5 Cool Apps To Help Organise Your “Social” Life

5 Cool Apps To Help Organise Your “Social” Life

5 Cool Apps To Help Organise Your “Social” Life A guest post from the team at Modernize  Using social media is a crucial aspect of growing your platform as a business owner or entrepreneur within a creative field. If you aren’t using social media to your advantage, you are missing out on a key way to market yourself to a virtually unlimited audience. But when you are a busy entrepreneur, keeping up with social media is no easy task. It takes a lot of organization to develop an engaged and growing social media following. A cluttered digital life can really get in the way of success. With the right apps, you can organize your life online and free yourself up to pursue further growth of your career. Here are a some favourites and a few you may not have heard of: HootSuite www.Hootsuite.com This social media management system can be downloaded to any Android or Apple device, allowing you to pre-schedule tweets, status updates, and more from one combined platform. HootSuite is your one-stop social media management application, allowing you to integrated Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and more.  Evernote www.Evernote.com This digital workspace serves as a highly organized electronic brain dump. The Evernote app can be downloaded on both Android and Apple devices and allows you to put a pin in virtually any idea or media. Have a great idea for tweet, but need time to flesh it out a little further? Create an Evernote doc solely devoted to jotting down great ideas for social media updates. Find a photo which will perfectly capture an idea you want to communicate online?...
How To Repurpose Your Content (The 3 Rs) Guest Blog Featuring Karen Repoli

How To Repurpose Your Content (The 3 Rs) Guest Blog Featuring Karen Repoli

How To Repurpose Your Content (The 3 Rs) Rewriting - Recombining - Reformatting Rewriting Rewriting means taking a piece of content you created and simply rewording it so that it’s original. This was a common method used in the days when massive article publishing led to good traffic from search engines, but simply rewriting content line-for-line is not so effective these days and doesn’t add new value. The search engines have become more sophisticated and they can tell when a new article is just a rewritten old one. So how do you repurpose your article? Add new information and do some editing as you rewrite.  Now you produced something that’s truly original. You can update your old articles by adding new, more recent information. Also, instead of rewriting a piece line-by-line, you can reorganize it to make it more original. Recombining Recombining means taking two or more different pieces of content and putting them together into one. You can do this and still produce a piece of content that’s focused and simple. For example, if you have three articles on work/life balance, you can create one article that’s something like, “3 Ways to Achieve Work/Life Balance Now.” Along with recombining, you can also take an article apart and create multiple articles from its sections. If you have an article that teaches 10 tips for doing something, you can turn each of those tips into standalone articles. It’s all a matter of adding or removing details. Reformatting Finally, there’s reformatting. Reformatting means to take a piece of content that’s in one format and turn it into a piece of content...
“KEYWORDS FOR MAXIMISING YOUR SEO”  ((Podcast)) Why Are They Soooo Important? Malka Maxwell

“KEYWORDS FOR MAXIMISING YOUR SEO” ((Podcast)) Why Are They Soooo Important? Malka Maxwell

KEYWORDS FOR MAXIMISING YOUR SEO  Keywords are the EXACT words being used by the searcher to find you and your services. By using these you can almost GUARANTEE yourself increased traffic. Let’s use the analogy of a “ROADTRIP” I remember the first time I decided to go on a road trip. In those days you went to your local AAA office, picked up some maps and even got a consultation with one of the trip specialists. As you planned out your trip you had 2 options: the fastest route or the scenic route. Since I was heading home for Passover, I wanted the fastest route to my home state of Ohio. The advice I was given at the time was to follow I-95 or I-80 (it’s been years since I’ve made this trip!) The letter “I” indicates what is called “Interstate” and presumably one very very long path can take me from one end of the US to the other. Since I had not driven on an Interstates, I was told to follow the signs that indicated when I needed to cross over to another highway. Looking at my map, I decided that I would use the names of the exits (the places you turn off the interstate and connect to another interstate or usually a highway) So as drove on the highway I saw my last exit before entering into an new state was called Youngstown. So basically all I needed to was drive all the way to Youngstown. As I began driving, I noticed signs that said 30 miles to Youngstown. As I drove about 5 miles...


SEO BASICS EXPLAINED (The Podcast) SEO is the process of making your product or service come to the attention of your potential customers. Social Media is one of the various steps used in SEO to achieve this. Each action step gets you closer to a complete process. The best analogy for this is each step or rung of SEO takes us higher, to get to the top of the ladder or reach our goal. Social media is one of the rungs on the proverbial ladder. Social Media is an amazingly fun tool and when used correctly can be an effective tool as well. What do I mean? Every time you create a blog post, or update a page on your website you should be sharing your information or content with others. The sharing process is through social media. How Is My Content Shared On Social Media There are a variety of ways to share your blog post and pages on social media.You have bookmarking sites, as well as more traditional social media such as Facebook or Twitter. You can also “ping” your blog posts as well. WordPress built websites have this particular feature built right in. The easiest way of course is by clicking on your “share buttons” and sharing. The more places around the web that acknowledge your content lets the search engines know that there is some pretty dang good content on that page. The search engines will look over your website (including the human reviewers as well) and confirm that you have great content by putting you right in the face of the people searching for...


