My Biggest Business Mistake ( and how I fixed it )

My Biggest Business Mistake ( and how I fixed it )

 In this episode I talk to Laura Waage about my biggest online business mistake     (and how I fixed it…. )  Laura: All right Keith. I’m going to ask you a question that’s going to get a little up close and personal but I think it really helps people to kind of know where we’ve been and what mistakes we’ve made. So what is the biggest mistake that you’ve ever made in your online business? How did you overcome it? Keith: Well, I think the biggest mistake is that I waited too long. That is a bit of a lame answer really. But I didn’t start until I was 40. Can you believe it? Forty years old. I’m just getting my mojo now. But for 20 years, I hid out. I didn’t take the jump. I didn’t trust myself. Look, I absolutely want to leverage this idea. If you’ve got an idea, if you think you’ve got something that’s worth doing, do it. Jump in, because I waited for 20 years and I had so many crappy jobs. Torturous, mind-numbing jobs. I could have given up. I just could have gone off the rails. Luckily, I did jump but it took me until I was 40. So I think my biggest mistake in general is the idea that I just took too long. Luckily, I’m making up for that. I’m 48 years old now and I’ve been working my guts out for eight years and I sort of caught up to where I could have been had I have jumped in when I was 20, 22. We got...
My Biggest Business Mistake ( and how I fixed it )

Stop Doing Everything Yourself!!!

In this episode Keith shares why your should “Stop Doing Everything Yourself”  Laura: So Keith, here’s an interesting question for you. Do you remember the very first time that you leveraged delegation in your business and if so, what feelings came up for you as you went through it? Keith: I was thinking about this yesterday. This is so brilliant. I mean I know a lot of my friends feel this too. I came up with four ideas. One is, “Can I really afford this?” Of course the opposite is, “Can I just do it myself?” I will just do it myself. Because I can’t afford it, I will just do it myself. The other one was, how long will it take if I – we’re going to find someone. Are they any good? Are they going to be reliable? Will they do a good job? Then I’ve got to chase them up. I will just do it myself, which is the biggest trap of all. Then the whole idea of, “Is it worth the effort?” Am I going to get a superior result or am I going to leverage my time in such a way that is going to be worth all of this time and effort? Of course that’s the first time you do it. Once you’ve done it once, you’re hooked. You go, “Geez! I just freed up half a day.” It would have taken me half a day to do that. That guy has gotten it back to me in an hour. It looks brilliant. It costs virtually nothing compared to what it would have...
My Biggest Business Mistake ( and how I fixed it )

How To Be In The Top 10% In Your Field

Keith shares how wanting to be in the top 10% completely changed his life forever. Laura Waage: So Keith, during your online journey, what is the best piece of advice that you’ve ever received and how do you incorporate it today? Keith Keller: This quote, we just spent a couple of minutes talking about quotes. This quote has completely changed my life and that’s a true story. Brian Tracy, possibly one of the coolest dudes in the world, maybe separate to Andrew (@The_SM_Bloke) He said – I was watching one of his DVDs and he said: “If you don’t want to be in the top 10 percent of your field, you’re in the wrong field.” Let me read that out again. If you don’t want to be in the top 10 percent of your field, you’re in the wrong field. You don’t want to get good, you’re in the wrong job. If you wake up in the morning and you just can’t be bothered, it completely changes your energy level. So that quote, just hit me in the head.  I remember it. It was a public holiday here, what we call the Queen’s Birthday weekend. I just remember going away for the weekend and getting my journal and saying, “OK. That’s a challenge. What do I want to get good at? What do I want to be in the top 10 percent in the world at? What do I want to stamp myself down for?” At that time, like everyone else, I was trying to do everything, Google Plus and Pinterest and LinkedIn and YouTube videos. So I just decided July 2010...
My Biggest Business Mistake ( and how I fixed it )

F.O.C.U.S: Follow One Course Until Successful

In this episode Keith shares his advice about the fastest way to success ( F.O.C.U.S ) “F.O.C.U.S” (F)ollow (O)ne (C)ourse (U)ntil (S)uccessful #OverwhelmMustStop @OMSeries (( Podcast )) — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) November 12, 2014 Laura: All right, Keith. Do not disturb. Do not enter. Do not touch. Wet paint. Everywhere we look, we see warnings. I want to know what warning you would give to an online business owner. Keith: Oh, you will love this. You will love this. This is probably the best one so far. I actually got this one from Mari Smith. I love this. I use this every day. FOCUS “F-O-C-U-S” What does it stand for? Follow One Course Until Successful That’s a mantra. That’s a mantra to live by. I’m not saying I do it every day, but I try to do it every day, FOCUS. Laura: Yeah. Focus is huge. If you think about a magnifying glass under the sun, if you hold it on one thing, you can catch that one thing on fire. If it’s moving all over the place, it doesn’t do anything. Keith: Wow! That’s a good analogy. Laura: Yeah, it’s all about focus and that concentrated effort that when you just focus it tightly, you can make anything happen. WATCH THE INTERVIEW AS A VIDEO  MORE PODCASTS & VIDEOS MP3s & Transcripts You Tube Videos iTunes Podcasts CLICK HERE FOR OUR FREE ACTION GUIDE & VIDEO...