HOW TO GET CLIENTS TO COME TO YOU  The Twitter Honeypot Strategy By Indra Chandon      Lots of marketers will tell you to go where you find your audience in large numbers and market to them there. Sometimes this could mean that you can’t afford to advertise so there are other ways to get in front of that audience. Here is a great example: We have a client that has a Property Investment business. They help people invest in properties Doing everything from making sure they can afford to get started, through to buying a great property and renting it out. For this client the best place for them to find lots of people interested in investing in property is where investment properties sell. The challenge was that advertising on the relevant websites would cost the client thousands of dollars per state. Our client has offices in 4 states, so this sort of advertising is outside his budget right now, while he’s growing his business. So instead of him going where the audience is, we’ve begun building an audience for him on Twitter.   Attracting the audience to him “like bees to a honeypot”   The value of drawing the audience to you:    (1) You will always own the audience once you’ve built it up   With advertising, your audience vanishes as soon as you stop paying for your ads to run.   (2) Your offers and CTAs are not competing against your competitors   With advertising your ad could appear right next to a rivals ad and you might not have the choice, or even find out,...


HOW TO GROW YOUR TWITTER FOLLOWING A Simple 4 Step Guide By Kristen Kivo (#TheKivoEffect)   @KristenKivo    It took me a while to be conceived to open a twitter account but because I wanted to share and spread the love through my music, twitter was a fantastic opportunity to do so. I was familiar with Facebook so I understood how to connect with people and there are some similarities between both social media avenues. At this point I have only been on twitter for one month and a half and have over 7,000 followers and am on track to reach 10,000 before the two-month mark ends. I want to share what I have learned that has helped me grow rapidly.   (1) TIMING   Timing of tweets will have something to do with the reach of your audience. We can’t all be on twitter 24/7 so there are times of the days when there are more people on than others depending on where most of your followers are from. Mornings are a fantastic time to make a few posts. The truth is most of us check our phones in the morning before even getting out of bed. This makes a wonderful opportunity to engage first thing in the morning with all the other “in bed users”. Other times that work include lunch breaks, after school and work times, evenings and make sure you make a post just before you go to bed because depending on where your followers are, bed time for you in morning somewhere else. I often gain 50-100 followers while I sleep. It’s not enough...


PROMOTE YOUR TWEETS FOR JUST $99 A Guest Blog Post By Pankaj Narang   Recently Twitter rolled out a new subscription based model for promoting your tweets and your profile. You may have heard about this or received some marketing materials about the variations available. So accordingly, here is a basic run down of the main features on offer.   What Is The Twitter $99 Promotional Plan?   The new Twitter subscription based plan is perfectly suited to individuals and small businesses. The plan has been developed to promote tweets and increasing the following of a Twitter account without creating ads or managing dedicated campaigns. Twitter already provides a hassle free way to run ads and promotional campaigns. While marketers can still use those tools, the new promotional plan will do it all in an totally automated way, saving you heaps of time. This will come as a big relief for those who find it hard to manage their promotional campaigns. At the moment the program costs $99 per month with a free one month trial to try out the features.   How Does It Work?   After getting your one month subscription, you can use Twitter the way you normally do. Twitter will automatically select your tweets and promote them to their audience for you. The promotion will done on the basis of either your interest OR your chosen location  (not both at this stage)     Twitter only supports the main metro areas in US at this stage.     This feature can be very handy for targeting local customers or run a location specific promotion. Afterward, users will...


HOW TO FIND TWITTER INFLUENCERS A Guest Blog Post By Jenna Brandon     When it comes to making buying decisions, it’s rarely ads that influence our choices. All those “buy me” messages that saturate modern web space stopped impressing us years ago. Nowadays it’s honest reviews and recommendations from independent sources that rule the day. Those “independent sources” are often industry leaders whose opinions on things are widely respected and listened to. One single tweet from such person about your company can do more for your business than the most expensive advertising campaign, especially if you’re only starting to build up your audience. But how do you get this person to pay attention to your humble self? Hopefully, this article will clear things up. Keep reading if you want to become a Twitter outreach rockstar.   (1) How To Find The Right People To Reach Out To!!   Getting started with influencer marketing is hard if you have no idea who the influencers in your industry are. Maybe you’ve heard of one or two, but in order to build an extensive list, you need to do some deeper research. Look for influencers among your own Twitter followers What if your A-lister is already your Twitter fan? Then he/she is definitely interested in your business and getting this person to collaborate is a piece of cake! Just go through the list of your own followers and identify those with an audience of 50K+ people. Then check out their profile and select those who share similar passions with you. For example, if you own a bookshop, look for book bloggers,...


 LIVING LIFE IN THE MOMENTS  A Guest Blog Post By Pankaj Narang   Finally, Twitter has announced a way to share quick and interactive content on its platform with its latest update. With the rapid growth of Snapchat and Instagram, Twitter is gradually losing its title of being the “fastest social media platform”. According to the latest survey conducted by Piper Jaffray, Snapchat has become the most essential app used by teens (28%), closely followed by Instagram (27%).  Twitter was at the third place with 18% of the total market share. Needless to say, with the growing popularity of Snapchat and Instagram stories, Twitter was expected to come with something new and exciting for its users. Now, you can do so much more with this remarkable medium rather than just getting to know about the trending topics nearby. With the introduction of Twitter Moments, one can narrate a story of their own using different types of content (similar to a slideshow-representation).   For everyone who wants to make a Moment – starting today you can! Creators everywhere can now tell stories with Tweets. — Twitter (@Twitter) September 28, 2016 For everyone who wants to make a Moment – starting today you can! Creators everywhere can now tell stories with Tweets. — Twitter (@Twitter) September 28, 2016   Twitter made it official with this tweet, narrating the use of Moments and how one can easily give their profile a breath of fresh air with this revolutionary feature. Moments was actually released back in August 2016 for a selective media and entertainment channels but it was officially launched for...


