GETTING STARTED WITH LIVE VIDEO Guest Blog Post By Lesley Fischer     If you’re on social media, chances are pretty great that you’ve seen a friend or celebrity sharing a video of themselves live. Live video on social media is changing the way we interact with our audience, each other, and the world. Facebook is just one recent medium that has fully embraced live video along with YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter (through Periscope). Live video gives you the ability to interact face to face with your customers in real time. Just as you would in a store. As we’ve seen in recent catastrophic events, all four of these platforms have utilized social media and live video to communicate, to connect, and to aid in rescues. Adding live video to your social media reportage can only enhance your social presence. It’s wildly interactive, even if it’s an older video that was once live, and is now just on your news feed. The biggest benefit of live video however is “immediacy” The truly interactive experience that you get when participating in a live video is only available during the live video. Participation is the key element when producing a live video, no matter what platform you’re using. While you’re hosting a live stream your audience  has the ability to make comments, ask questions, and chime in about what you’re speaking about. ….. and this in turn influences the content and the video as it iss being created. You just can’t get more interactive than that!! No other social media format delivers these benefits, which is why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and...


WHY LIVE STREAMING? WHAT’S THE ROI? A Guest Blog Post By Ashley Hinds     In the Internet marketing world, we have heard the phrase over and over again:   “Content Is King”   When I hear this, many more questions run through my mind.   What kind of content are we referring to? What should that content say?    There’s really no better way to deliver an audience content than what’s happening right there in the moment. Are you attending a conference and want to share a fun snippet of it? Maybe you’re at the beach and the waves are particularly awesome that day. Perhaps your dog is going nuts for some new treat that you found in the store. What do any of these things have to do with business? Plenty!! They all show you and your business in action in the real world doing day-to-day things. Information spreads so incredibly fast these days. Whether it’s a personal announcement, world news, or a new fad, people will find out about whatever is happening and start talking about it. Social media also translates into the real world. It’s rare to be in conversation with friends, family, and colleagues and not mention something that was seen on social media. Whether you’re a business posting live video or your customers are posting live video about your business, it can only be good for you.    Facebook Live Versus Periscope     When someone uses “FACEBOOK LIVE” all followers and friends of that account are notified that you are live and this is one of the key advantages. If people log...


MAGIC MELBOURNIANS Interview With Craig Annand   Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Craig Annand from Social Club Media The first of my “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” to appear on my live streaming video show using Periscope. It’s a brand new idea that I am trying - Loooove to hear what you think.   “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” Featuring Craig Annand..#GoLiveTwitter#MagicMelbourne#MagicMelbournians — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) February 15, 2017   Watch The Videos On Periscope   Craig and his staff even made a behind the scenes video while I was filming him on my phone, proving there really is no limit to what you can do to create content.   The Daily Grind (Behind The Scenes Video)   MAGIC MELBOURNIANS (Transcript)   Keith Keller: Hey guys its Keith Keller and today is the first episode of my new Periscope series “Magic Melbournians” First things first, let me introduce a very good friend of mine Craig Annand from a wonderful agency called Social Club Media We’ve been chatting all about the newest and coolest variations in the world of Social.  So, first of all, Craig can you introduce yourself, tell people a little bit about what you and your company does as it relates to social? Craig Annand: Thank You Keith!! First of all, thanks for having me..  We are basically in Melbourne, we are a Social Media agency we’ve now been going for; around March it’ll be 5 years for us, and we’re big on creating the content creation for brands and then we base all the analysis on insights and then continually build and build, and build on that content. Keith: So...


 Reach Your IDEAL Audience With Live Video  Live Streaming Decoded By Katrina Manning      There was a time when live-streaming video wasn’t truly feasible since it did not have mainstream technological support. That is not the case today. Consumer devices and connectivity have continued to improve. As a result, live-streaming is more popular than ever. The quantum leap really took place in 2015 and continues at a frantic pace. As 2016 draws to a close there are 4 major players in the live streaming space   (1) Periscope (Soon to be replaced by Twitter Live) (2) Facebook Live  (The clear favourite but for how long?) (3) Instagram Live (The new kid on the block) (4) YouTube Live (Sometimes referred to as YouTube Connect)    There are of course many others specialising in niche markets but these 4 represent the mainstream, especially as live streaming relates to marketing for the business community. Here are some Twitter Polls about the 4 main choices and how people see them evolving over time. “LIVE STREAMING 101” Which Site Do You Think Will Win This? ((Please Vote & Retweet))#Periscope #Facebook#Instagram #YouTube#TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 12, 2016 “LIVE STREAMING PART 2” Can You See Yourself Trying Instagram Live? #InstagramLive #Videos #TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 13, 2016 “LIVE STREAMING PART 3” Will You Be Trying The New Live Streaming Features Within Twitter?#Twitter #VideoMarketing #TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 15, 2016   The new Twitter Live allows you to embed streams into your blog posts. This is a great way to extend the reach of your videos and get extra views...


FROM YOU TUBE TO PERISCOPE & BACK Transitioning From YouTube To Periscope & Live Streaming Guest Blog Post By Ms. Candy Blog     Since May 31, 2015, I have been a live streamer, prior to which I was a YouTube creator for a year and a half. My YouTube channel had moved from high production videos shot with a camera (not to mention scheduling, shopping, scripting, shooting, and editing), to quick vlogs done directly through an iPhone.   It directly affected my YouTube performances, moving from didactic monologues to conversational updates.  Live streaming is everything I was searching for and came at the perfect time in my journey as a content creator. My first Periscope stream was similar to everyone’s–hit “Start Broadcast” and see what the thing does.  When I finally got my bearings, I decided to bring what I had been doing on YouTube to Periscope. In 2015, my theme song from YouTube found its place at the beginning of my “scopes” with my headshot.  In 2016, the theme song is played throughout the broadcast without a consistent open shot as the platform’s format has changed. As people started to enter the “room”, I welcome them in, greeting them by name.   The “Romper Room Effect” (based on the children’s television show where the participants wore name tags and were welcomed by name) is very powerful as the most beautiful word in any language is a person’s name.   It also serves to create a relationship between viewer/participant and broadcaster somewhat similar to the relationship between teacher and student; remember when a teacher knew your name and...


