Personalise Your Twitter Profile

Personalise Your Twitter Profile

This is Part 5 of my blog series featuring Hubspot’s AWESOME eBook “Using Twitter for Business: An Introductory Guide”      #Twitter 4 #Business @HubSpot (Highlights) “PERSONALISE YOUR TWITTER PROFILE” @AmazingVidTours (Video) — Keith Keller(@KeithKeller) February 24, 2012   Now that you have your account, you need to personalize it. It is important that you personalize your account before you begin interacting with and following people. Before you add your information, your account will look inactive, and if you start following people without a personalized profile, your chances of being followed back will decrease dramatically. Other users may even mistake you for a spammer, which is definitely not something you should shoot for. Your profile is the place where you can reference your company, your blog, your location, and interests. Let‘s get started! Click the “Edit Your Profile” on your profile page, which can be found at (insert your Twitter handle in place of USERNAME). The first order of business is your picture, also commonly referred to as your avatar. It‘s very important to put a face to your name. For this step, click on the ?Browse? button and select a nice, smiley photo from your files to represent you. (If you‘re creating a company Twitter account, use your logo.) Next up on your profile is your name. Always list your real name when using Twitter for business. You wouldn‘t introduce yourself with a fake name at a tradeshow. Why should you do it here? Then, add your location so people know where you‘re based! For your URL, or web address, it‘s always best practice to include...
TWITTER VOCABULARY (Using Twitter 4 Business)

TWITTER VOCABULARY (Using Twitter 4 Business)

This is Part 2 of my blog series featuring Hubspot’s AWESOME eBook   “Using Twitter for Business: An Introductory Guide”    #Twitter 4 #Business @Hubspot @HowCast “TWITTER VOCABULARY” (Using Twitter 4 Business - Part 2) — Keith Keller(@KeithKeller) February 15, 2012 For people who are just getting started, it‘s useful to first grasp and familiarize yourself with some of the common terminology associated with Twitter. Twitter Handle:  Also known as a username. This is the name you select to represent yourself on Twitter. To Follow:  To subscribe to someone‘s updates on Twitter. You do this by clicking the “Follow” button on that specific person‘s Twitter page, which can be found at (Insert the specific person‘s username into the URL (i.e) When you follow someone, their updates will be displayed on your Twitter homepage so you know what they are doing. To Follow Back:  To subscribe to the updates of someone who has recently started following you. In Twitter‘s notifications settings, you can indicate whether you‘d like to receive an email alert whenever a new person follows you receive. In the email, there will be a link to that person‘s profile. By clicking the link, you can check out who they are and decide to follow them back or not. It is not required to follow everyone back, but many people like to. Follower:  A person who has subscribed to receive your updates. You can view your total number of followers on your Twitter profile page. Update:  Also known as a tweet. Each update can be no longer than 140-characters. (Later we will talk about different types of...