THE TOP TIPS THAT WILL SAVE YOU TIME A Podcast About How To Use Twitter Tools To Manage Your Marketing.   In this podcast Keith Keller & Tracey Gayner unlock the secrets of some of the most popular tools for managing your Twitter marketing.   THE TOP TIPS THAT WILL SAVE YOU TIME (Full Transcript Below)    Keith Keller: Hey guys, it’s Keith Keller in Melbourne, Australia. This is part five of “Twitter Tips 4 Tourism”. A podcast designed to help you promote your tourism brand. We’re having so much fun with this and we are noticing that a lot of people outside of the tourism arena are benefiting as well. So, we’re going to broaden this out over time. This is part five, and we’re going to start bringing in some non tourism examples because we’ve had people who have listened to our show that are not in the tourism space, that have benefited as well. So, we’re going to talk today about twitter tools. Specifically the desktop experience, a PC and a Mac, for those who sit at an office desk and do the tweeting and the social media management. Next week we’re going to talk about apps, which is a totally different experience than your iPhone or your Android or tablet. That’s a totally different experience and a totally different range of tools. I’m going to introduce again, my wonderful co-host Tracey Gayner or Gadget Girl, Ask Gadget Girl. She’s had 500 new followers in the last ten days since our last podcast. She’s now got over 3500 followers, and she’s running...


THE JOURNEY SO FAR  An interview With Jane Jackson   Recently I was featured on Jane Jackson’s “AMAZING PODCAST” and it really gave me a great chance to reflect on the career changes that I have made over the years. I also got a chance to really appreciate those changes that were thrust upon me along the way.      I have also spent some time this week segmenting the interview into smaller themes and getting them transcribed to make it easier to listen to as your time allows. If you prefer you can follow along by reading the questions and answers.       WHERE IT ALL BEGAN (2REM FM)   Podcasting really is my thing and the whole idea came about out of my love of radio. Here’s me doing my very first radio show in March 1982 at 2REM FM in Albury. I still have a recording of that first show (on cassette - lol)     Jane Jackson: Welcome to my careers podcast, where I interview fascinating professionals who have made amazing career changes. Now, I am very fortunate to have, on the show, a twitter guru. This twitter guru is Keith Keller, who is now well known internationally as the Global Twitter Marketing Specialist. He is a popular speaker on the subject too. He’s appeared on numerous radio shows, teleseminars and webinars across the United States and Canada, UK and Europe as well as Australasia. His regular tweets, @KeithKeller, are testament to his passion for sharing the latest information about Twitter, as well as other social media platforms. He certainly has an ever growing list...
SETTING THE SCENE #TwitterTips4Tourism

SETTING THE SCENE #TwitterTips4Tourism

TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM - SETTING THE SCENE A Podcast About How To Use Twitter To Market Your Tourism Brand.   In this episode Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) & Tracey Gayner (@AskGadgetGirl) start by “SETTING THE SCENE” for their upcoming podcast series “TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM”       Keith Keller: Hey guys, it’s Keith Keller here in Melbourne, Australia and we’re starting a brand new podcast today Twitter Tips 4 Tourism - it’s a new 10 part series, there may be more, but at this stage it’s going to be ten part.  We’re talking about the idea of using Twitter to build your tourism brand, whether you live in New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Cuba, the Philippines, wherever you are in the world. Twitter is thumping it at the moment, 310 million people on Twitter using it regularly.  I’m here with my very, very, very good friend Ask Gadget Girl in Auckland, New Zealand.  How you doing Tracey? Tracey Gayner: Kia ora Keith, how are you? Keith: Very good, I’m look I’m really excited about this, I’m really excited about the fact that we’re doing some videos down the track, we’ve got an ebook coming out.  I’m doing gigs in New Zealand next week, we got all these new adventures coming around the world and a lot of people have been asking me this question:   How do I use Twitter to promote my tourism brand?   I’m going to talk a little bit about this today.  Do you want to tell me what you’re doing with your Twitter account and how you’re using it? and then we’ll throw it...


TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM  A Podcast About How To Use Twitter To Market Your Tourism Brand.     I have just started an exciting new project called TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM which starts here as a podcast but will eventually be an eBook & video series. I’d loooove to hear your thoughts on what you would like to hear (and see) in this series It’s a work in progress so keep an eye out for some new episodes soon.   TWITTER TIPS 4 TOURISM (The Story So Far)    ADDITIONAL RESOURCES YOU MAY ENJOY     Twitter Is The Information Network (Video)   “TWITTER MAGIC 123” Growth Hacking Your Twitter Marketing!! (1) Follow First (2) Follow Back (3) Follow Up     OVER 30 MORE FREE PODCASTS HERE!! ...