by Keith Keller | Sep 18, 2017 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
GETTING STARTED WITH LIVE VIDEO Guest Blog Post By Lesley Fischer If you’re on social media, chances are pretty great that you’ve seen a friend or celebrity sharing a video of themselves live. Live video on social media is changing the way we interact with our audience, each other, and the world. Facebook is just one recent medium that has fully embraced live video along with YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter (through Periscope). Live video gives you the ability to interact face to face with your customers in real time. Just as you would in a store. As we’ve seen in recent catastrophic events, all four of these platforms have utilized social media and live video to communicate, to connect, and to aid in rescues. Adding live video to your social media reportage can only enhance your social presence. It’s wildly interactive, even if it’s an older video that was once live, and is now just on your news feed. The biggest benefit of live video however is “immediacy” The truly interactive experience that you get when participating in a live video is only available during the live video. Participation is the key element when producing a live video, no matter what platform you’re using. While you’re hosting a live stream your audience has the ability to make comments, ask questions, and chime in about what you’re speaking about. ….. and this in turn influences the content and the video as it iss being created. You just can’t get more interactive than that!! No other social media format delivers these benefits, which is why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and...
by Keith Keller | Dec 13, 2016 | GUEST BLOG POSTS: Social Media & SEO
Reach Your IDEAL Audience With Live Video Live Streaming Decoded By Katrina Manning There was a time when live-streaming video wasn’t truly feasible since it did not have mainstream technological support. That is not the case today. Consumer devices and connectivity have continued to improve. As a result, live-streaming is more popular than ever. The quantum leap really took place in 2015 and continues at a frantic pace. As 2016 draws to a close there are 4 major players in the live streaming space (1) Periscope (Soon to be replaced by Twitter Live) (2) Facebook Live (The clear favourite but for how long?) (3) Instagram Live (The new kid on the block) (4) YouTube Live (Sometimes referred to as YouTube Connect) There are of course many others specialising in niche markets but these 4 represent the mainstream, especially as live streaming relates to marketing for the business community. Here are some Twitter Polls about the 4 main choices and how people see them evolving over time. “LIVE STREAMING 101” Which Site Do You Think Will Win This? ((Please Vote & Retweet))#Periscope #Facebook#Instagram #YouTube#TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 12, 2016 “LIVE STREAMING PART 2” Can You See Yourself Trying Instagram Live? #InstagramLive #Videos #TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 13, 2016 “LIVE STREAMING PART 3” Will You Be Trying The New Live Streaming Features Within Twitter?#Twitter #VideoMarketing #TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 15, 2016 The new Twitter Live allows you to embed streams into your blog posts. This is a great way to extend the reach of your videos and get extra views...