THE 7 DAY PERISCOPE CHALLENGE A Guest Blog By Paul Thomson     A little over a week ago, I decided to start a Periscope challenge in that I would scope every day for 7 consecutive days. With absolutely no experience using Periscope before, I really wanted to try it out! I’d never dabbled in live streaming before last week, and it’s not something I’d ever giving much thought. There was a moment recently that really tweaked my interest, and started the ball rolling. I happened to stumble across a Facebook Live stream from the man himself, Mark Zuckerberg. Watching Mark hanging out on Facebook Live, I was completely fascinated, and that’s exactly what got the ball rolling for me… Now, my Facebook profile is traditionally family & friends, they know me & see me all the time, so I didn’t feel like it would be useful for me to experiment with live streaming on that platform. On the other hand, Twitter is my key to the world. I am very lucky to have so many amazing connections on Twitter, reaching every corner of the globe! I’m truly grateful to have a really great bunch of engaged followers. For this reason, I decided to choose Periscope as my weapon of choice in my crazy social media experiment. You can find my Periscope profile at: So, here’s the top 3 weird things I learned throughout the experiment week:   (1) It’s OK To Feel Uncomfortable At First   I felt so uncomfortable and a little embarrassed at first. I wasn’t quite sure how I was going to make each...


IS PERISCOPE GOOD FOR BUSINESS? 5 Top Tips To Get The Best From Periscope     Guest Blog Post By Amazon Best Selling Author Victoria Rose   As a Leadership Trainer with over three decades of experience in talking to people for days on end, surely live broadcasting should be relatively easy? Having faced both large and small audiences, some hostile, some friendly, one would think I was well prepared for Periscope. Not so. Even the learning curve of producing my own videos for the last three years does not compare to a Periscope live broadcast (called a Scope). Whilst I finally got the cringe factor down from a 10 to a four when editing my videos, live broadcasting takes the cringe-factor to a whole new level of cringe.   It’s all because of that four letter word … “LIVE”    Why? No chance to edit out the bad bits like you can with a video. No slide-show to keep you on track and no ability to control the questions like you can with a face-to-face workshop. Those constant, often irrelevant, questions and comments moving up the screen as you enthusiastically speak your words of wisdom can really throw you off track. For instance, when explaining a key concept to surviving the minefield of life then to be asked if I did my own makeup makes one doubt the worth of those words. Trolls populate every platform and that’s certainly true for Periscope. One such troll asked if I sucked d#@k. Thankfully, I knew how to block offenders. That’s why the comments are seen by the broadcaster before becoming...


TWEET WITH THE END IN MIND An Interview With Wendy Fore    In this Blab we talk about how to TWEET WITH THE END IN MIND and why it is so important to include the following 3 elements in your Twitter marketing strategy. Once you have these in place you are in a solid position to move forward with your Social Media marketing, on Twitter or any of the other platforms you choose to use moving forward.  How are you doing with these 3 elements?   (1) Your Website (This is Your “Home Base”)   (2) Your Blog (A Place To Tell Your Story)   (3) Your Free “Teaser” (Builds Trust & Momentum)     TWEET WITH THE END IN MIND (The Video Replay)     TWEET WITH THE END IN MIND (The Podcast)  TWEET WITH THE END IN MIND (Download The Free Transcript)    Wendy: Hi everybody my name is Wendy Fore from Cash Life Mastery and today you’re joining Cash Life Mastery Social Juice ‘Tweet with the end in mind’ yes that’s right guys today we are talking about Twitter and how we can use Twitter to take our business into sky rocketing profits, and like I said my name is Wendy Fore from Cash Life Mastery, where we’re helping entrepreneurs onto a path to success and if you would like to contact me we are Cash life mastery on Facebook, we would love to hear from you, with any of your questions, concerns and help you get your business into profit. Today guys joining me is my co host Keith Keller, the king of Twitter, and...


MAKING SOCIAL MEDIA PRODUCTIVE Guest Blog Post By Kara Vaina     We’ve all done it….. browsing Facebook for hours on end, get stuck on twitter scrolling the feed as it continually updates, commenting on posts that aren’t productive, sharing information that isn’t necessarily helpful. So how do you really maximize social media to market your brand successfully, be productive and add value to others?    Sharing - Retweeting - Commenting - Reposting   The best form of branding and marketing on social media is from “sharing, retweeting, commenting, reposting” so the ultimate goal is to produce content that attracts attention for comment. Not everyone is going to agree, like or dislike your content but remember that’s exactly how you engage your listeners, followers and/or subscribers.   Adding value to others is the best way to gain traction on your posts, get people thinking, questioning, engaging and sharing so think of content that is of interest, or you may have experience in that you can share. We all have experience, knowledge and expertise in something so use them to your benefit by sharing your knowledge to give you credibility.    The most effective times to post (….. and the winners are!!)    The most effective times to post are 830am, 1130am and approximately 5pm. Reason being that professionals are starting work, about to take a lunch break and just finishing work, mums have done school drops etc so these are the times to maximize your exposure. Aim to post around these times but in between don’t spend your day scrolling for notifications, browsing your twitter feed etc as this...