SEO BASICS EXPLAINED (The Podcast) SEO is the process of making your product or service come to the attention of your potential customers. Social Media is one of the various steps used in SEO to achieve this. Each action step gets you closer to a complete process. The best analogy for this is each step or rung of SEO takes us higher, to get to the top of the ladder or reach our goal. Social media is one of the rungs on the proverbial ladder. Social Media is an amazingly fun tool and when used correctly can be an effective tool as well. What do I mean? Every time you create a blog post, or update a page on your website you should be sharing your information or content with others. The sharing process is through social media. How Is My Content Shared On Social Media There are a variety of ways to share your blog post and pages on social media.You have bookmarking sites, as well as more traditional social media such as Facebook or Twitter. You can also “ping” your blog posts as well. WordPress built websites have this particular feature built right in. The easiest way of course is by clicking on your “share buttons” and sharing. The more places around the web that acknowledge your content lets the search engines know that there is some pretty dang good content on that page. The search engines will look over your website (including the human reviewers as well) and confirm that you have great content by putting you right in the face of the people searching for...


“TWEET IN TWENTY MINUTE CHUNKS” MAKING TWITTER DOABLE!!     Twitter really is as an AMAZING marketing tool and it doesn’t have to suck up huge amounts of your time. I advise people to “TWEET IN TWENTY MINUTE CHUNKS”. If you can’t squeeze those chunks into one day (ideally, you should be spending an hour each day on Twitter), break them up over the coarse of one day or three days. Adapt the following solution to whatever suits you and you won’t look back. It’s all very VERY easy.   (1) Thank people who have followed and/or retweeted you    This falls into my social media 101 guide. Check who’s taken the time to follow and retweet you since the last time you jumped on. From there, thank them with a direct message or however you’d like to and follow them back. I tend to cherry pick from the list so I’ll focus on the people related to what I do. Think of a networking event: what’s more useful? Running around a room and handing 1000 business cards quickly to everyone within your reach. Or, making the time to make a few solid connections and working on the relationships with the most potential? Remember, Twitter is all about engagement. If your mobile or home phone rang, what would you do? You’d pick it up… social media is no different. Ignoring people isn’t likely to get you any brownie points.   (2) Actively follow cool people   Now when I say this, I mean actively follow people who haven’t yet followed you back. While you might think you’re the star...


MEASURE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA INFLUENCE   My biggest Twitter tip for newbies is this: Don’t get obsessed with how many followers you have - Focus on connections. So, how can you measure whether someone’s social media influence is legitimate and not bought? I simply look at people’s Kred score and it gives me an idea, at a quick glance, whether their social media influence is real thanks to its scoring system.   Using Kred to do this is an advanced concept and you may feel as though you have no need for this. ….. and that is completely fine. But if you are interested, you’ve got the tools you need at your fingertips. Let’s face it, these days, people are talking more and more about people being real and authentic. Especially in the online space where it’s so easy to be something you’re not. For those actively seeking out joint ventures, Kred is a new twist on the idea of Googling someone to find out more about them (come on, we all do it!). Another important discussion point is Twitter lists. They allow you to manage your followers and segment them into towns, cities, countries and so on. You can have 1,000k lists with up to 5,0000 people in each: most of us will never max these out so it’s virtually an unlimited resource at your disposal. Before we go, I want to give you an example of how I use lists. I know that 55 per cent of my followers are based in the US. So, I segment these followers into separate cities (Montreal, Boston, Los...


TWITTER CHATS - A FANTASTIC TIME SAVER If I mentioned chatting on Twitter, you might just find yourself scratching your head. We all know how fast-paced Twitter can be (remember, 9k tweets are made every second).  As business owners, we can’t be online all the time and now, a clever trend has emerged where people are putting together a certain amount of time each week or month to host “Twitter Chats”  This is a great way to condense the amount of time spent online. Remember, just because jumping onto Twitter or any other social media platform is free, we’re still talking about your time here. Since time is money, Twitter chats have become a great Twitter strategy in recent times.  It’s all pretty simple: people dedicate an hour of their time per week or month where they jump online to engage with their audience. Doing this is time efficient, it helps to build leads and sees you communicating easily with your tribe.  Given the rising popularity of this trend, companies are now starting to develop platforms that make the Twitter chat experience all that more engaging.   Here are a few options that I’ve experimented.  (Branded Twitter Chats)  Real Time Twitter Chats (Tweet Chats)  (Super Fast Real Time Chatting)   There you have it: Twitter chats are super valuable. All you need to make sure you do is to notify your tribe of your plans.  You’ll notice that Twitter is very much a blink and you’ll miss it platform. Use this Twitter tactic and you’ll see its value immediately.  Next time, we talk...


