GETTING STARTED WITH LIVE VIDEO Guest Blog Post By Lesley Fischer     If you’re on social media, chances are pretty great that you’ve seen a friend or celebrity sharing a video of themselves live. Live video on social media is changing the way we interact with our audience, each other, and the world. Facebook is just one recent medium that has fully embraced live video along with YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter (through Periscope). Live video gives you the ability to interact face to face with your customers in real time. Just as you would in a store. As we’ve seen in recent catastrophic events, all four of these platforms have utilized social media and live video to communicate, to connect, and to aid in rescues. Adding live video to your social media reportage can only enhance your social presence. It’s wildly interactive, even if it’s an older video that was once live, and is now just on your news feed. The biggest benefit of live video however is “immediacy” The truly interactive experience that you get when participating in a live video is only available during the live video. Participation is the key element when producing a live video, no matter what platform you’re using. While you’re hosting a live stream your audience  has the ability to make comments, ask questions, and chime in about what you’re speaking about. ….. and this in turn influences the content and the video as it iss being created. You just can’t get more interactive than that!! No other social media format delivers these benefits, which is why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and...


INFLUENCER MARKETING 101 An Interview With Taya Payne Our latest “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” episode focuses on Influencer Marketing for fashion brands and this week we interview Taya Payne. Taya has an AMAZING story about how she has set up a local business and is using Instagram & Facebook to promote it.     Inside The Head Of Gen Zed With Taya Payne!! ((Video))#MagicMelbournians#InfluencerMarketing cc @CraigAnnand — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) February 21, 2017 Watch The Videos On Periscope   Keith Keller: Hey guys! Keith Keller, Melbourne Australia. Today we’re interviewing Taya Payne about Influencive marketing and I have called this particular, I’ve called this particular episode “Inside the head of Gen Zed” because, you know I’m 50, I don’t have any idea what the average 17 year old girl is thinking, but if I was selling clothes to 17 year old girls I’d need to know that. So first things first let me know what’s going on in the head of Gen Zed how do you process the world, tell me, talk about Influence marketing and endorsements, what does that mean to you? Taya Payne: Everything is Social Media at the moment!! Especially Instagram, I feel Instagram is the one place that people my age, people within this market, so the young, between the ages of say16 and say like 30’s everyone are like spending all of our time like online, on social media, following all these influencers, all these big Instagram personalities, whether they are models or just regular people who have built their sort of empire on Social media through sponsorships and all these...


MAGIC MELBOURNIANS Interview With Craig Annand   Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Craig Annand from Social Club Media The first of my “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” to appear on my live streaming video show using Periscope. It’s a brand new idea that I am trying - Loooove to hear what you think.   “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” Featuring Craig Annand..#GoLiveTwitter#MagicMelbourne#MagicMelbournians — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) February 15, 2017   Watch The Videos On Periscope   Craig and his staff even made a behind the scenes video while I was filming him on my phone, proving there really is no limit to what you can do to create content.   The Daily Grind (Behind The Scenes Video)   MAGIC MELBOURNIANS (Transcript)   Keith Keller: Hey guys its Keith Keller and today is the first episode of my new Periscope series “Magic Melbournians” First things first, let me introduce a very good friend of mine Craig Annand from a wonderful agency called Social Club Media We’ve been chatting all about the newest and coolest variations in the world of Social.  So, first of all, Craig can you introduce yourself, tell people a little bit about what you and your company does as it relates to social? Craig Annand: Thank You Keith!! First of all, thanks for having me..  We are basically in Melbourne, we are a Social Media agency we’ve now been going for; around March it’ll be 5 years for us, and we’re big on creating the content creation for brands and then we base all the analysis on insights and then continually build and build, and build on that content. Keith: So...


