Inspired by an original article from Marc Jarrett     We’ve all been there. You’re at a networking event and meet someone with whom you have nothing in common.  But it’s already too late.  They have started giving you their “spiel”, wasting both your time and theirs. I make a living out of introducing Business to others and as such, I am a voracious networker. It’s the backbone of what I do best – facilitating introductions.    Powerful Women Are My Sweet Spot!!   Earlier this year, I was invited to take part in a new form of networking powered by WhatsApp Groups, otherwise known as ‘pods’. After paying a small amount of money to the guy that invited me, I was given two links to, one for LinkedIn posts which I was to post daily, the other for general chat.  By liking and sharing each other’s content, the power of the crowd saw to it that we all enjoyed significantly more views than we would have done by operating autonomously. All went well for a while. In fact, it was really fun! I was getting to ‘meet’ new and interesting people and absolutely enjoyed engaging with them.  Working from home can be a solitary existence, so an outlet for banter and general chat was a welcome addition to my life. ….. but then the problems started to set in. The gatekeeper tightened his rules, and I was told to post even more.  After having been self-employed for as long as I can remember, I’m not very good at being told what to do.  So I left. Not long...


SOCIAL VIDEO IS HERE TO STAY A Guest Blog Post By Brooklin Nash Social media marketing has shifted again and again over the past few years. It’s important to stay on top of the trends!! One trend that has developed over the past few years is the importance of video content. This is particularly important for brands looking to engage with their audience. Social video has become a great way for companies to expand both their reach and their engagement. Short videos are easily shared and quickly consumed. This means that brands no longer have to ask for a big chunk of time to get their message across. The trend itself has shifted several times in as many years. To help you stay on top of the latest changes, here are three social video trends for 2018 to watch out for. Trend #1: Live Video Content Will Drive More Engagement Live video will only continue to grow in popularity. In fact, one poll found that 82% of consumers prefered live video over any other kind of content. This is beneficial to both customers and companies for one important reason: engagement. Live video offers customers the ability to interact more directly with brands and companies in real time. They can also engage with other customers. At the same time, brands have a unique opportunity. Facebook Live Video and Instagram stories have a smaller reach, but they also have a sense of urgency. It’s the urgency that makes viewers 12 times more likely to share video than any other kind of content. Trend #2: Separating Brand Media from Social Friends &...


                           8 FANTASTIC WAYS TO MAXIMISE VIDEO A Guest Blog Post By Pankaj Nerang   Videos have now become the centre of Twitter, much like other social media platforms. So much so that video content on Twitter has grown over 220 times. With the introduction of GIFs, autoplay, and Periscope, it has now become much easier for users to create engaging videos. … and brands around the world are taking full advantage of that fact. In this article, we will discuss Twitter Video best practices for brands and startups and how you can take advantage of this huge trend.    Why Video Marketing Is So Important Now!!     There are a number of reasons why marketers prefer video marketing, including Higher engagement. 68% of users would share a branded video if it was entertaining Easier to explain your product or services. 98% of users prefer an explainer video over text Video ads do better with an average click through rate of 1.84% which is the highest of any ad format. Why Twitter Video?     While Twitter was initially created as a 140 character limit microblogging platform, a lot has changed over the years. Now users can share pictures, GIFs, and of course videos. Twitter users have come to love videos with over 82% of them actively watching videos on it. In fact, Twitter video posts get higher engagement as well with 2.5 times more replies, 2.8 times more retweets, and 1.9 times more favourites.     How To Share Videos On Twitter (The ABCs)     ...


GETTING STARTED WITH LIVE VIDEO Guest Blog Post By Lesley Fischer     If you’re on social media, chances are pretty great that you’ve seen a friend or celebrity sharing a video of themselves live. Live video on social media is changing the way we interact with our audience, each other, and the world. Facebook is just one recent medium that has fully embraced live video along with YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter (through Periscope). Live video gives you the ability to interact face to face with your customers in real time. Just as you would in a store. As we’ve seen in recent catastrophic events, all four of these platforms have utilized social media and live video to communicate, to connect, and to aid in rescues. Adding live video to your social media reportage can only enhance your social presence. It’s wildly interactive, even if it’s an older video that was once live, and is now just on your news feed. The biggest benefit of live video however is “immediacy” The truly interactive experience that you get when participating in a live video is only available during the live video. Participation is the key element when producing a live video, no matter what platform you’re using. While you’re hosting a live stream your audience  has the ability to make comments, ask questions, and chime in about what you’re speaking about. ….. and this in turn influences the content and the video as it iss being created. You just can’t get more interactive than that!! No other social media format delivers these benefits, which is why Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and...


