by Keith Keller | Apr 7, 2018 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
8 FANTASTIC WAYS TO MAXIMISE VIDEO A Guest Blog Post By Pankaj Nerang Videos have now become the centre of Twitter, much like other social media platforms. So much so that video content on Twitter has grown over 220 times. With the introduction of GIFs, autoplay, and Periscope, it has now become much easier for users to create engaging videos. … and brands around the world are taking full advantage of that fact. In this article, we will discuss Twitter Video best practices for brands and startups and how you can take advantage of this huge trend. Why Video Marketing Is So Important Now!! There are a number of reasons why marketers prefer video marketing, including Higher engagement. 68% of users would share a branded video if it was entertaining Easier to explain your product or services. 98% of users prefer an explainer video over text Video ads do better with an average click through rate of 1.84% which is the highest of any ad format. Why Twitter Video? While Twitter was initially created as a 140 character limit microblogging platform, a lot has changed over the years. Now users can share pictures, GIFs, and of course videos. Twitter users have come to love videos with over 82% of them actively watching videos on it. In fact, Twitter video posts get higher engagement as well with 2.5 times more replies, 2.8 times more retweets, and 1.9 times more favourites. How To Share Videos On Twitter (The ABCs) ...
by Keith Keller | Dec 13, 2017 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
“ONCE UPON A TIME” WHY STORYTELLING IS VITALLY IMPORTANT TO MARKETERS Guest Blog Post By Fabrice Briatte (Montreal) FRENCH TRANSLATION ALSO AVAILABLE Once upon a time, there was a world where people didn’t watch TV any more. There was a world where people used adblockers when they go to the Internet. People wanted brands to talk to them only when they needed it. Marketers couldn’t attract attention by disturbing them anymore. But there was a little fairy full of emotions called ‘Storytelling’ that could help marketers. Here is her story 😉 Micro Moments Are Changing The Rules The importance of moments Our life is made up of micro-moments. These micro-moments are changing the relationship between brands and clients. We spend most of these micro-moments through the Internet. According to Google, there are four types of “Micro Moments” (1) I Want To Know Moments When someone is exploring, but is not in purchase mode. (2) I Want To Go Moments When someone is considering buying a product at local store. (3) I Want To Do Moments When someone needs help finishing a task or wants to do something new. (4) I Want To Buy Moments When someone is ready to buy, and may need help. All these micro-moments represent chances for brands to engage with the clients. Brands can make this experience great just by giving the right information at the right time. 30,000 Decisions Every Day Micro-moments, micro-experiences mean micro-decisions. We make more than 30,000 micro-decisions a day. It means we have too much...
by Keith Keller | Nov 27, 2017 | Featured Posts
Recently I was invited to speak at the “FUTURE OF SOCIAL MEDIA” conference here in Melbourne which was a lot of fun. I met so many great people on the day and also had the chance to find out about the latest Social Media strategies. How cool is that? THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL MEDIA (2017) I also had the great fortune to meet Miri Rodriguez from Microsoft and we chatted here about importance of storytelling for your business or startup. …. and how you can now create compelling videos on your smartphone or tablet. There are some compelling ideas here and I also talk about how I record and edit my videos as part of the “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” video series. ? Keith Keller: So we’ve talked about storytelling as a powerful mechanism, but one of the big stories in the room today is budget Miri Rodriguez: Yeah Keith Keller: Can you explain a little bit about how people can enter the game, Miri Rodriguez: Yes Keith Keller: Without having to spend hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of Dollars. I’ve got a Tablet, a Samsung Tablet, $50 stand, couple of hundred Dollars and we’re here. Miri Rodriguez: That’s it, and it’s as good as it can get. Honestly I love what you’re doing, and I love how you’re doing it, and showcasing it right now with this. At Microsoft, of course we have a bigger budget than a lot of people in this room have, and in reality, a lot of people come into these conferences and go: “Yeah great Microsoft, because you have the...
by Keith Keller | Sep 26, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
HOW TO GET YOUR MESSAGE OUT THERE A Guest Blog Post Comparing Medium & Linkedin Pulse TIM KNOWLES Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get a ready-made audience for your content? I mean you’ve got a great bit of content, you’ve poured hours of blood, sweat, and tears into it. …… and you’ve edited it over & over again. Your article is awesome and this is your best work to date, for sure. It’s actionable content and it should get a ton of shares. You hit the publish button. “BANG” The clock goes tick tock and the number of readers creeps up into double figures. Woo hoo!! More than 9 readers, time to p-a-r-t-y. Did you forget to promote it? Doh!! You say to yourself, “I’ve got this”. I can use social media to promote my post. So, off you go and drop it into Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and maybe even Google+. Or you schedule it out with Buffer or HootSuite You might find that you get a few shares and a few hundred clicks if you are lucky. This is a similar issue for many new bloggers (and some long-term bloggers). If only you could get your content in front of the right audience. The kind of people who would appreciate your excellent work and want to share it. Instant Audience - Just Add Water The 1970’s was an interesting time for many great reasons and many bad reasons. ….. and one bad reason was this. In the UK a food product emerged which was set to revolutionise food production. Cadbury’s, a UK-based chocolate company started in 1824 released...
by Keith Keller | Aug 22, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
HOW TO GET YOUR BUSINESS BOOMING Guest Blog Post By Zdenka Sciacca Stories are captivating, and most people are usually interested in the characters for different reasons. While others easily relate with the protagonist, others are rooting for the antagonist. Regardless of the side of the fence you are sitting on, an interesting story usually catches the interest of people and retains their attention until the end. The brief illustration above shows how powerful storytelling can be particularly when done the right way. Storytelling is not only synonymous with novels and memoirs as businesses are beginning to realize the great potential inherent in this form of art. The art of storytelling is particularly helpful in content marketing campaigns and at Boomshare, we have realized this fact and put together ways of getting your business booming with storytelling. We look at the storytelling art as it relates to businesses and how it can be used by businesses to promote their brand. What Makes Your Story Great? A good story should be able to take the reader through the different stages, allowing the reader to relate easily with the events and characters of the story. A great story also has a main character with the major happenings revolving around him or her. The main character endures the most throughout the story and can be said to be the hero of the tale. Another feature of a great story is the background. The background here has to do particularly with your business. It also has to do with the setting in which the business exists or existed. In more technical...