6 SIMPLE WAYS TO PROMOTE YOUR VIRTUAL EVENTS IN 2022 A Guest Blog Post By Itamar Gero      Live videos take care of two critical business needs: immediate interaction and better conversions. By 2022, they’ll become even more crucial as more marketers include them in their strategies and definitely don’t want to be left behind. When you create virtual events, you not only leverage the benefits of live engagement but also gain access to new potential consumers and a way to market your products and services online. But like every digital marketing tactic, you generate buzz and achieve results only if you approached the project correctly. Success happens when you have a strategic plan that responds to the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing, especially where the promotion of your event is concerned. So, let’s get started.   1. Create Landing Pages That Convert     Create a page dedicated solely to the event where everyone can go and learn about it. A well-crafted landing page can convince readers or potential attendees to get excited about the event and eventually sign up. Attract people by adding high-quality photos of your speakers or performers. Add relevant videos and other forms of media to establish curiosity. Provide the following essential information:   Event Time and Date Event Description Agenda Speakers Sign-up Links Sponsor Information Secure Payment Options (if necessary)   2. Use Email Marketing     One of the best ways to advertise your event is to implement an email marketing campaign. Send out newsletters or a link to your landing page to your email list to build anticipation among your...


SOCIAL VIDEO 101: GETTING STARTED A Guest Blog Post By Patrick Bailey     If you want to market your business, there are many ways to do it. Video marketing is one of the most popular marketing tools. Hundreds of millions of people are participating in video marketing on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and even Linkedin.  The popularity of such tools is not a surprise. Videos are easy for people to process. …. but there are warnings. If you do not know what you are doing, video marketing may be difficult to create. The good news is, there are tips to help you start video marketing.    (1) MAKE A PLAN   Whether you are doing a video how to get pregnant, how to stop using drugs, or how to train a dog, it is important to make a plan. Before you jump into video marketing, this plan may help you tie everything together.  You may want to create a plan that includes the types of videos you will make, the proposed titles for the videos, the descriptions of the videos, and the dates when you will post the videos. You will want to track the metrics (measurements) for each of your videos. So, in your plan, be sure to track the growth from each video, such as the numbers of likes and comments that you have received. Recording this information may help you determine which components in your plan are working and which components are not working. Your plan should also include lists of the platforms you plan to post your videos to. (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc)...


TEN MOST COMMON TRAFFIC MISTAKES Guest Blog Post By Karen Repoli    If you have a website or blog then you already know the importance of traffic. Traffic is to internet marketing what “location - location - location” is to real estate. It is one of the major ingredients of online marketing. If you can’t generate targeted visitors to your site, you simply won’t make any sales. Usually the owner or designer of a new website is the person designated to drive traffic to the site. The chief ingredient in generating traffic is the search engine. Of course, you can use advertising, but it’s going to cost you. Using the search engines to generate targeted (interested in your product) traffic is the least expensive method known. Unfortunately, many website owners do not understand the importance of search engine visibility, which leads to traffic. They place more importance on producing a “pretty” website. Not that this is bad, but it is really secondary to search engine placement. Hopefully, the following list of common mistakes, made by many website owners, will help you generate more targeted traffic to your site…after all, isn’t that what you want.   (1) Not Using Keywords Effectively   This is probably one of the most critical areas of site design. Choose the right keywords and potential customers will find your site. Use the wrong ones and your site will see little, if any, traffic.   (2) Repeating The Same Keywords   When you use the same keywords over and over again (called keyword stacking) the search engines may downgrade (or skip) the page or site  ...