WHY LIVE STREAMING? WHAT’S THE ROI? A Guest Blog Post By Ashley Hinds     In the Internet marketing world, we have heard the phrase over and over again:   “Content Is King”   When I hear this, many more questions run through my mind.   What kind of content are we referring to? What should that content say?    There’s really no better way to deliver an audience content than what’s happening right there in the moment. Are you attending a conference and want to share a fun snippet of it? Maybe you’re at the beach and the waves are particularly awesome that day. Perhaps your dog is going nuts for some new treat that you found in the store. What do any of these things have to do with business? Plenty!! They all show you and your business in action in the real world doing day-to-day things. Information spreads so incredibly fast these days. Whether it’s a personal announcement, world news, or a new fad, people will find out about whatever is happening and start talking about it. Social media also translates into the real world. It’s rare to be in conversation with friends, family, and colleagues and not mention something that was seen on social media. Whether you’re a business posting live video or your customers are posting live video about your business, it can only be good for you.    Facebook Live Versus Periscope     When someone uses “FACEBOOK LIVE” all followers and friends of that account are notified that you are live and this is one of the key advantages. If people log...


THE POWER OF BEING AUTHENTIC An Interview With Tasha Jennings   In this episode of “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” I interview Tasha Jennings about the power of being authentic and why it is absolutely essential for businesses today. You can watch the Periscope replay here or read Tasha’s excellent blog post below Alternately, you can watch the video on Periscope itself if you prefer   “THE POWER OF AUTHENTICITY” Sensational Interview With Tasha Jennings!! #MagicMelbournians @TashaJenningsND — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) March 15, 2017 THE POWER OF BEING AUTHENTIC A Deeper Dive With Tasha Jennings!!    The online world can be pretty ‘unreal’ sometimes. A sea of photoshopped images & copywritten scripts.  The power of being authentic is that it can help you cut through the clutter and really reach your audience in a way that scripted material can’t.  As a small business, it can be hard to stand out against the ‘big guns’ in your industry.  That is, if you try to play in the same marketing space.  Throwing your small budget into a big pool won’t get you very far and can be extremely expensive. How do you get the cut through without a big budget?  Trust and loyalty is what we are all looking for. Big business naturally have a certain level of trust, just for the sheer fact that they are big.  Fostering this further is something big brands spend huge amounts of time, effort and money on.   Celebrities and sports stars are recruited (and well paid) to help nurture this brand loyalty.  So how do you build that sense of trust and credibility without the big...


GETTING STARTED WITH LIVE STREAMING Part 1 - Periscope Versus Facebook Live     Recently Zdenka Sciacca and I discussed “GETTING STARTED WITH LIVE STREAMING” It can be a lot of fun but also has an enormous benefit for your business or brand. We both agree that Periscope (new owned by Twitter) is the better option here but we talked at length about the two main offerings and how they differ. We will doing more “Live Streams” shortly and more podcasts discussing the pros and cons of the vaious platforms available.   The Highlights So Far!!   BRILLIANT LIVE STREAM HERE!! @ZdenkaSciacca @Boom_Share @HireMeAU #AwesomeAussies #Periscope #LiveStreaming — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) February 28, 2017   Inside The Head Of Gen Zed With Taya Payne!! ((Video))#MagicMelbournians#InfluencerMarketing cc @CraigAnnand — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) February 21, 2017 Zdenka Sciacca: Hello everyone this is Zdenka from Boom Share. Today I have the pleasure to talk to Keith Keller, who to me is the absolute Guru on Twitter, and we would like to talk about live videos on Facebook and Twitter. So Hi Keith, how are you? Keith Keller: Hey How are you doing? Great to talk again, the first recording for the year. Great to talk again, the first recording for the year. Zdenka: Yes 2017 is apparently a big year for live videos.  So we spoke before about a month ago and we started doing some experiments, and we decided because you are a Twitter dude located in Melbourne. I like to experiment on Facebook, we decided you were going to do your experiment on Twitter Live, and I will...


