GETTING STARTED WITH LIVE VIDEO Guest Blog Post By Lesley Fischer     If you’re on social media, chances are pretty great that you’ve seen a friend or celebrity sharing a video of themselves live. Live video on social media is changing the way we interact with our audience, each other, and the world. Facebook is just one recent medium that has fully embraced live video along with YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter (through Periscope). Live video gives you the ability to interact face to face with your customers in real time. Just as you would in a store. As we’ve seen in recent catastrophic events, all four of these platforms have utilized social media and live video to communicate, to connect, and to aid in rescues. Adding live video to your social media reportage can only enhance your social presence. It’s wildly interactive, even if it’s an older video that was once live, and is now just on your news feed. The biggest benefit of live video however is “immediacy” The truly interactive experience that you get when participating in a live video is only available during the live video. Participation is the key element when producing a live video, no matter what platform you’re using. While you’re hosting a live stream your audience  has the ability to make comments, ask questions, and chime in about what you’re speaking about. ….. and this in turn influences the content and the video as it iss being created. You just can’t get more interactive than that!! No other social media format delivers these benefits, which is why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and...


SUCCESSFUL CONTENT MARKETING Guest Post by Ms. Candy Blog   I have always worn my heart on my sleeve, but when I decided to create a brand, I took steps to ensure that my heart and self would be safe.   Ironically, doing so has exposed the very essence of who I am.   Back in 2014, after being out of work for almost a year, I longed to have something which would make me happy which, in turn, would bring others happiness. Ms. Candy Blog, “where candy is always in vogue”, was born, a candy vlog and persona.     The first creation ever published under the Ms. Candy Blog brand was a YouTube video candy review of the RuPaul candy bar. I love RuPaul and the fact that he came out with a candy bar when I decided to start a candy vlog was far too coincidental.  That said, I found it very hard to contain myself when shooting the video which warranted several takes.   Between my energy level and tears, it was very hard to give the kind of performance I thought an audience wanted.   After all, I was a new person on YouTube who would be judged and torn apart by the masses in a million different ways and I was very conscious of the perception I wanted to earn. If perception is reality, then the performance becomes the reality which lives on in perpetuity or until you or YouTube take down your video.   And because I had seen so many other YouTubers’ reception (I used to work for YouTube), I created...


IS PERISCOPE GOOD FOR BUSINESS? 5 Top Tips To Get The Best From Periscope     Guest Blog Post By Amazon Best Selling Author Victoria Rose   As a Leadership Trainer with over three decades of experience in talking to people for days on end, surely live broadcasting should be relatively easy? Having faced both large and small audiences, some hostile, some friendly, one would think I was well prepared for Periscope. Not so. Even the learning curve of producing my own videos for the last three years does not compare to a Periscope live broadcast (called a Scope). Whilst I finally got the cringe factor down from a 10 to a four when editing my videos, live broadcasting takes the cringe-factor to a whole new level of cringe.   It’s all because of that four letter word … “LIVE”    Why? No chance to edit out the bad bits like you can with a video. No slide-show to keep you on track and no ability to control the questions like you can with a face-to-face workshop. Those constant, often irrelevant, questions and comments moving up the screen as you enthusiastically speak your words of wisdom can really throw you off track. For instance, when explaining a key concept to surviving the minefield of life then to be asked if I did my own makeup makes one doubt the worth of those words. Trolls populate every platform and that’s certainly true for Periscope. One such troll asked if I sucked d#@k. Thankfully, I knew how to block offenders. That’s why the comments are seen by the broadcaster before becoming...


JOIN THE VIDEO MARKETING REVOLUTION Guest Blog Post & Blab By Preston Odenbrett What Is Your Favourite Travel Destination? (Blab Video Replay) Video marketing has definitely arrived in a big way!! YouTube statistics indicate that it has more views and more uploads per minute than many other major channels and both individuals and businesses alike are consuming video at an ever increasing rate.  Why would that be surprising? Look at how long it took TV to take over households back in the 1950’s when radio was the major medium for most households. I believe TV gained 50% adoption five years less time than radio did. Video today is getting  a massive lift due in part that Social Media is allowing video to be part of postings. Many who are in the video business have been watching this bubble grow larger each and every year and some people say that video will take over the internet in the next five years or less. It helps that bandwidth speeds have gone up and providers are allowing the bandwidth to go through cable but also through the air using many mobile devices that are in the market today.   Virtual Reality (VR)   The future is here - users can now be in a room at their home or office and be able to place an object lets say a motorcycle and be able to rotate and actually manipulate the object in anyway the user decides. If you remember Star Trek and some other TV shows in which you can change the environment that they are in and be able to share that with others to...


BLAB 101 - ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW!! Great Decoder Here From Andrew McCauley!! Would you like to engage with your community in real time by hosting a BLAB? Here are several Quick Tips for Blab to make the most of your live streaming experience. Once you know how to use Blab, your world of engagement will open up like never before. Blab is going to grow rapidly. There are a lot of influential people joining the platform already, which is bound to spur its growth. Blab is a very exciting platform that is destined to see major growth over the next few years. Live streaming is going to be huge and the Blab guys have got this right. The best time to build a presence on these platforms is when they launch, so get in there quickly and build your presence. and learn how to use blab. More Great Resources About Blab & Video    How To Live Stream On Blab  (Video By Sunny Lenarduzzi)   How To Get Comfortable On Camera (Video By Sunny Lenarduzzi) BLAB HIGHLIGHTS – THE STORY SO FAR!! Follow me on Blab for updates & replays  I will also be creating “HIGHLIGHTS” as podcasts on Sound Cloud ...
“HOW TO BE CONFIDENT ON VIDEO” ((Podcasts)) Guest Post By Mimika Cooney

“HOW TO BE CONFIDENT ON VIDEO” ((Podcasts)) Guest Post By Mimika Cooney

HOW TO BE CONFIDENT ON VIDEO (PART 1)  Video Marketing Is Worth Doing!! Here are some simple techniques to try. (PART 2) Live Video Streaming Is HOT Right Now!! Periscope & Blab Comparison.      South African born Mimika Cooney is a TV Host, published author, speaker, business, branding, and video marketing expert. Mimika’s passion is helping entrepreneurs attract their perfect clients and position their brand for higher sales by sharing her branding and marketing expertise. Mimika has run four successful businesses in three countries. She is the host of Mimika TV, a web show that inspires entrepreneurs to build a brilliant business brand. She has been an award winning photographer for 12 years in two countries, has authored two books, is a public speaker, and has experience as a live television broadcaster. Mimika runs a branding and marketing agency offering consulting and executive coaching for experts, speakers, coaches and authors. Download Mimika’s free guides to Blab & Periscope More great ideas about video from Mimika Cooney Video Creators Hub Learn How to Create, Promote & Monetise your Videos...