HOW TO CREATE YOUR OWN STUNNING INSTAGRAM STORIES An Essential Guide By Craig Annand     10 billion everyday, that’s how many people view video content on Snapchat. So it makes sense that Instagram followed to create Instagram Stories – short videos that disappear after 24 hours, with a potential audience of 500 million users. That’s some big numbers, right? We agree. Storytelling is a key feature to making social media work for brands and features like Instagram Stories ensure marketers like us, create better and deeper stories for people to engage with brands.   What Are Instagram Stories?     It’s the latest update to the Instagram app that shows short video or imagery that delete after 24 hours. When you visit another Instagram account that has a current story, you will notice a coloured circle around the users profile image. Click on the profile image and you will see that users Instagram Story. In this post we will share how to use Instagram Stories to engage customers and how to create a story that will entice customers to fall in love with your brand. Enhance your main Instagram content with bonus information. This is one of my favourite ways of using Instagram Stories: telling a deep story behind each and every Instagram post. One of the key differences between Instagram and Snapchat is that Instagram provides a public, viewable profile for your main content. On no other social network can you get this type of supplemental information about the posts themselves. NASA’s use of Stories is quite the native strategy. Recently, NASA posted about the annual Perseid meteor shower...


SOCIAL MEDIA CAN BE GOOD FOR YOU Guest Blog Post By Sally Hughes     In order to achieve your ideal health, fitness, and weight loss goals, building a support team to keep you on track is extremely helpful. While this team often consists of family, friends, a workout buddy, and/or a fitness trainer or nutritionist, solid support, fitness tips and inspiration can also be found online. Yet, with sooooo many web sites and social media portals out there that are focused on health, fitness, and losing weight, where do you find the best fit for your specific goals? And is it really true that social media, itself, can help you shed pounds plus get more fit and healthy? Engaging in social media is a already a highly time-consuming sedentary task and joining more social communities means you’ll be sitting even more (vs. moving your body!) while you do your research. Then again, if you need extra support, social media might just be what you’re looking for!  My thoughts behind this theory stem largely from the fact that social media is about connecting with like-minded individuals as well as finding and following experts in any given field. Plus, since you can literally plug into ANY topic of interest including all things health-related, it makes sense that it might help you lose weight, get fit, and become more healthy in general. And while I’m a trainer not a doctor, I have zero doubt certain social media platforms + a few highly respectable web sites - all of which I use - can help you sculpt your body the right way,...


SOCIAL MEDIA SHOWCASE Some Highlights By Guest Blogger Courtney Crawford PERCEPTIONS BEFORE THE CONFERENCE   Growing up in the 21st Century, I never really gave much thought to the sudden adaptation to new technology as it went from brick phone used solely for ringing landlines and any other “mobile” phones… at best, texting and the snake game became available. To the modern day technology like the go-pro, the Samsung S7, the I-phone 5S and software apps that can be used on computers and mobile phones. Technology constantly seems to change from a monthly to a yearly basis on a variety forms of hardware and software. The onslaught of what is available can almost seem to be overwhelming. And because of this, it has become the social norm to take each change in stride as it occurs and adopt it to how we use the technology without giving much thought in how we can strategically use social media for the sake of innovation and reaching out to other communities or organisations. There seems to be a broad general understanding of the purpose behind Facebook, Instagram, twitter, YouTube, and snapchat as we have been left to figure out how the technology and social media operates on our own. Even with the curiosity of learning how to use all of the new technology and social media platforms; they have been designed to allow users to embrace it to meet the user’s needs and interests. As a result of this, users such as myself, have ended up using Facebook, twitter and Instagram as a form of personal gallery to share our...


5 WAYS TO GROW YOUR FOLLOWING A guest blog by the team at Virtual Professionnelle (Part 1 - Instagram)      (1) #Hashtags   We all know that using Trending Hashtags will increase your exposure in the Instagram world. But then again makes sure that you do not over use it –  because chances are, other people might think that you are a bot or a spammer specially when you begin to flood their timeline. In using #hashtags always make sure that you use specific hashtags based on what your target audience or market. You can instantly gain visibility and reach if the the hashtags that you use are one of those trending topics that people are actively and currently talk about. You can create your own #hashtag but don’t make it too lengthy.  The limit for Hashtags on Instagram is 30 per post but please don’t do that many, excessive hashtags are a definite no-no  Let common sense prevail here!!  This video by Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake clearly demonstrates just how silly some people can be with hashtags “#Hashtag” with Jimmy Fallon & Justin Timberlake   (2) Awesome Photos and/or Videos   Instagram is made for posting photos isn’t it. For any individual account as well as for small or large businesses make sure that you post  photos or videos that are appealing, unique, trendy and relatable. Our followers sometimes do follow us because of the photos, quotes, and videos that we create so we make sure that we keep our followers updated with interesting posts based on their liking.   (3)  Follow - Like - Comment...