INFLUENCER MARKETING 101 An Interview With Taya Payne Our latest “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” episode focuses on Influencer Marketing for fashion brands and this week we interview Taya Payne. Taya has an AMAZING story about how she has set up a local business and is using Instagram & Facebook to promote it.     Inside The Head Of Gen Zed With Taya Payne!! ((Video))#MagicMelbournians#InfluencerMarketing cc @CraigAnnand — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) February 21, 2017 Watch The Videos On Periscope   Keith Keller: Hey guys! Keith Keller, Melbourne Australia. Today we’re interviewing Taya Payne about Influencive marketing and I have called this particular, I’ve called this particular episode “Inside the head of Gen Zed” because, you know I’m 50, I don’t have any idea what the average 17 year old girl is thinking, but if I was selling clothes to 17 year old girls I’d need to know that. So first things first let me know what’s going on in the head of Gen Zed how do you process the world, tell me, talk about Influence marketing and endorsements, what does that mean to you? Taya Payne: Everything is Social Media at the moment!! Especially Instagram, I feel Instagram is the one place that people my age, people within this market, so the young, between the ages of say16 and say like 30’s everyone are like spending all of our time like online, on social media, following all these influencers, all these big Instagram personalities, whether they are models or just regular people who have built their sort of empire on Social media through sponsorships and all these...


MAGIC MELBOURNIANS Interview With Craig Annand   Recently I had the pleasure of interviewing Craig Annand from Social Club Media The first of my “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” to appear on my live streaming video show using Periscope. It’s a brand new idea that I am trying - Loooove to hear what you think.   “MAGIC MELBOURNIANS” Featuring Craig Annand..#GoLiveTwitter#MagicMelbourne#MagicMelbournians — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) February 15, 2017   Watch The Videos On Periscope   Craig and his staff even made a behind the scenes video while I was filming him on my phone, proving there really is no limit to what you can do to create content.   The Daily Grind (Behind The Scenes Video)   MAGIC MELBOURNIANS (Transcript)   Keith Keller: Hey guys its Keith Keller and today is the first episode of my new Periscope series “Magic Melbournians” First things first, let me introduce a very good friend of mine Craig Annand from a wonderful agency called Social Club Media We’ve been chatting all about the newest and coolest variations in the world of Social.  So, first of all, Craig can you introduce yourself, tell people a little bit about what you and your company does as it relates to social? Craig Annand: Thank You Keith!! First of all, thanks for having me..  We are basically in Melbourne, we are a Social Media agency we’ve now been going for; around March it’ll be 5 years for us, and we’re big on creating the content creation for brands and then we base all the analysis on insights and then continually build and build, and build on that content. Keith: So...


 Reach Your IDEAL Audience With Live Video  Live Streaming Decoded By Katrina Manning      There was a time when live-streaming video wasn’t truly feasible since it did not have mainstream technological support. That is not the case today. Consumer devices and connectivity have continued to improve. As a result, live-streaming is more popular than ever. The quantum leap really took place in 2015 and continues at a frantic pace. As 2016 draws to a close there are 4 major players in the live streaming space   (1) Periscope (Soon to be replaced by Twitter Live) (2) Facebook Live  (The clear favourite but for how long?) (3) Instagram Live (The new kid on the block) (4) YouTube Live (Sometimes referred to as YouTube Connect)    There are of course many others specialising in niche markets but these 4 represent the mainstream, especially as live streaming relates to marketing for the business community. Here are some Twitter Polls about the 4 main choices and how people see them evolving over time. “LIVE STREAMING 101” Which Site Do You Think Will Win This? ((Please Vote & Retweet))#Periscope #Facebook#Instagram #YouTube#TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 12, 2016 “LIVE STREAMING PART 2” Can You See Yourself Trying Instagram Live? #InstagramLive #Videos #TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 13, 2016 “LIVE STREAMING PART 3” Will You Be Trying The New Live Streaming Features Within Twitter?#Twitter #VideoMarketing #TwitterPoll — Keith Keller (@KeithKeller) December 15, 2016   The new Twitter Live allows you to embed streams into your blog posts. This is a great way to extend the reach of your videos and get extra views...