by Keith Keller | Sep 29, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
INTEGRATING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING A Case Study By Guest Blogger Dr. Prash Shanbhag Britney Spears now has close to “50 MILLION TWITTER FOLLOWERS” but she does sooooo much more than just Twitter. What makes Britney’s Social Media marketing outstanding is the way in which she and her team have leveraged several platforms to build and grow her brand. This is where most social media marketers fall short – They treat each the social media channels as stand alone “mouth pieces”. Ideally, all the social media channels need to be work in harmony by feeding off one another. Britney has her own website ( Two You Tube channels (Britney Spears & Britney TV) One Twitter account and a Facebook page. These social media channels have evolved, since they were launched over the course of several years. For example, here is the You Tube video for Britney’s own fragrance ‘Radiance’ Radiance (Choose Your Own Destiny) To increase the fan engagement further, this post was followed by a link to the Britney Spears Facebook presence. An app used the main theme of the advertising spot, a fortune teller, and showed users different pictures of themselves and their friends in the form of a crystal ball. These pictures, were taken from the respective user’s Facebook photo albums, and were followed by a video of the Radiance spot itself. Britney Spears and her team use these platforms to remain in close touch with her fan base and to interact with the target audience on a regular basis. Make Your Fans Feel Special When someone decides to follow you on social media, it’s...
by Keith Keller | Oct 28, 2015 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
5 Cool Apps To Help Organise Your “Social” Life A guest post from the team at Modernize Using social media is a crucial aspect of growing your platform as a business owner or entrepreneur within a creative field. If you aren’t using social media to your advantage, you are missing out on a key way to market yourself to a virtually unlimited audience. But when you are a busy entrepreneur, keeping up with social media is no easy task. It takes a lot of organization to develop an engaged and growing social media following. A cluttered digital life can really get in the way of success. With the right apps, you can organize your life online and free yourself up to pursue further growth of your career. Here are a some favourites and a few you may not have heard of: HootSuite This social media management system can be downloaded to any Android or Apple device, allowing you to pre-schedule tweets, status updates, and more from one combined platform. HootSuite is your one-stop social media management application, allowing you to integrated Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and more. Evernote This digital workspace serves as a highly organized electronic brain dump. The Evernote app can be downloaded on both Android and Apple devices and allows you to put a pin in virtually any idea or media. Have a great idea for tweet, but need time to flesh it out a little further? Create an Evernote doc solely devoted to jotting down great ideas for social media updates. Find a photo which will perfectly capture an idea you want to communicate online?...