TWITTER FOR BUSY BUSINESS OWNERS “TOP 5 TIPS” For Marketing Your Business With Twitter    I know you are busy so here are my “TOP 5 TWITTER TIPS” for getting your business up and running on Twitter. If you like to know more I have a completely free eBook about this and loads a resources. But for now, try these quick and easy tips and let me know what you think..   1.   Be a resource not a salesperson   Twitter is about sharing information and resources NOT selling ‘stuff’. This may sound counter-intuitive but it is the essence of Social Media marketing.   2.   Write a strong bio   One that will inspire potential clients and joint venture partners to follow you.   3.   Add a photo or company graphic    There is significant evidence to prove that people who do this get more followers and retweets   4.   Remember the 80/20 Rule – It’s not all about you   4 out of 5 tweets should be of value to your followers and not sales related. 1 out of 10 however is a far better ratio if you can manage it.   5.   SHARE – SHARE –SHARE (This is Twitter 101)   Share great articles and interact with your followers … this is the essence of how Twitter works   SOME ADDITIONAL RESOURCES  www.KeithKeller.com.au (Free eBook)  www.CrackTheTwitterCode.com  (Twitter Strategy Sessions)...
The Elevation Principle – Michael Stelzner Interview: Propel your business & yourself beyond the competition

The Elevation Principle – Michael Stelzner Interview: Propel your business & yourself beyond the competition

In 2011 I had the pleasure of interviewing Michael Stelzner, founder of Social Media Examiner, about his new book “LAUNCH”.  In this interview Michael reveals the formula that made him a millionaire in the Great Recession. The information shared here is as relevant (and timeless) now as it was then.  Please share it “FAR & WIDE”  The Elevation Principle: GC + OP - MM = G Great Content plus Other People minus Marketing Messages equals Growth (Image courtesy of Irma Zimmerman in Melbourne @TellJuicy) www.Twitter.com/TellJuicy Click on the link below to find out more about this extraordinary book www.ElevationPrinciple.com Michael’s book will show you how to: Create highly sharable content that meets people’s needs Identify and work with outside experts, many of whom will gladly promote your content Attract and retain raving fans that will help your business grow Creatively market and sell to people who will gladly purchase your products and services www.SocialMediaExaminer.com Propel Yourself Beyond The Competition http://t.co/XVxXia8Rzb #SocialMedia 4 #Business @Mike_Stelzner (MP3) — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 17,...
“HOW TO” Use Twitter 4 Marketing & Branding

“HOW TO” Use Twitter 4 Marketing & Branding

This is Part 10 of my blog series featuring Hubspot’s AWESOME eBook “Using Twitter for Business: An Introductory Guide”    http://bit.ly/HubSpotTwitter4Business   “HOW TO” Use Twitter 4 Marketing & Branding http://t.co/TGoshHLOmo #TwitterTips4Business #Twitter #Tips #Marketing #Branding — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) August 19, 2013    Here are just a few examples of how you can use Twitter for marketing.   1. Use Twitter to drive people to your company’s website. Tweet about interesting resources you‘ve posted on your blog or website. Have you recently published an ebook or recorded a webinar that people can download for free? Tweet about it, linking back to the landing page to download it from your website. If the content on your site is truly remarkable, people may start tweeting about it on their own and sharing your resources to their followers on Twitter. 2. Monitor your brand on Twitter. Using the aforementioned Twitter Search tool (http://search.twitter.com), you can search and track what people are tweeting about your company, products, competitors, or any other news or trends in your industry. Set up an RSS feed to receive all search results in Google Reader. If you find someone tweeting about your products or a person who is looking for a solution that your product provides, let them know! 3. Use the Twitter “Favorites” feature as a list of company testimonials. When you hover your mouse over an individual tweet in your Twitter stream, a few options appear, including the option to “Favvorite” the tweet. When you click the little star that appears, it turns yellow, and that tweet gets added to your “Favorites”  tab. As you track what people are saying about your company in...
“HOW TO” Engage With Your Network On Twitter

“HOW TO” Engage With Your Network On Twitter

This is Part 9 of my blog series featuring Hubspot’s AWESOME eBook “Using Twitter for Business: An Introductory Guide”    http://bit.ly/HubSpotTwitter4Business   #Twitter #Tips #SocialMedia #Success bit.ly/EngageOnTwitter “HOW TO” Engage With Your Network On Twitter — Keith Keller(@KeithKeller) May 30, 2012 In order to send a message to another person on Twitter, you need to use an @ before the person‘s username anywhere within the tweet. Think of it as the address for the tweet. Remember that this type of message is still public or viewable by anyone in the world, even if they don‘t have a Twitter account. Note: To make your tweets as visible as possible, avoid putting @USERNAME in the very beginning of your tweets. Adding the @USERNAME to the very beginning will make your tweet viewable only in the Twitter streams of people who follow you and the user to whom you‘re tweeting (see below examples). Here is an example of how you would send a tweet to HubSpot: Example: What‘s up @HubSpot? (Viewable to everyone) Not Recommended: @HubSpot What‘s up? (Only viewable in Twitter streams of users who follow you and also follow @HubSpot) By putting @USERNAME within your tweet, Twitter knows who to send it to. This type of tweet is also called a reply or @reply (pronounced ?at reply?). All of the @replies you receive will go into your @Mentions tab. Also note, anytime you put an @ in front of someone‘s username, it automatically becomes a link to that person‘s profile. This feature makes it easy for you to easily visit those users‘ profiles and engage with them as well. Direct Messages:...