by Keith Keller | Nov 16, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
5000 REASONS TO SMILE Fantastic Twitter Marketing Case Study With Tracey Gayner “5000 REASONS TO SMILE” Fantastic Case Study Here!! #TwitterTips4Tourism@AskGadgetGirl ((Podcast & Transcript)) — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) November 16, 2016 Keith Keller & Tracey Gayner recap the whole “TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM” podcast series and talk about how Tracey was able to go from 171 followers to over 5000 in less than 5 months, simply by following Keith’s “TWITTER 3030” system. It’s a very compelling study into what is possible with a little bit of regular effort and a good framework to follow. TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM ((The Complete Series - 12 Podcasts)) “TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM” The Complete Series On Sound Cloud!! #TwitterTips4Tourism ((12 Podcasts)) — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 8, 2016 5000 REASONS TO SMILE ((Full Transcript)) Keith Keller: Hey guys, it’s Keith Keller in Melbourne, Australia. We are calling this episode “Five Thousand Reasons To Smile” Because, on the 20th of April 2016 Tracey had 171 followers, virtually no understanding of how to use Twitter to get business, to meet people, to generate clients, and JV’s, and all sorts of work related goodness. Now, she’s got a partner in Vancouver, Canada, which we’ll tell you about in a minute. She’s got clients all over the world, and she’s got, more importantly, 5366 followers in 5 months. Amazing!! So, I’m just going to hand it over to Tracey just to really bask in that glory of the “Five Thousand Reasons To Smile” idea and do a little bit of a decoder, a little bit of a wrap up of...
by Keith Keller | Oct 27, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
HOW TO GET THE BEST ROI FROM TWITTER Tweeting In Twenty Minute Chunks Keith Keller & Tracey Gayner discuss how you can get maximum traction with your Twitter marketing by dividing your time and “Tweeting In Twenty Minute Chunks” . “How To Get Maximum Traction With Your Twitter Marketing” Tweet In 20 Minute Chunks!! ((Podcast & Transcript)) — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) November 13, 2016 3 Key Ideas Here!! Each of these should take you about 20 minutes. (1) THANK PEOPLE Thank people that have followed you or retweeted you. (2) FOLLOW PEOPLE Follow new people as often as possible. (3) TWEET DAILY Tweet regularly and at least once a day HOW TO GET THE BEST ROI FROM TWITTER ((Full Transcript)) Keith Keller: Hey, it’s Keith Keller in Melbourne, Australia.. Today I’ve got a very, very special decoder. I want to pull apart what I call “Tweeting In Twenty Minutes Chunks” I’m going to give you my system, what I do every morning. I divide my twitter time into three 20 minute chunks. Now, I personally recommend that you do this everyday. Of course time is finite and I understand if you can’t do that. I would prefer that you do this everyday, five days a week, and you will grow your twitter account this way. Completely free as long as you dedicate the time. Another alternative, which I want to talk about today, is do 20 minutes a day, three days a week. Maybe Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, whatever suits you. Because Tracey, Ask Gadget Girl Gaynor has actually got over...
by Keith Keller | Oct 5, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
Keith Keller & Tracey Gayner talk about how to: CURATE GREAT CONTENT ON YOUR SMARTPHONE OR TABLET Another great podcast from the Twitter Tips 4 Tourism series. In this episode Keith & Tracey talk about two great apps for content curation. NUZZEL FLIPBOARD Keith Keller: We’ve talked about Buffer, we’ve talked about Dashbird, we’ve talked about Evernote. Let me just briefly explain how I used my Samsung S4. I personally use the desktop PC, most of the time. That’s my model of the world. I love the… I love the functionality of the keyboard, with a big screen and a hard drive. That’s the way I process the world eventually, I’ll put everything in the cloud with Evernote and things like this. That’s the way I work. I have an office in Melbourne, Australia, and I spend a lot of time in that office if I’m not out seeing clients or skyping with clients. So, that means that the way I use an app is totally different. I use it as a bit of a catch up a bit of an “ON THE GO” moment. I don’t do very much work on it. The reason I do apps is to catch up. I check my messages. The Twitter app is actually pretty cool. You can do most things on the… just a very simple twitter app, it’s extraordinary. The apps that I use on that model…so I worked all day and I’m sitting at the beach and I’m having a latte, and I’m thinking, “ok, what articles are thumping it today?...