HIT THE GROUND RUNNING WITH TWITTER Getting Your Twitter Marketing Right From The Start!!  So, we’re up to part three of Crack the Twitter Code and we’ve covered the bare basics, so now let’s delve more into getting your marketing mix right. Be The Resource - Not The Salesperson   This is Twitter 101 but you’d be surprised as to how many people immediately try to sell you something after connecting with them. Don’t become another number! You wouldn’t walk up to someone on the street and ask them to buy a product or service of yours straight up. So why do people do it on social media? Whenever I’m mentoring someone, I ask them to think of their page as a content rich source for others to land on. Whatever industry you’re involved in, fill up your Twitter feed with content that’s engaging, share worthy and informative. Not sales pitch after sales pitch!!   Get Your Bio Right & Add An Image   How many times have you been interested in a Tweet, only to go fishing for more information and land on a profile that’s completely empty? People are busy. If you don’t have the information they’re seeking at the touch of their fingertips, they’re not going to Google you. They’ll lose interest very quickly. Any good bio clearly establishes what you do and includes a link to your website or a page people can learn about you, and a good profile image. Not comfortable with having a photo of yourself online? That’s all well and good but remember, Twitter isn’t Facebook. If you’re a life coach with...


BUILD YOUR STRONG ONLINE FOUNDATIONS FIRST Before You Start Your Twitter Marketing!! (1) Your Website (This is “Home Base”)    (2) Your Blog   (A Place To Tell Your Story)    (3) Your Free “Teaser” (Builds Trust & Momentum)        There’s really is no point being on Twitter if you don’t have a good foundation, let me explain why… Your website is what I call your home base – You own it. It may take years to build and refine but like a house, once it’s built, you can live there forever. If you’ve got all of your content on a particular or on various social media platforms, consider this:   What happens if the site shuts down for some reason?   More realistically, what happens if the admins or owners of that particular site decide your content isn’t fit for public consumption? Remember, they don’t really need a reason to make this move. Make the time and spend the money to get yourself a website that Google recognizes and you own. There’s another key element here too - what I call Google juice. There’s no point in having a website if Google can’t see it. After all, most people just Google their way through life. it’s the top search engine and not having a presence on it is likely to hurt your business dearly. So, once you’ve got your website, what next? Get yourself a blog (running with the house analogy, this is your ‘spare room’). A blog is where you can communicate with your audience and share stories via short stories, articles, podcasts, videos… whatever you...


GETTING STARTED ON TWITTER A while back now, I developed a series of podcasts with Annemarie Cross all based around “CRACKING” the Twitter code. Part 1 is all about this idea:   Do you need to promote yourself and your products? Well Twitter may just be your missing link in your current marketing mix. First up, there are so many social media and blogging platforms out there. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+… who can keep count? Whether you choose to use Twitter or not is completely up to you but please don’t just discount this fantastic platform because ‘you don’t get it.’ What I’ve learnt through the people I’ve mentored though, is that once they start to understand the ins and outs and how Twitter can really benefit them, they see it as a real asset to their business. Ever had a light bulb moment where things just make sense? I’ve witnessed thousands of them when it comes to my clients and Twitter. So, you might be asking: why should I bother with Twitter? “Twitter Is The Buzz Builder” It’s not Facebook, Google+ or any other platform: people check Twitter for news. In many instances, you’ll see news breaking on Twitter before the news… we’re talking from anywhere between a 10 second to 30 time frame. Of course, this means you need to tailor your messages accordingly. I’ve heard many people adopt a ‘one-stop shop’ strategy to all of their social media platforms. In my experience, this doesn’t work. Twitter is not Facebook… people aren’t interested in seeing you eat an ice cream on the beach or your endless...

THE GLOBAL SPOTLIGHT PODCAST (( MP3s )) Fantastic Guests – Amazing Information

Dedicated to the AMAZING guests featured on The Global Spotlight Podcast “THE GLOBAL SPOTLIGHT PODCAST” Fantastic Guests – Amazing Information @SpotlightMP3s #CoachesConnection — The Global Spotlight (@SpotlightMP3s) February 16, 2015 “COACHES CONNECTION ACADEMY”  The Missing Link For Coaches ( Free WorkBook ) Crack The Twitter Code - Free Podcast Series “CRACK THE TWITTER CODE” Free Podcast Series With Annemarie Cross @AnnemarieCoach #CrackTheTwitterCode — The Global Spotlight (@SpotlightMP3s) March 10, 2015...
What Does Success Mean To You? ( Here are a few ideas )

What Does Success Mean To You? ( Here are a few ideas )

In this episode Keith Keller shares with Laura Waage his definition of success. Success Is…….. (?) What Does Success Mean To You? (( Here are a few ideas )) @Laura_Waage @OMSeries #WorkLifeBalance #Success — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) October 27, 2014 Laura: All right Keith. I want you to finish this sentence for me. Are you ready? Keith: Yeah. Laura: Success is …  Keith:  “Living the lifestyle you love”   Laura: Very nice. I like that answer. Expand on that a little bit. Keith: Well, Heather Porter, our mutual friend from the group, she said – she posted a quote. I’ve been saying this every day for about a week and a half. Entrepreneurs are prepared to work 80 hours a week to stop working 40 hours a week. The reason we’re working 80 hours is because we’re at the starting phase and we don’t want to work 9:00 to 5:00. So living the lifestyle you love is not working in the city, not suiting up, if that’s what you don’t want to do. I tell you, I don’t want to do it. I live an hour from the city. I never go to the city. I live 10 minutes from the beach. I walk there every day and I have a latte and I watch people surfing and walking their dog and I’m hanging out with my laptop and checking my app on my mobile phone while I’m having my latte, my toasted cheese sandwich and I’m thinking, “This is it! This is what I do.” This is why I do what I do, so that I can...