Reviving the Spirit of Blab with Go Brunch (A Guest Blog Post By Stacy Braiuca)    There’s something magical about the energy of a late-night community hangout. For those of us who were part of Blab back in 2015-2016, you’ll remember how the platform came alive after dark. Conversations went from casual to deep, collaboration flourished, and friendships were forged across time zones. Blab was more than just a platform, it was a place where people gathered to talk about everything from tech and business to life and culture.We often pulled all nighters without even realizing it. As Blab veterans many of us have been searching for something that recaptures that sense of community. Now, I’m excited to share that GoBrunch is that platform, and it brings with it a space that feels like home, the all-night diner we call The Big Happy Biscuit. Go Brunch: New Platform - Familiar Vibe Go Brunch offers something special, blending ease of use with the freedom to create open, engaging rooms for learning, collaboration, or just hanging out. What’s especially unique about Go Brunch is its emphasis on interaction. Whether you’re leading a session or simply attending, everyone feels connected, just like in the good ol’ days of Blab. It’s the kind of platform where those spontaneous, unplanned conversations can happen.The ones that start off as simple check-ins and turn into hours-long discussions that leave you inspired, energized, and thinking differently. That spirit is alive again, and it’s housed in our new virtual spot.     The Big Happy Biscuit: Our 24/7 Hangout   Just like the iconic all-nighters we used to...


CRACK THE TWITTER CODE IN 2020   Are you a “THOUGHT LEADER” in your industry?   Do you want to “CUT THROUGH THE NOISE”  with your online marketing campaigns?   I’d like to invite you to my latest Twitter marketing series:   “CRACK THE TWITTER CODE - THE 2020 EDITION”   What is the coaching program all about?   This is a tailor made program, customized to your specific needs and requirements. Upon starting your program we’ll go through a full analysis of your requirements, goals, and outcomes and put together a strategy that will help you reach this in minimum time.   What’s Included?   Ten (10) 45 minute “Laser Focused” Twitter Marketing Strategy Sessions   Each strategy is tailored and customized to your specific needs and goals ensuring you gain maximum value and productivity from the program.   One On One Personalized Coaching   One on one coaching is carried out via Zoom so you can take part in the program from the comfort of your own home or office and you can also get a recording for later playback and revision. Get started today for just $97   “Keith Keller has changed the way I do business!” His strategies, tips, and advice, served with a dose of good humor and fun, are right on the money and I could not be happier with the results I am achieving. My Social Media presence has gone through the roof leading to increased presence in the marketplace, quality connections and great publicity for my business. If you run a business, small or large, you need this man - now! I...


Recently I was invited to speak at the “FUTURE OF SOCIAL MEDIA” conference here in Melbourne which was a lot of fun. I met so many great people on the day and also had the chance to find out about the latest Social Media strategies. How cool is that?   THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL MEDIA (2017)   I also had the great fortune to meet Miri Rodriguez from Microsoft and we chatted here about importance of storytelling for your business or startup. …. and how you can now create compelling videos on your smartphone or tablet. There are some compelling ideas here and I also talk about how I record and edit my videos as part of the “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” video series.   ?   Keith Keller: So we’ve talked about storytelling as a powerful mechanism, but one of the big stories in the room today is budget Miri Rodriguez: Yeah Keith Keller: Can you explain a little bit about how people can enter the game, Miri Rodriguez: Yes Keith Keller: Without having to spend hundreds of thousands, or even hundreds of Dollars. I’ve got a Tablet, a Samsung Tablet, $50 stand, couple of hundred Dollars and we’re here. Miri Rodriguez: That’s it, and it’s as good as it can get. Honestly I love what you’re doing, and I love how you’re doing it, and showcasing it right now with this. At Microsoft, of course we have a bigger budget than a lot of people in this room have, and in reality, a lot of people come into these conferences and go: “Yeah great Microsoft, because you have the...