by Keith Keller | Aug 23, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
HOW SMART MARKETERS FIT MORE IN Keith Keller & Tracey Gayner discuss how using Buffer & Dashbird can save you heaps of time with your Twitter marketing and allow you to fit more into your work day. @Buffer @DashBirdApp HOW SMART MARKETERS FIT MORE IN ((Full Transcript Below)) Keith Keller: Hey guys, it’s Keith Keller, in Melbourne, Australia. In the last episode, which was technically part 5, had two parts. We took so long that I actually had to split it up. So, this is going to be the seventh podcast, and it’s going to be all about Twitter Apps. Both for the Android and the iPhone. I have an android, a Samsung S4 - Tracey has an iPhone, and she uses it all the time. She’s going to tell you all about what she uses, which is different from what I use. In a world where the mobile goes with us everywhere, it’s important to know what apps to use, to save time. You know that this particular podcast is called ‘Twitter Tips 4 Tourism’, but that we’ve been actually having so much fun that eventually this is going to morph into a range of other products. ‘Twitter Tips 4 Success’ is an idea we’re playing around with, and we’ve got a very, very cool freebie for you soon. We’re going to be doing all sorts of workshops, and webinars, and podcasts, and ebooks, and email subscriber services. It started off as just one idea, ‘Twitter Tips 4 Tourism’, but it’s morphed, it’s growing and it’s building, and just to keep the momentum...
by Keith Keller | Aug 3, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
THE TOP TIPS THAT WILL SAVE YOU TIME A Podcast About How To Use Twitter Tools To Manage Your Marketing. In this podcast Keith Keller & Tracey Gayner unlock the secrets of some of the most popular tools for managing your Twitter marketing. THE TOP TIPS THAT WILL SAVE YOU TIME (Full Transcript Below) Keith Keller: Hey guys, it’s Keith Keller in Melbourne, Australia. This is part five of “Twitter Tips 4 Tourism”. A podcast designed to help you promote your tourism brand. We’re having so much fun with this and we are noticing that a lot of people outside of the tourism arena are benefiting as well. So, we’re going to broaden this out over time. This is part five, and we’re going to start bringing in some non tourism examples because we’ve had people who have listened to our show that are not in the tourism space, that have benefited as well. So, we’re going to talk today about twitter tools. Specifically the desktop experience, a PC and a Mac, for those who sit at an office desk and do the tweeting and the social media management. Next week we’re going to talk about apps, which is a totally different experience than your iPhone or your Android or tablet. That’s a totally different experience and a totally different range of tools. I’m going to introduce again, my wonderful co-host Tracey Gayner or Gadget Girl, Ask Gadget Girl. She’s had 500 new followers in the last ten days since our last podcast. She’s now got over 3500 followers, and she’s running...
by Keith Keller | Jul 18, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
GROWTH HACKING YOUR BRAND USING TWITTER 3 Easy Steps To Maximise Your Marketing In this episode Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) & Tracey Gayner (@AskGadgetGirl) talk about about GROWTH HACKING YOUR BRAND USING TWITTER MARKETING. Keith & Tracey talk at length about “TWITTER MAGIC 123” (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up Keith Keller: Hi there, this is Keith Keller, Melbourne, Australia and this is Twitter Tips for Tourism Part 4. This is a podcast on how to use Twitter to promote your tourism brand wherever you are in the world. New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Sweden, anywhere! Twitter is something at the moment with 300 million users. Last week we talked about that, we talked about where they are in the world, and whether those people from those countries are coming to your country, and whether they need a holiday, and whether you should be chatting to them on Twitter. Today we’re going to talk about the idea of, how do you get more followers? How do you get more engagement? What’s the magic? Am I actually, have a coined to phrase: “Twitter Magic 123” (Follow first - Follow up - Follow Back) Now, we’re going to talk about that at length today with my very, very good friend Tracey Gayner, (@AskGadgetGirl) in Auckland. How are you doing Tracey, and tell me about your stories since we chatted last. Lots of new things I hear. Tracey Gayner: Hi Keith. Yes, very, very interesting stats so far. I think since then, on average I get around 200 odd followers a week. So, using the Twitter magic 1,...
by Keith Keller | Jun 20, 2016 | Twitter Podcasts
TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM A Podcast About How To Use Twitter To Market Your Tourism Brand. I have just started an exciting new project called TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM which starts here as a podcast but will eventually be an eBook & video series. I’d loooove to hear your thoughts on what you would like to hear (and see) in this series It’s a work in progress so keep an eye out for some new episodes soon. TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM (The Story So Far) ADDITIONAL RESOURCES YOU MAY ENJOY Twitter Is The Information Network (Video) “TWITTER MAGIC 123” Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!! (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up OVER 30 MORE FREE PODCASTS HERE!! ...