HOW BEING GOOD AT TWITTER IS GREAT FOR SEO Guest Blog Post By Lauren Mclaren   Twitter Is The Firehose Of Social Media!!   Two years ago when Twitter signed a deal with Google businesses were jumping for joy that Google had access to the firehose of Twitter. For those who don’t know what “Firehose” is, it is a way of explaining the enormous power of Twitter’s stream of tweets. This was the beginning of an era which made Twitter very important for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) as now all tweets are indexed by Google. This gives you the full power and confidence to start use Twitter for enhancing your SEO rankings. In this post, I will give you an overview of how you can leverage this incredible platform to cater your website’s SEO needs. So, let’s get started,   Twitter Techniques To Improve Your SEO   The main point here is simple. Once you are good at Twitter, you can actually leverage it for good SEO rankings of your website. All you need to do is understand and learn Twitter firmly. So, here are the techniques that will help you to improve your website’s SEO performance.   The Art Of Using Keywords   Remember the hashtag that flashes in almost every tweet of a profile. Yes, that is the one I am talking about. They are the keywords for the Twitter platform. These hashtags help your followers to search your content and improve your searchability. Now, you made a Twitter post with appropriate hashtags that will give you easy searchability. Remember, you are not supposed to use more...


CAN YOUR POTENTIAL CLIENTS FIND YOU? Another Fantastic Guest Blog Post About SEO From Karen Repoli    What a great question to ask yourself!! “Can your potential clients find you?” During a recent client discussion regarding website performance I asked this question and also; “Have you checked the analytics on your site?” The answer was no, so I suggested a quick review of the website statistics to see how this year old site was doing, and how we could increase the conversion rate.  After finding out that the bounce rate (people viewing only one page then leaving) was about 80%, and that the audience demographics were totally out of kilter with the business goals, the investigation continued as to “WHY”. The next step was to check out some basics on the site itself. What I found completed the darkening picture. No Meta Descriptions on any page No keywords on any page Not mobile optimized Primary landing page of visitors were on the blog. However, blog posting was inconsistent and sporadic. Branding that was not consistent with what the business actually did. This resulted in the demographics of visitors being totally off. Obviously the site owner needed some work done. Most of these items could be taken care of pretty quickly because he already had his researched keywords (they just had not been entered by the website designer) while the blog and branding would take more time.  However, if you are at the starting line and haven’t even made your list of keywords, here are three free tools that can get you started.   Google AdWords   Google Adwords may...


TEN MOST COMMON TRAFFIC MISTAKES Guest Blog Post By Karen Repoli    If you have a website or blog then you already know the importance of traffic. Traffic is to internet marketing what “location - location - location” is to real estate. It is one of the major ingredients of online marketing. If you can’t generate targeted visitors to your site, you simply won’t make any sales. Usually the owner or designer of a new website is the person designated to drive traffic to the site. The chief ingredient in generating traffic is the search engine. Of course, you can use advertising, but it’s going to cost you. Using the search engines to generate targeted (interested in your product) traffic is the least expensive method known. Unfortunately, many website owners do not understand the importance of search engine visibility, which leads to traffic. They place more importance on producing a “pretty” website. Not that this is bad, but it is really secondary to search engine placement. Hopefully, the following list of common mistakes, made by many website owners, will help you generate more targeted traffic to your site…after all, isn’t that what you want.   (1) Not Using Keywords Effectively   This is probably one of the most critical areas of site design. Choose the right keywords and potential customers will find your site. Use the wrong ones and your site will see little, if any, traffic.   (2) Repeating The Same Keywords   When you use the same keywords over and over again (called keyword stacking) the search engines may downgrade (or skip) the page or site  ...
“KEYWORDS FOR MAXIMISING YOUR SEO”  ((Podcast)) Why Are They Soooo Important? Malka Maxwell

“KEYWORDS FOR MAXIMISING YOUR SEO” ((Podcast)) Why Are They Soooo Important? Malka Maxwell

KEYWORDS FOR MAXIMISING YOUR SEO  Keywords are the EXACT words being used by the searcher to find you and your services. By using these you can almost GUARANTEE yourself increased traffic. Let’s use the analogy of a “ROADTRIP” I remember the first time I decided to go on a road trip. In those days you went to your local AAA office, picked up some maps and even got a consultation with one of the trip specialists. As you planned out your trip you had 2 options: the fastest route or the scenic route. Since I was heading home for Passover, I wanted the fastest route to my home state of Ohio. The advice I was given at the time was to follow I-95 or I-80 (it’s been years since I’ve made this trip!) The letter “I” indicates what is called “Interstate” and presumably one very very long path can take me from one end of the US to the other. Since I had not driven on an Interstates, I was told to follow the signs that indicated when I needed to cross over to another highway. Looking at my map, I decided that I would use the names of the exits (the places you turn off the interstate and connect to another interstate or usually a highway) So as drove on the highway I saw my last exit before entering into an new state was called Youngstown. So basically all I needed to was drive all the way to Youngstown. As I began driving, I noticed signs that said 30 miles to Youngstown. As I drove about 5 miles...