerous methods to do this over the years including my Get Found TV series where I partnered up with someone else to help people to navigate their way through the online world.  Here, Annemarie goes with a three-part webinar training series she knows provides her target market with value. Dessert - Something Fancy   Now it’s time for your top-notch offering. Think of flying first class or going to Gold Class at the cinemas. By this point, your...


TWITTER FOR BUSY BUSINESS OWNERS “TOP 5 TIPS” For Marketing Your Business With Twitter    I know you are busy so here are my “TOP 5 TWITTER TIPS” for getting your business up and running on Twitter. If you like to know more I have a completely free eBook about this and loads a resources. But for now, try these quick and easy tips and let me know what you think..   1.   Be a resource not a salesperson   Twitter is about sharing information and resources NOT selling ‘stuff’. This may sound counter-intuitive but it is the essence of Social Media marketing.   2.   Write a strong bio   One that will inspire potential clients and joint venture partners to follow you.   3.   Add a photo or company graphic    There is significant evidence to prove that people who do this get more followers and retweets   4.   Remember the 80/20 Rule – It’s not all about you   4 out of 5 tweets should be of value to your followers and not sales related. 1 out of 10 however is a far better ratio if you can manage it.   5.   SHARE – SHARE –SHARE (This is Twitter 101)   Share great articles and interact with your followers … this is the essence of how Twitter works   SOME ADDITIONAL RESOURCES (Free eBook)  (Twitter Strategy Sessions)...


USING TWITTER 4 GLOBAL NETWORKING An interview with Rob Brown (UK) Recently I had the pleasure of being interviewed in the UK by Rob Brown, motivational business speaker and networking specialist. Here’s some highlights of what we discussed. The Five Point Plan to Crack the Twitter Code. Why ‘sharing is better than chocolate!’ when it comes to networking on Twitter. The 80/20 Rule for Twitter success. That social media is for meeting people that you don’t yet know. The need to be authentic and find your niche for Twitter success. Why you must use automation tools to save time when networking online. How social media helps you improve time management. The power and benefits of global networking via social media. The concept and advantage of ‘global social connectedness.’ Why social media networking increases your business potential. A quick look in the crystal ball and the future of social media for business networking. Why Twitter is the perfect social network information tool. Insider Networking Tip: the best times for scheduling important tweets to reach the most readers. Networking Productivity Tip: The Three T’s of Managing and Keeping Up with Twitter for Business. OVER 30 MORE FREE PODCASTS HERE!!         ...