THE POWER OF BEING AUTHENTIC An Interview With Tasha Jennings   In this episode of “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” I interview Tasha Jennings about the power of being authentic and why it is absolutely essential for businesses today. You can watch the Periscope replay here or read Tasha’s excellent blog post below Alternately, you can watch the video on Periscope itself if you prefer   “THE POWER OF AUTHENTICITY” Sensational Interview With Tasha Jennings!! #MagicMelbournians @TashaJenningsND — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) March 15, 2017 THE POWER OF BEING AUTHENTIC A Deeper Dive With Tasha Jennings!!    The online world can be pretty ‘unreal’ sometimes. A sea of photoshopped images & copywritten scripts.  The power of being authentic is that it can help you cut through the clutter and really reach your audience in a way that scripted material can’t.  As a small business, it can be hard to stand out against the ‘big guns’ in your industry.  That is, if you try to play in the same marketing space.  Throwing your small budget into a big pool won’t get you very far and can be extremely expensive. How do you get the cut through without a big budget?  Trust and loyalty is what we are all looking for. Big business naturally have a certain level of trust, just for the sheer fact that they are big.  Fostering this further is something big brands spend huge amounts of time, effort and money on.   Celebrities and sports stars are recruited (and well paid) to help nurture this brand loyalty.  So how do you build that sense of trust and credibility without the big...


MAGIC MELBOURNIANS Interview With Craig Annand   Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Craig Annand from Social Club Media The first of my “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” to appear on my live streaming video show using Periscope. It’s a brand new idea that I am trying - Loooove to hear what you think.   “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” Featuring Craig Annand..#GoLiveTwitter#MagicMelbourne#MagicMelbournians — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) February 15, 2017   Watch The Videos On Periscope   Craig and his staff even made a behind the scenes video while I was filming him on my phone, proving there really is no limit to what you can do to create content.   The Daily Grind (Behind The Scenes Video)   MAGIC MELBOURNIANS (Transcript)   Keith Keller: Hey guys its Keith Keller and today is the first episode of my new Periscope series “Magic Melbournians” First things first, let me introduce a very good friend of mine Craig Annand from a wonderful agency called Social Club Media We’ve been chatting all about the newest and coolest variations in the world of Social.  So, first of all, Craig can you introduce yourself, tell people a little bit about what you and your company does as it relates to social? Craig Annand: Thank You Keith!! First of all, thanks for having me..  We are basically in Melbourne, we are a Social Media agency we’ve now been going for; around March it’ll be 5 years for us, and we’re big on creating the content creation for brands and then we base all the analysis on insights and then continually build and build, and build on that content. Keith: So...


THE POWER OF PODCASTING Anyone who knows me knows that I’m always on the go, running full steam ahead with various projects. It has been a real struggle to sit down and write anything for this blog (you’ll notice that I use a lot of pictures and podcasts on my previous ones). Until that little lightbulb went off in my head and I realised just how important this message is:   PLAY TO YOUR STRENGTHS   Okay, so I’m not the world’s most eager writer but I LOVE podcasting. And thankfully, more and more people are listening to podcasts these days. WHY? I mentioned how I’m always on the go, working on multiple things at once. People are extremely time poor – Today’s world is go-go-go! Not to mention, a lot of people are feeling the pinch which means people are commuting more and for longer periods of time. So, if you’re stuck on a train, bus, tram or even riding a book, would you rather:   A: Listen to the same old music you’ve been listening to for years. B: Stare aimlessly at your surroundings C: Learn something new   I’m not sure about you, but I’d choose C: Learn something new any day. Time is a precious commodity these days… If you haven’t already discovered podcasts, give them a shot. Here’s one that I did a few years ago now - Hope that it provides some inspiration  You never know, you might be so inspired by what you hear that you start your own.         OVER 30 MORE FREE PODCASTS HERE!!...


IS PERISCOPE GOOD FOR BUSINESS? 5 Top Tips To Get The Best From Periscope     Guest Blog Post By Amazon Best Selling Author Victoria Rose   As a Leadership Trainer with over three decades of experience in talking to people for days on end, surely live broadcasting should be relatively easy? Having faced both large and small audiences, some hostile, some friendly, one would think I was well prepared for Periscope. Not so. Even the learning curve of producing my own videos for the last three years does not compare to a Periscope live broadcast (called a Scope). Whilst I finally got the cringe factor down from a 10 to a four when editing my videos, live broadcasting takes the cringe-factor to a whole new level of cringe.   It’s all because of that four letter word … “LIVE”    Why? No chance to edit out the bad bits like you can with a video. No slide-show to keep you on track and no ability to control the questions like you can with a face-to-face workshop. Those constant, often irrelevant, questions and comments moving up the screen as you enthusiastically speak your words of wisdom can really throw you off track. For instance, when explaining a key concept to surviving the minefield of life then to be asked if I did my own makeup makes one doubt the worth of those words. Trolls populate every platform and that’s certainly true for Periscope. One such troll asked if I sucked d#@k. Thankfully, I knew how to block offenders. That’s why the comments are seen by the broadcaster before becoming...
TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((#TwitterWrite)) Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!!

TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((#TwitterWrite)) Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!!

TWITTER MAGIC 123 Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!! Recently, I have been playing around with a new growth hacking formula I call:  “TWITTER MAGIC 123”   (1) Follow First   (2) Follow Back   (3) Follow Up   Here is an interview I did with Melbourne writer Sarah Cannata about how this simple formula sky rocketed her on-line success in less than 4 weeks. AMAZING STUFF!! TWITTER MAGIC 123 ((Downloadable PDF)) This podcast is part of a 4 part series I recorded with Sarah recently. Sarah Cannata (@CannataAU)   Hey, this is professional writer, Sarah Cannata, and welcome to the Twitter Write podcast. Before I go any further, let me introduce you to global Twitter marketing specialist, Keith Keller. Keith, welcome. Keith Keller (@KeithKeller)         “TWITTER MAGIC 123” ((The Full Interview))   Hey! Look, it’s been almost a month, you know, since we had our last podcast. And I don’t believe how much you’ve achieved in 4 weeks. It’s less than 4 weeks. And I think you had at that time 265 followers. You hadn’t done that already awesome article with Kaz, which went viral. You’re up to 900 followers now. You’re gonna crack a thousand in less than 6 weeks. And this stuff is working. It’s so exciting. Sarah:                          I mean, it definitely is. The kind of numbers that I’m reaching 6 weeks after we first started chatting, I mean, a month— it’s only been a month since you’ve been away and some of the stats and the numbers that we’ve got pretty much proves that what we’re doing here is working. So, I mean, I’ll run...
Five Powerful Marketing Strategies ((Podcast))

Five Powerful Marketing Strategies ((Podcast))

Five Powerful Marketing Strategies Fantastic Ways To Build Your Visibility 1. BE THE RESOURCE NOT THE SALESPERSON.  Twitter is about sharing information and resources NOT selling ‘stuff’. This may sound counter-intuitive but it is the essence of Social Media marketing. 2. WRITE A STRONG BIO. One that will inspire potential clients and joint venture partners to follow you. 3. ADD A PHOTO OR COMPANY GRAPHIC. There is significant evidence to prove that people who do this get more followers and retweets 4. REMEMBER THE 80/20 RULE – IT’S NOT ALL ABOUT YOU.  4 out of 5 tweets should be of value to your followers and not sales related Only 1 out of every 5 tweets  should be a sales related message. 1 out of 10 however is a far better ratio if you can manage it. 5. SHARE – SHARE –SHARE (This is Twitter 101).  Share great articles and interact with your followers…this is the essence of how Twitter works. SOME ADDITIONAL RESOURCES TO SHARE (Free eBook)  (Twitter Strategy Sessions – via SKYPE)  The complete 10 part podcast series  Strategy sessions can be created around any of these topics Crack The Twitter...


TWITTER 4 FASHIONISTAS Featuring Theresa Longo “TWITTER 4 FASHIONISTAS” will be following the adventures of glamour model Theresa Longo and how she is using Twitter to build her brand. EPISODE ONE - SETTING “S.M.A.R.T” GOALS FOR 2016    S.M.A.R.T GOALS!! (S) Specific (M) Measureable (A) Attainable (R) Relevent (T) Timebound   Here are just some of the ideas that are going after this year.    (1) Television Show Appearance On Major Network (2) Finish An Album Of Original Songs (3) Increase Blog Traffic By 50% (4) Lead Role In Feature Film   Some Highlights On Sound Cloud ((Podcasts))   On The Road To Being The Fashion Hero (Featuring Theresa...